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Brazil pop-up shows November 19th through November 25th

edited November -1 in OK Go
The boys are performing in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro this weekend and next week. They're actually performing in a truck. Here's a time-lapse vid of the truck being prepared and a full tech rehearsal:


Here's more info on the mini-tour of Brazil: Return We Will To Old Brazil. There's also a thingy where you can add your Twitter or FB avatar to a pixelized OK Go video. (you must be 18+ to enter the site)

I'm really hoping that they have lots and lots of fans that will take tons and tons of videos and pictures. I'm looking at one Boardie in particular as far as pictures go.

So, if any of y'all find anything with them in Brazil this weekend and next week, post them here, mkay?


  • Here's TTSP from Sao Paulo:


    And here are some pics.

    From here.


    From here.


    From here.
    Allergic to whole wheat.
  • Guess where Becky and I have been in the last two minutes! Confused

    I was trying to embed that darn video!
  • Let me go and find the directions to embed, or click this link, or just wait a moment:

  • I think I found the button I was missing… YES!

    and my math has been 13 for four times in a row.
  • Here's IWYSBICB from the earlier one shot set. Listen for "Underwater!"


    And here's a bit of Get Over It.

    Allergic to whole wheat.

  • from:


    Um, don't know if that's THIS Brazil trip or not... interesting photo, though. Smile

  • KRP RelaçõesPúblicas   @krp_rp São Paulo

    KRP RelaçõesPúblicas

  • Thanks for the embedded posting ladies! :D 


    DAYYUUMMMNNN am liking the white on white on white (with juz a touch more white) outfits :) this'll no doubt brighten up the stage during the bleary cold winter mths when everyone's in their blacks and greys... 


    Also - wonder who did this set design? coz the reflective walls + their suits work REALLY well. Kudos to the genius! :) 


    I always thought Damian was exclusively Whiskey, but i guess when golden Tequila beckons, he's unlikely to put up a fight... ;) 

    Amber i SWEAR uve stolen my 13s coz ive NEVER had a single 13 to post my msgs >:[  
  • I'm just in awe at all of these pictures.

    And this picture just isn't fair. Not at all.

    Allergic to whole wheat.
  • beckysioux said:

    I'm just in awe at all of these pictures.

    And this picture just isn't fair. Not at all.

    No, no it's not. It's really not. Really, really...
    (and math was even 23...)
  • Aww :) he looks so adorably serene! What happened to his black tie fm ytd, i wonder? :P x

    :edit: the gods hv heard my rant of ytd - my first ever 13 post!!! :D
  • Have some more vids.

    First two are from Cuervo Cold.


    And here's HIGA from a show on the 18th. Sounds/Looks like it may have been a private show. Also, Damian makes a little flub which I find high-larious. Mayhaps one too many shots?

    Allergic to whole wheat.
  • Wow!  Confetti "snow" FTW!  

    That TTSP vid brought a smile to this face.

    Also, 2:02-:29 of icebox79deluxe's IWYSBICB video: I'm being Captain Obvious, but hot damn.  I likes the sound on dat recording.

    Ha, loving that zamboninc picture.  Wait, just noticed a reason to love it more!  *shits self, then dies*


    beckysioux said:

    And this picture just isn't fair. Not at all.

    Holy Toledo.

    I enjoyed that new "Extended Middle Break It Down" remix of HIGA in all seriousness … and the flub earlier was funny :)

    *Edit: Thanks, everybody, for all your research & postings! 

    **Edit: One to add:

    Backstage OK Go! #OKGo #CuervoCold #ShotCast <a href=
  • Night #1

    Part 1

    White Knuckles



    Get Over It


    Night #2

    Awesome vid alert! Awesome vid alert! Awesome vid alert!

    Here are 15 minutes of awesome, including a Boardie dancing the AMW dance!!!

    Invincible (D, I love you, but you're stilling singing it wrong)
    Allergic to whole wheat.
  • Yaaay!!  Boardie-in-question did a GREAT job!  Too cool.

    [How is it I *still* love HIGA??  When it started, I was nodding along like crazy.]
  • beckysioux said:


    Night #2

    Awesome vid alert! Awesome vid alert! Awesome vid alert!

    Here are 15 minutes of awesome, including a Boardie dancing the AMW dance!!!

    Invincible (D, I love you, but you're stilling singing it wrong)





    WHOOOO THAT WAS AMAZING! I can also tell you were the one on the left because you (of course) knew all the dance moves. Congrats to you for being AWESOME!

  • Letizia, I am so proud of you. <3
  • Here's an article about the social media campaign that this mini-tour is doing. And the best part? This:

    "From 18 November, a string of pop-up gigs will be played by the band
    across Sao Paulo and Rio in the run up a final event to be streamed on
    the website on 24 November.
    From then, people logging onto the website
    or tweeting using the hashtag #shotcast will be taken straight to a live
    (bold emphasis mine)

    So, it looks like we might get to see a live stream of one of the shows from Rio. The only problem I foresee for us in the US of A is that it falls on Thanksgiving. Which means we'll most likely be at a family function and will need to be social with people IRL instead of being social on the intarwebz.

    Still, pretty cool.
    Allergic to whole wheat.
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