Scorpios like kinky sex, but they're loyal. They're very intense and deeply emotional. A Scorpio is generally mysterious. Scorpio's are also very jealous. Scorpio and Virgo are a better match.
That's it for my extremely scattered ;p
I wouldn't say kinky just.. very passionate. Well, me at least. But besides that it sooo fits me. I am the most jealous person EVER EVER EVER! haha And I blame it on my sign all the time. "what can I say I'm a scorpio" and when we get mad we get really. really. mad. haha We're the drama queens I suppose... oh well.
hi everyone i guessed this page would get a lot of viewing and thought that id take this opertunity as a massive ok go fan to tell you about a new movement involving msn messenger could anyone who has msn messenger change there screen name to Dolly Dagger and try and get all of your contacts to do the same please please please help it doesnt take much thankyou, Any quires add me
I don't know if anyone wants to read this, but it's on topic and without fault in it's description of me. It's really creepy. Enjoy, I guess.
Sarah’s Natal Chart Preview Date of Birth: February 26, 1988 Time of Birth: 6:30 AM Birth Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California, United States
This analysis will give you general information about your personality. It is meant to help enhance your self-awareness and your ability to address present concerns, make important decisions, and realize life goals.
This study is based on your astral chart. When you were born, each of the planets in the solar system had a precise position in the zodiac. Your astral chart reflects these positions, and the interpretation of your chart yields information about your signs and astrological houses and their influence on you. It is said that in astrology, your unconscious self is not hidden – it is written. We invite you to read what is written about you in the stars.
Character and Personality:
The following paragraphs concern the study of Sarah’s personality, as induced by the positions of the planets and rising sun. Some of the character traits mentioned may seem completely contradictory and incompatible. This is because the rough-hewn personality is a rarity. Usually, individuals are made up of a subtle orchestration of many different tones or aspects. However, serious introspection or detailed analysis should make it possible to distinguish the opposing or diverging images comprising Sarah’s overall character, and perhaps, in time find the best and most harmonious way to integrate them.
There is a fundamental contradiction or opposition at the core of Sarah’s personality, but it does not shatter her integrity. However, it causes her inner world to be complex, divided or even torn, without ever being totally dissociated, because every thought and action is a source of unification. As a result, intellectually Sarah is a talented syncretist: she is able to see the link between heterogeneous and diverse elements which do not appear to be related in the least. She can bring about surprising reconciliation, create unexpected bonds, combine beliefs which seem mutually incompatible. Her imaginative powers also flow from the division in her psyche, and are evidenced by inspirations, visions, and abilities which exceed the context of logic and reasoning. She allows herself to be guided by irrational phenomena like foreshadowing or premonitions, which well up from the depths of her being. She is more of a medium than an intuitive, because intuition requires a clear consciousness of reality. Sarah is borne along by currents and tides of knowledge, and lives in symbiosis with forces which overwhelm her. In fact, it is because of this relative passivity that she is more or less a medium, because she wishes merely to perceive what surrounds her; she has no wish to impose her will. Although this attitude endows her with great potential for productivity, it may also become dangerous if Sarah finds herself overpowered by forces she can never totally control. She tends to perceive things as undifferentiated; she does not always see the world as an organized, structured, hierarchical entity. Instead, she is sensitive to energy flows, to invisible forces which she perceives and tries to interpret. Her consciousness knows no bounds, and she does not feel confined by either space or time. But the image of the infinite imprinted on her imagination has a tendency to manifest itself with a lack of definition, in most of Sarah’s thoughts and acts. In relation to other people, Sarah usually demonstrates warmth and humanism. She is a fairly pleasant companion, although her sensitivity can be annoying at times. She tends to identify with her friends to a great degree, instead of remaining apart and empathetic. In fact, she is capable of losing herself in another person, at times. She should take time to reflect upon the quality of what she bestows on others, and on whom she bestows it. She would doubtless come to the conclusion that her devotion is motivated by guilt feelings; her giving is a way of escaping from herself, and her broad tolerance sometimes merely hides a weak character. Her basic aptitude for compassion could inspire her to relieve human misery, either privately or professionally. Hospital or prison work would not frighten her, because she understands them as closed environments which are open in terms of the inner adventures and journeys they house. Inner adventures are one thing she understands. In her ideal, she feels capable of easing worst suffering; but sometimes as she helps others overcome their problems, she is also trying to face up to her collective unconscious: that is, the final product of all her failures to assert herself, from childhood right up to adulthood. Because of her hypersensitivity, Sarah is a fairly delicate person. She tends to go through sorrowful or depressive phases, long psychic tunnels where her anguishes lurk. She would be wise to withstand them instead of trying to escape. If she could detect what triggered her lack of confidence in her unconscious, she might be healed.
