Well, General Discussion. OK Go, they remind me of someone.

edited November -1 in General Discussion
OK Go, to me they remind me strongly of The Beatles.
The way their music makes me feel, the way they go about wanting to live life. They want to give so much, it makes my head explode.

OK Go are too cool for their own good.

The new album Of The Blue Colour of The Sky eve reminds me of Rubber Soul.
Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky is kind of like OK Go's Rubber Soul album.
I can't wait to see more.

The music is addicting.


  • they remind me of lots people actually-i'd definitely say Bowie, the pixies, the cure, prince, pink floyd, they're very eclectic
  • Okay, don't kill me, but doesn't Andy's voice kind of sound like Kevin Jonas? And if you also think so, do you find it bothering? Andy is so amazing but the thought of him sounding like a Jonas brother... *shutters*.  Have I gone mad? Either way, Andy still rocks.
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