Newbie Help

edited November -1 in OK Go

Hey boardies!

Long time reader, first time poster :)

Obviously I'm new here, and I had some questions. I'm really sorry if this is the absolute wrong place to be posting, but I couldn't find a better option.

First and most importantly, I'd like to figure out the rules here, I mean, I know about the "no personal questions" rule and stuff, but anything else I need to know? Don't want to be stepping on anyone's toes here. 

Umm also, I'm looking for a copy of Appendices but I suppose I'll go request it in the All Known OK Go Songs thread. 

Well, thanks for putting up with me :P



  • There's a thread about board etiquette.

    And anything else you would like to ask/know about you can go into the Don't ask me thread.

    (by the way, loving your signiture :P)

  • Great! I actually found the Don't Ask Me thread almost immediately after I posted this and forgot to edit :]

    Thanks anyway! And the sig happened at their Portland show, during HIGA Damian asked if I wanted to play his guitar because I was right up in front, so i did, and I slashed my finger open while I strummed. After the song he looked down at me and that's what he said. You can actually hear it on the USB, that was a cool surprise when I listened to it.

    Also, I love your sig too <3 SDR FTW

  • Hi and welcome, Aleatory.
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