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OK Go Tour Dates



  • we should

    we can hit up h&m and stuff

    ahhh lol im already excited
  • This is the worst 20th birthday ever! First of all I totally biffed it on my microbiology test yesterday and then I find out I can't go to the OK Go show because it's 21 and up! What have I done to deserve such bad luck? sad.gif *sniffles*
  • QUOTE (3personmoshpit @ Feb 23 2005, 01:07 AM)
    This is the worst 20th birthday ever!  First of all I totally biffed it on my microbiology test yesterday and then I find out I can't go to the OK Go show because it's 21 and up!  What have I done to deserve such bad luck?  sad.gif  *sniffles*

    wha??? that sucks! ditch your b day plans and come to austin and see them w/ us. biggrin.gif

    speaking of which, happy birthday!!! you are now an old geezer. which is good, b/c i could use the company. tongue.gif

    if it makes you feel any better, i'm totally going to fail my o. chem. exam tomorrow. i couldn't freaking analyze a blasted nmr spectroscopy thingy if my life depended on it. and to make matters worse, i'm missing interpol tonight to study for what will turn out to be a lost cause... sad.gif
  • why must the LA shows be 21+? WHY?!
  • Missing Interpol!??! Oh noooo, i'm sorry about that. But at least i'll share your pain.
  • I think it SO rocks that the guys are coming to Toledo OH. I have to drive less than an hour to see them, which is great! Though, I don't mind driving to see a kick ass band... we actually went all the way to chicago to see them... and just as I was leaving to go I checked my email and saw that they would also be in toledo, which means I get to see them twice this year! I'm pumped!
  • awww you ARE an old geezer...youre not a teenager anymore!

    anyhow...dont be so sad.. you can go to the next one
  • ha ha ha, i'm not 20 till July, biotch.

    lol i mixed up my reading
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