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I hate to ask but I'm desperate (and lame)

edited November -1 in General Discussion
I recently was enchanted by this Hindi film called "Lucky-No Time for Love" and the title character, Lucky, had a really cute bag that I've decided to recreate in which I would stick on my own little cute pins and buttons and whatnot. However, I can't find a bag like it! I've been searching on ebay for something remotely similar but alack, there is nothing! Do you guys have any idea where I can get a bag like hers? Here's a picture to help (sorry it's kind of big):


  • wow that's a really cute bag!! hmmmm.... i really don't know where else you can find it unless you go to bunch of clothing websites like fossil or pacsun. but good luck on finding it
  • doesnt it seem in teh trailer of tht movie that theyre trying ot make her look like aishwarya????

    is the movie any good??
  • She does kind of look like Ash but once I saw the film I didn't really think so and yes, Amina, it was soooooooooo good! Really sweet love story and like it's really beautiful since they shot in Russia and the songs were sooooo good! I loved it! Oh and Salman was really hot too! At first he was his usual annoying self but then he got his act together and he was brilliant!
  • Try an army surplus store.
  • Do they really have bags like that at military surplus stores? I had no idea if they do!
  • QUOTE (3personmoshpit @ Jun 2 2005, 01:32 AM)
    Do they really have bags like that at military surplus stores?  I had no idea if they do!

    yes, yes they do!

    my friend has got one a similar shape but in khaki. i shall ask him where he got it.

    h xxx
  • Brilliant! You guys made my day! I <3 this message board and all its boardies to the 7th limit and beyond!
  • OMG I found the bag! The very same bag from the movie! Today at Starbucks I saw a girl who had it but she had just left before I could ask her where she got it but then she came back! She said she got it from Old Navy! I'm so going to Old Navy tomorrow and buying it! It was destiny, I'm telling you. The fact that she came back, it was fate! Hurray! I'm so glad! biggrin.gif

    I'll post a picture once I get it!
  • Personally, I think you should buy an OK Go messenger bag and add pins to it. I bought the Get Over It bag a few years ago and I have tons of pins and buttons on it. It's wonderful.
  • hehe i bought my bad a couple of years ago for £1..... it has about £20 of badges and a £9 hard rock cafe pin on it..... its my favouriteist (lol i know thats not a word) bag ever!!! but that one ^^^ is sooooo cute!!
  • lol i was JUST about to post old navy or gap when i read that she found it

    hahaha it's funny the way things turn out
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