Sarah has high social aspirations. She believes that by gaining total control of her intellect, feelings, and instincts, she can achieve them.
Friendships and membership in groups are vital to Sarah’s personal self-fulfillment.
At the time of Sarah’s birth, her Rising and Sun Signs were both passing through the constellation of Pisces (the Fish), which is ruled by the element WATER. This alignment augurs a certain cohesiveness for her character. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide Sarah’s personality profile; the following key words distill the essence of her character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
Because she is by nature passive, emotive and receptive, Sarah often wonders why it is so difficult for her to fit in. She has a distaste for conflict and confrontation, and will often escape into withdrawal instead of bringing her problems out in the open. Once she realizes the fault is not within herself, but with the world, she will overcome her inferiority complex. It is one of the main obstacles to her initiative. At that point, she will feel more confident about her sensitivity, and will be able to channel her creative energies.
Born in seven to ten days after the rising of the New Moon, Sarah is said to be a “First Quarter” lunar type. This “Soli-lunar” configuration means that her character is strong-willed and sometimes proud, always determined to buck convention and innovate. Monotony is unbearable to her, and she chafes under the yoke of routine. As a result, she often runs into trouble with authority figures. When overwhelmed by her conscience, she raves she raves about how destructive it is to long for the past, how ridiculous it is to be old-fashioned, and how obsolete the old values are. Generally speaking, her monthly energy flow crests about seven to ten-and-a-half days after the Full Moon. She would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects. At that time, her initiatives will be most successful, especially if she is trying to create something new and original: cutting edge!
Due to the influence of Neptune dominating her birth chart, Sarah’s personality is highly sensitive and receptive. Her psychic and emotional abilities may make her extremely romantic or idealistic; they also endow her with inner resources and imagination necessary for artistic expression. Although these psychic capacities put her in tune with collective unconscious and deepen her intuition and humanism, they can also be the source of some disadvantages. They make it difficult for her to think clearly, and she may feel vulnerable to the stresses of life. As a result, it will be somewhat difficult for her to assert her personality and make her goals coincide with objective reality. She has a tendency to allow herself to be mesmerized by illusions and pipe dreams; her mind is sometimes the plaything of her imagination. She is easily fooled by the images other people conjure up, or she may fool other people without really realizing it. She must learn that only a keen awareness of her deepest motivations and her purpose in life can rescue her from disillusionment.
My sun sign is Scorpio with an influence from Sagittarius because I was born on the cusp. People have tried to tell me all my life that I'm a Sagittarius, and by all means, they should be right. Even though you'll usually see horoscopes list signs as something like (we'll use Scorpio, ) October 21-November21, the start and end dates are always a little bit messed up. Some years, for example, Scorpio will end on the 21st; others, on the 22nd, which is my birthday.
I happen to be born on one of those years where Scorpio did end on the 21st. But I am NOT a Sagittarius. I never have been and never will be. My personality is made up of all the typical traits of a Scorpio: jealous, possessive, passionate, loyal, perceptive, non-verbal communicator, sexual (not that you really needed to know that...), I fall in love with things or people to the point of obsession, dynamic, protective. Scorpio is basically the power sign of the Zodiac.
Of course, no matter what side you're born on, if you're born within a few days of the cusp of any sign, you're going to have influences from the "other side." So I'm technically part Sag. But it's not my sun sign.
My rising sign or ascendant is Leo. I forget exactly what kind of influence that has over me, but Leos tend to be proud leaders, and that's me. My Moon sign is Aries, and it basically means that I'm a very mothering person (which I suppose is true).
Also, every sign is represented by one of four elements, water, air, fire or earth. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius = fire= energetic, firey (yeah, that's descriptive...), strong-willed Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer = water = emotional Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn = earth = practical, grounded Aquarius, Gemini, Libra = air = I'm not positive, but I think a bit flightly and fun-loving.
As a general rule, water and earth signs tend to go well together and fire and air signs tend to go well together in relationships. DO NOT under ANY circumstances attempt an Aries-Scorpio relationship. The two signs are too similar, too explosive, and too dynamic. You're just asking for trouble.
ah, whatever. I know next to nothing about astrology.
hello everyone by the way..... please dont eat me!
hello everyone by the way..... please dont eat me!
