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4.14-4.17 Florida Shows

edited November -1 in OK Go
Mmmmm hmmmmm.


  • ah. no replies so far.

    seminole show was great. nice opening band.

    orlando show was better. very cold inside.

    now the sadness of not having the new album until summer.
  • Seminole Show Pics
    Courtesy of my brother's girlfriend Jen, aspiring photographer.

    Fabulous show. More uplifting than a gospel choir, even. It's been 4 years since my last okgo show and it was even better than i remembered.

    Oh, and I must not and can not go 4 more years without okgo, so COME BACK SOON, PLEASE! Florida loves you!
  • Wow, these pictures look very professional! You'll have to tell Jen that she did an awesome job!

    Seriously, they look like they could have been professionally done.. wow. I don't even know what to say.. they are that good.
  • Yeah, she's got some bitchin' talent and a kickass camera...those were taken without a tripod, in low light (obviously) and from about halfway back in the club. She got a great crotch shot of Damian but it felt too naughty to post. Teehee.
  • Do you know what kind of camera she has?
  • Those pics are BRILLIANT!!

    I'd pay her for prints!!

    I loved how the Cinnamon Lips Dance shots sort of morph into one another.....almost like I was there. I could kick myself for not actually being there too.....I could've driven down from GA, but I was just so tired from the Atlanta show!! I wish I had just gone now....dammit!

    Thanks for those......AWESOME!!!
  • It's a Canon 20D i believe. And she had some XXL lense too. I'm not a camera person so fooey to the correct terminology.

    I smack myself for not being able to go to the O-town show. It's only about 2 hours away, but as a junior year biochem major, I am not allowed more than one rowdy night per fortnight.
  • QUOTE (Devocate @ Apr 18 2005, 04:51 PM)
    but as a junior year biochem major, I am not allowed more than one rowdy night per fortnight.

    Yeah, what are you doing here, get your ass back in the lab and run some gels or something.

    J/K....I know many many biochemists at UVA who are always looking for techs and PhD students. Lemme know if you're interested. I usta be a tech there.

  • Woah! It's cat-ear girl. My friends and I spent the entire night (partial lie) wondering if we should talk to you. The rest of the night was spent in the ladies room that lacked a certain special quality, i,e. stall door (also kinda a lie). So yeah. Great pics.
  • You should've talked to me, I came all the way from Ohio! ;p
    My sister in law and I were talking about the stall door when my brother came around and told us not to complain-- The men's side had no toilet seats, appearently.
  • Yeay for long road trips to see OK Go! Did you go to the Ohio shows? I drove out for those.. and desperately wanted to drive out to the Florida ones too, but couldn't fit it into my schedule sad.gif

    Your picture with Tim is so cute!
  • QUOTE (sweetpea0431 @ Apr 20 2005, 10:17 AM)
    Yeay for long road trips to see OK Go! Did you go to the Ohio shows? I drove out for those.. and desperately wanted to drive out to the Florida ones too, but couldn't fit it into my schedule  sad.gif
    Your picture with Tim is so cute!

    I actually flew, I don't think my car could've made it to florida, it's on it's last legs wink.gif
    I didn't get to go to any of the Ohio shows-- I had planned on Toledo or Napoleon, but I got incredibly busy because the day after those were over, I had to fly out to England to visit my fiance, and I just had too much to get done so I had to skip out on the Ohio shows.

    I had to schedule a flight down to see my brother and sister in law down in FL soon anyways so I decided there was no better time than when I knew OK Go would be down there, so I scheduled it just in time to get in to see them in Seminole, dragged my brother and sister in law down (Which worked out because they *really* liked them, especially the Les Miserables bit).
  • Planes are definitely the way to go... except when you are a poor college kid with no money tongue.gif
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