Alright, so the OK Go board comes in conversation every now and then between various people and myself...and I've just come to the conclusion that there's just no board like this board. I've met 23346843097 of you and I haven't done that on other boards. And I keep up to date with a lot of you. I moved in and moved cities with some of you. My life has been changed in sooo many ways because of the greater OK Go experience...
So this got me thinking, what is everyone's greatest moment/s cause of this board? or you can make a list of things...however you'd prefer
My list - Meeting the BMC, who are now my closest friends and some of which are also my roommates
- Starting DDDD
- The amazing bond between all the old boardies (and some of you newbies) that we all seem to share...the feeling of family, almost.
- Meeting Darbie (the life of the killers party), Annerz (who taught me std cesspool, which i'll never let go of), Melle (and her helping to keep me completely blush red while on/off the phone with a certain someone at a pizza place in dallas), Adriana (and our longwave stories), Shannon (one of my first music road trip buddies), Marisa (aka Jud), Lydia (...and then we made out), Ducky (and her radtastic bracelets...still have mine and wear it now and then), Lori (whose friendship has proven to be out of this world, amazing person...indescribable), and well I could be here all day doing this...I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
- Meeting and staying with Adriana for a week. Probably one of the best times of my life. I treasure our friendship so much and I honestly don't think there is another person like her in the entire world. Meeting her family, getting tattoos together!
- Meeting Anna and having her come stay with me for a week. What a week. Anna is probably one of the most intelligent, most beautiful people I have ever met. She reads the dictionary, nuff said. I think I still have her dictionary. Oh and I almost puked on her on the way to lunch. And we shared a cookie and found a jedi.
- SARS. She is the smallest, most gangster person I've ever met. When the fight broke out at the OK Go show, she tried so hard to jump in. It was so cute. She got all huffy and was ready to kill someone. I love my ducky.
- Amina. And everything about her. Hahahaha OH MY GOD. I just remembered the best memory with Amina ever. Hahahahaha
And Beastia.. and EVERYTHING.
- Sai.. I thought she was going to kill me after I met her after the show. And i remember her calling me from the strokes show.. I think and leaving me a message. I adore her.
- The entire barnyard. EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING. Best ever.
- Meeting everyone at the show in May. Lovely lovely people.
- Hanging out w/ Adriana and Chelsea in Dallas
- The bond, the trust, the closeness I have with so many people on this board.
- Six Flags with Syndi and Adriana.. and then the chats Syndi and I used to have. Those were priceless.
There's so many.. these people seriously are some of the best people ever.
Soooo true.
I've met only two boardies (almost three!)
I met Sug. She came to a football game just so we could meet! It was so sweet
And Allison let me tag along at a concert when I barely knew her and she is such a wonderful person.
And Maureen. Man I could talk to her about anything At almost any time of the day.
And Andie. Oh how I miss her! We had so many good times talking online.
And Sara, my fellow youngn' and band nerd!
And Sai, who i'll meet one day...
And I can not remember this person's name and I feel absolutely horrible. But she was in the BMC and she called me from the concert because she's a wonderful person. And I got to talk to the boys. One of the best moments of my life.
And ALL THE BOARDIES. Because theyre better than any of my friends could ever be. You're all SO WONDERFUL!
while all the memories are great ones, here are a few off the top of my head:
- meeting rachael...
- lori actually buying me a ticket and finding me a ride to the ok go show at the abbey after i jokingly wrote that i'd go if someone bought me a ticket and gave me a ride to the show...
- meeting melissa, jesica, jennifer, tonya, and kara at that show...
- meeting stacey, who gave me a ride to the kh first annual new heart for christmas show, and drunkinly dragged me over to mat for a picture...
- meeting chelsea...
- that point in time when amina asked me to have her babies after every stupid thing i said...
- recieving that christmas card from emily which held the fantastic stick figure drawings of mat and jon asking me to have sex with them... haha...
- Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore writing happy birthday on my merch order, since the invoice thinger got printed out on my birthday...
- finally finding another matthew fan (yay syndi!..)
- finally finding another mellowdrone fan (yay adriana!..)
- the massive ego boost i got from everyone constantly thanking me for introducing them to the sounds of kh...
- meeting nora and mary...
And I totally forgot to put meeting Rachael in Columbus, OH at the CD101 show without having arranged to meet up specifically. That was very cool! She's very cool. This board is just very cool!
i feel so bad for not remembering her name. i remember what she looks like from the pictures. but i could not reember her name for the life of me.
Thinking of coming down for SWSX or whatever it's called, you in?
IT would be AWESOME to meet you!
ok...well, its been like two years...i havent met any of you, but i feel like you guys are all my best friends. we all lost touch though
phone calls and group chats every night
and OH MY GOD! how could u guys forget the classic: the hwole getting sara to chicago fiasco. HAHAHHA. FUNNIEST.THING.EVER!!! anna was AWESOME and sara is quite the little planner. that goes down as one of the best deceptions EVER!
melissa and chelsea calling me from the shows in chicago since i couldnt go. awww
texting chelsea that dan hates her just because thats what i used to do and dan thinking i was serious and texting me back threats. hahaha
sending andy a birthday cake on his birthday...i miss cod! sara...even though we totally dont have the time, cod needs to come back! PM me!!!
the birth of COD--its all gone sara! the old board has our PMs!!!
the birth of little Beastia! hahaha
talking to adriana for hours and hours about boys and boy problems
same goes for sai. and also talking to sai about psycho paki moms hahaha
...ill think of more
the birth of little Beastia! hahaha
Yes, the birth was something rather special.