Welcome to the board.
That's it for my extremely scattered ;p
I wouldn't say kinky just.. very passionate. Well, me at least. But besides that it sooo fits me. I am the most jealous person EVER EVER EVER! haha And I blame it on my sign all the time. "what can I say I'm a scorpio" and when we get mad we get really. really. mad. haha We're the drama queens I suppose... oh well.
a lotttt.
i wish sheraz was a scorpio...but alas, he is not. oh welll
a lotttt.
i wish sheraz was a scorpio...but alas, he is not. oh welll
You just want the kinky sex.
Filthy goose.
Goes well with: Gemini, Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagitarius, and Aquarius.
Any quires add me
Filthy goose.
you little skank (both of you!!)
Sarah’s Natal Chart Preview
Date of Birth: February 26, 1988
Time of Birth: 6:30 AM
Birth Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California, United States
This analysis will give you general information about your personality. It is meant to help enhance your self-awareness and your ability to address present concerns, make important decisions, and realize life goals.
This study is based on your astral chart. When you were born, each of the planets in the solar system had a precise position in the zodiac. Your astral chart reflects these positions, and the interpretation of your chart yields information about your signs and astrological houses and their influence on you. It is said that in astrology, your unconscious self is not hidden – it is written. We invite you to read what is written about you in the stars.
Character and Personality:
The following paragraphs concern the study of Sarah’s personality, as induced by
the positions of the planets and rising sun. Some of the character traits mentioned may seem completely contradictory and incompatible. This is because the rough-hewn personality is a rarity. Usually, individuals are made up of a subtle orchestration of many different tones or aspects. However, serious introspection or detailed analysis should make it possible to distinguish the opposing or diverging images comprising Sarah’s overall character, and perhaps, in time find the best and most harmonious way to integrate them.
There is a fundamental contradiction or opposition at the core of Sarah’s personality, but it does not shatter her integrity. However, it causes her inner world to be complex, divided or even torn, without ever being totally dissociated, because every thought and action is a source of unification. As a result, intellectually Sarah is a talented syncretist: she is able to see the link between heterogeneous and diverse elements which do not appear to be related in the least. She can bring about surprising reconciliation, create unexpected bonds, combine beliefs which seem mutually incompatible.
Her imaginative powers also flow from the division in her psyche, and are evidenced by inspirations, visions, and abilities which exceed the context of logic and reasoning. She allows herself to be guided by irrational phenomena like foreshadowing or premonitions, which well up from the depths of her being. She is more of a medium than an intuitive, because intuition requires a clear consciousness of reality. Sarah is borne along by currents and tides of knowledge, and lives in symbiosis with forces which overwhelm her. In fact, it is because of this relative passivity that she is more or less a medium, because she wishes merely to perceive what surrounds her; she has no wish to impose her will. Although this attitude endows her with great potential for productivity, it may also become dangerous if Sarah finds herself overpowered by forces she can never totally control. She tends to perceive things as undifferentiated; she does not always see the world as an organized, structured, hierarchical entity. Instead, she is sensitive to energy flows, to invisible forces which she perceives and tries to interpret. Her consciousness knows no bounds, and she does not feel confined by either space or time. But the image of the infinite imprinted on her imagination has a tendency to manifest itself with a lack of definition, in most of Sarah’s thoughts and acts.
In relation to other people, Sarah usually demonstrates warmth and humanism. She is a fairly pleasant companion, although her sensitivity can be annoying at times. She tends to identify with her friends to a great degree, instead of remaining apart and empathetic. In fact, she is capable of losing herself in another person, at times. She should take time to reflect upon the quality of what she bestows on others, and on whom she bestows it. She would doubtless come to the conclusion that her devotion is motivated by guilt feelings; her giving is a way of escaping from herself, and her broad tolerance sometimes merely hides a weak character. Her basic aptitude for compassion could inspire her to relieve human misery, either privately or professionally. Hospital or prison work would not frighten her, because she understands them as closed environments which are open in terms of the inner adventures and journeys they house. Inner adventures are one thing she understands.
