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edited November -1 in General Discussion
So Im sure there are a few of you that dig Beck in her.e Anyone else get ahold of Guero and fall in love with it yet?

5 stars. I love it.

"Something always takes the place of missing peices you can take and put together even though you know theres something missing"


  • haven't heard it. can't wait, though!!!!!!!

    smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
  • beckkkk!!!! is my love.
    soulseeeeek is also my love. i havent finished downloading it from this kid yet cause he keeps having to sign off, but im in the process and im psyched as hell.
  • Sea change is like one of my favorite albums. His other albums are good but they are much diffrent than Sea change and that this one will be similar to them.
  • i liked sea change, but im the opposite. i'm absolutely in love with his other albums which is why i'm so utterly excited for this one.
  • My favorite is midnite Vultures
  • its on ze ipod finally. i love. i think E-Pro is my favorite so far. or Chain Reaction... one of em.
  • i love becks new album

    after this one, i think odelay is my favorite
  • Beck is my all-time number 1. And most of you that know me, know that. I haven't heard all of Guero yet...but it's on its way to me (in the mail) right now. Woohoo!
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