It's okay! I speak broken french myself. Your english is quite good compared to my french, i'm sure. But i'm going to Paris in May, so hopefully I will improve...
Bienvenue! Je m'appelle Julie. J'espère que vous avez le grand temps ici!
and me I WANNA SEE OKGO !!!! maybe i haven't already because i'm french and that the only show that i heard about was before the album has been in charts !! .....i apologyze to everyone for my mediocre english..... but it's not that simple for us.....pour frenchies.....
so i'm not the only french to have heard about Ok Go and their pre-cd show! i was so upset that i missed them... but you re assured me, i'm not the only one... come back now ... sorry about my english too
There's hardly ever any decent gigs that have age limits here, apart Ok go because they just have to be difficult. *sigh* ah the memories from seeing them. I almost died from shock when I found out they were playing so near me. I got ticket number one And then my friend stole the stub from me and put it on her wall She doesn't know I knew she did that. sneaky. I really wish I'd have made an effort to look nice, because in my most precious picture of me and Damian, I look terrible. Curse me and my terrible time keeping. I think Okgo should come back to England in August, which means I can go to lots of their gigs without being too tired for school. You heard that Damian?
Bienvenue! Je m'appelle Julie. J'espère que vous avez le grand temps ici!
You see, my grammer is terrible!
maybe i haven't already because i'm french and that the only show that i heard about was before the album has been in charts !!
.....i apologyze to everyone for my mediocre english.....
but it's not that simple for us.....pour frenchies.....
so i'm not the only french to have heard about Ok Go and their pre-cd show! i was so upset that i missed them... but you re assured me, i'm not the only one...
come back now ...
sorry about my english too
they came here to san diego once but it was 18 and up ONLY
me and a lot of my friends wanted to go but we were too young! (15-16)
*sigh* ah the memories from seeing them. I almost died from shock when I found out they were playing so near me. I got ticket number one
I really wish I'd have made an effort to look nice, because in my most precious picture of me and Damian, I look terrible. Curse me and my terrible time keeping.
I think Okgo should come back to England in August, which means I can go to lots of their gigs without being too tired for school. You heard that Damian?