In her ideal, she feels capable of easing worst suffering; but sometimes as she helps others overcome their problems, she is also trying to face up to her collective unconscious: that is, the final product of all her failures to assert herself, from childhood right up to adulthood. Because of her hypersensitivity, Sarah is a fairly delicate person. She tends to go through sorrowful or depressive phases, long psychic tunnels where her anguishes lurk. She would be wise to withstand them instead of trying to escape. If she could detect what triggered her lack of confidence in her unconscious, she might be healed.
Sarah has high social aspirations. She believes that by gaining total control of her intellect, feelings, and instincts, she can achieve them.
Friendships and membership in groups are vital to Sarah’s personal self-fulfillment.
At the time of Sarah’s birth, her Rising and Sun Signs were both passing through the constellation of Pisces (the Fish), which is ruled by the element WATER. This alignment augurs a certain cohesiveness for her character. A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide Sarah’s personality profile; the following key words distill the essence of her character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
Emotionalism – Pliancy – Humbleness and Reserve – Idealism – Indolence – Intuition – Premonition.
Because she is by nature passive, emotive and receptive, Sarah often wonders why it is so difficult for her to fit in. She has a distaste for conflict and confrontation, and will often escape into withdrawal instead of bringing her problems out in the open. Once she realizes the fault is not within herself, but with the world, she will overcome her inferiority complex. It is one of the main obstacles to her initiative. At that point, she will feel more confident about her sensitivity, and will be able to channel her creative energies.
Born in seven to ten days after the rising of the New Moon, Sarah is said to be a “First Quarter” lunar type. This “Soli-lunar” configuration means that her character is strong-willed and sometimes proud, always determined to buck convention and innovate. Monotony is unbearable to her, and she chafes under the yoke of routine. As a result, she often runs into trouble with authority figures. When overwhelmed by her conscience, she raves she raves about how destructive it is to long for the past, how ridiculous it is to be old-fashioned, and how obsolete the old values are. Generally speaking, her monthly energy flow crests about seven to ten-and-a-half days after the Full Moon. She would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects. At that time, her initiatives will be most successful, especially if she is trying to create something new and original: cutting edge!
Due to the influence of Neptune dominating her birth chart, Sarah’s personality is highly sensitive and receptive. Her psychic and emotional abilities may make her extremely romantic or idealistic; they also endow her with inner resources and imagination necessary for artistic expression. Although these psychic capacities put her in tune with collective unconscious and deepen her intuition and humanism, they can also be the source of some disadvantages. They make it difficult for her to think clearly, and she may feel vulnerable to the stresses of life. As a result, it will be somewhat difficult for her to assert her personality and make her goals coincide with objective reality. She has a tendency to allow herself to be mesmerized by illusions and pipe dreams; her mind is sometimes the plaything of her imagination. She is easily fooled by the images other people conjure up, or she may fool other people without really realizing it. She must learn that only a keen awareness of her deepest motivations and her purpose in life can rescue her from disillusionment.
...but you have nothing on the might RAM!!
*runs away in terror*
My sun sign is Scorpio with an influence from Sagittarius because I was born on the cusp. People have tried to tell me all my life that I'm a Sagittarius, and by all means, they should be right. Even though you'll usually see horoscopes list signs as something like (we'll use Scorpio,
I happen to be born on one of those years where Scorpio did end on the 21st. But I am NOT a Sagittarius. I never have been and never will be. My personality is made up of all the typical traits of a Scorpio: jealous, possessive, passionate, loyal, perceptive, non-verbal communicator, sexual (not that you really needed to know that...), I fall in love with things or people to the point of obsession, dynamic, protective. Scorpio is basically the power sign of the Zodiac.
Of course, no matter what side you're born on, if you're born within a few days of the cusp of any sign, you're going to have influences from the "other side." So I'm technically part Sag. But it's not my sun sign.
My rising sign or ascendant is Leo. I forget exactly what kind of influence that has over me, but Leos tend to be proud leaders, and that's me. My Moon sign is Aries, and it basically means that I'm a very mothering person (which I suppose is true).
Also, every sign is represented by one of four elements, water, air, fire or earth.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius = fire= energetic, firey (yeah, that's descriptive...), strong-willed
Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer = water = emotional
Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn = earth = practical, grounded
Aquarius, Gemini, Libra = air = I'm not positive, but I think a bit flightly and fun-loving.
As a general rule, water and earth signs tend to go well together and fire and air signs tend to go well together in relationships. DO NOT under ANY circumstances attempt an Aries-Scorpio relationship. The two signs are too similar, too explosive, and too dynamic. You're just asking for trouble.