Hahaha and YES THAT.
Dude, it makes me so sad when I think about how we all have kinda lost touch. You guys are really like my best friends. Anna, Amina and Adriana are my A Team. You're better than Mr. T.
We all need to get together.
But now we have to wait till Anna gets back from Iraq
she should be here posting on the boards.
And Sai, thanks for the e-mail address. Talk to you soon......
I got an email saying that she was leaving before the new year.
So I think so.
where do i start with this?!
amina. thats a good one. it's strange, because i've never even met her. it doesn't matter, though. she is one of my favorite people EVER. she is so funny, and sometimes we're thinking the same exact thing. we've tried so hard to meet so many times. when we do meet, it's going to be a giant beautiful epiphinal moment! (or else ill beat someone up!) oh man...amina is so awesome. she has great morals and principles, and she is the smartest most beautiful person ever.
melle. lol oh my god...i had SO much fun for the like...4 hours we spent together. we just met and it was beautiful. i was so scared that our chemistry online wouldnt transfer to being chemistry in person...but it SO did. my cheeks were burnign after i met you we laughed so hard. youre so...extroverted and not afraid to do or say anything!
anna. HAHAHAH. i just laugh when i think of her. her and her audiooslave. i can die of laughter whether im talking to her online, on the phone, or in person. she's a beautiful gorgeous girl inside and out. she is so cuuuute. and who can forget our giant trick of getting my parents to let me go to chicago with boardies?! i won't.
sai. oh my sai. sai is the greatest. we always laugh. and we have a lot of disagreements, but we're so cool it never interferes. i love talking to her and she lol oh man we fall in love with all the same people.
adriana. i have never even met adriana, and i barely speak to her anymore, but my goodness she is such a cool person. get this people. she lives in TEXAS, and she offered to pick me up in NEW JERSEY and drive to CHICAGO with me so we could have an awesome road trip and i wouldnt have to pay for an airplane ticket. isnt that crazy?! she has a heart so big im afraid its going to explode out of her chest.
chelsea. chelsea, chelsea, chelsea. lol oh my god i was so excited to meet you in chicago! you were so cute and spunky, and we had a great time at all the shows and oh man...that entire trip was so awesome!
melissa (and the BMC!!) hahaha you guys are SO AWESOME. you were all so different from when i talked to you online, but not in a bad way at all! lol theyre all so fun-loving and adventurous. i remember the night when we ran to the train station and it was raining, and we jumped in every puddle on the way.
amanda. amanda is my fellow youngn, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE talking to her! i talked to her on the phone while in chicago, and it was so hilarious. lol.
maureen. my maureen needs to come back--and im a horrible person because im behind on sending her letters.
shelle. lol i dont even know if shes still on this board, but she was SO GREAT at the chicago concerts too! lol pure hilatiry.
dia. dia was the first boardie i ever ever met. we actually. i have never gone to an ok go show without dia being there. and now shes never on the boards and i cant ever see her so we can go to shows together! BOO! my fellow ching chong ba ding dong whom i loooove.
i know i'll think of i'll stop here for now!
lori. lori is so hot. she doesn't even know it! anyhow. i met lori in chicago, and yowza. first impression: she is an absolutely gorgeous girl. second impression: did you know that she's like, a secret genius who knows everything about the world?! lol i remember everyone on the beds eating pizza like a giant slumber party and me and lori looking through photo albums. that was one of my favorite moments in chicago. lol lori i don't know if i've ever told you this, but you have the best laugh ever!
and what the hell?! anna is in iraq?! i didnt even know! i need to find a way to talk to her. i havent had any way of contact with her in like, 6 months. if anyone, ANYONE AT ALL ever ever ever contacts anna, please tell her that i say hi and i love her and i miss her.
i did this thread wrong! i wrote people, not events!! let me start over.
1. going to chicago (and all of the great things that came with that!!)
2. Andy's first BRA! (ahahaha!!)
3. starting the COD
4. meeting OK Go and giving them the bracelets with their nicknames (Corn Pone, etc.) but they didn't know what they were because Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore never told them!!
5. EVERYONE on the board!! (And the people I havne't met but soo want to, like darbie, the allen girls, amanda, maureen, setsumi, andie!)
6. planning the whole giving-and-the-cake-in-japan thing. boy that was a bitch. never try to say happy birthday to someone when theyre in another country! lol that was like, ALL amina. im no help at all! hahaha.
7. getting loads of hugs from andy at the concerts
8. living off dr. pepper and pizza in chicago
9. getting rubber duckies in the mail from amina!!
10. sengind anna a buttload of gifts for the boys wrapped in funny paper like sesame but they were never received by them! HAHA i let anna keep them.
11. sending setsumi cards to go with the cake, but they were never they came too late! so i let her keep them too!
12. falling in love with people i met through a wonderful band