I've been working on a massive OK Go art project and have been looking for some really good individual shots of the guys for a four-part portrait. There's a ton of pics out there and I know you guys have insane pic-hunting skills so I thought you could help me...
I was hoping for some good well lit shots, preferably individual pics. And if you could find one where Damian is actually smiling, that would make my day. And Dan. I love Dan's smile....
Welcome to the boards Aleatory :P
Do you want individual shots with their instruments or without?
or don't you mind?
I don't really mind, I was thinking a tryptich (sp?) sort of thing, just something that would be nice if drawn in charcoal/pencil and hung on a wall somewhere....does that make any sense at all? I suppose it would be more of a face closeup, so all I'm really looking for is a hi res shot of their faces, preferably with an awesome expression or smile. Like I have a couple of Tim that I'm deciding between with the Boss Hogg look, just because that is the essence of Tim.
Now I'm rambling...stupid artist's brain o.0
Theres this one that you might like
I'm off to bed now, more epic photo searching tomorrow :D
http://www.flickr.com/photos/annadickson/sets/72157594354938874/with/292353318/ is my favourite photo set of Andy and Damian though I'm not sure they're large enough
Funny expression-wise this is one of my faves of Damian http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/040/3/5/Dont_ask_me_by_lassegirl.jpg and http://th00.deviantart.net/images/PRE/i/2003/36/0/d/9_30_Club.jpg is great too
http://fiveprime.org/hivemind/Tags/damian,kulash has a bunch of good ones
http://www.flickr.com/photos/e.....845397798/ few good ones in this set
OK just as i posted this i realised that there something is rather amusing about the links roflmuffins...sorry I'm just gunna go into a corner and giggle it off
You silly, silly, naughty girl.
I feel strangely proud and disgusted that I immediately saw what you were talking about. But thanks, I'll check them all out when I get home :)