As a high school math teacher (and a fan of OK GO for years), I am in the process of creating a lesson plan to utilize a couple of the videos in my Geometry classes (and possibly Algebra) this year. Any facts, math connections or info from fans or the band would be very helpful. My first thoughts are to use "This Too Shall Pass," "All Is Not Lost," and possibly "The Writing's on the Wall." While I would love to just show the videos because they are amazing and most of my students have never seen them (mainly 9th graders), I need to tie them to standards and math concepts we are studying. The best part is that these will show the students "what good is math after high school" - maybe they could work for OK GO on one of their music videos!
Thanks for any suggestions. For those that are interested, I am looking to create background material on the making of the videos, Rube Goldberg machines, and an activity the students can complete after watching the videos to tie it all together.
Mrs. C, Math Teacher, Western Massachusetts