I was lookin at the tour dates and not one of them is in the south....whats up with that?

i need my ok goodness too! after the Kaiser shows if Ok will be touring some more right? cause now that its summer i would drive basically anywhere in a six hundred mile radius, i would go more but i doubt my parents would go for that in a big way, so someone tell me, is ok go coming down south later in the summer or no?

not all of us can live off country music
I'm just sayin'. There are some REALLY AWESOME *cough* almost-seventeen-year-old Ok Go fans out there.
But that's not what this is about! Okay! YAY FOR THE SOUTH! We love Ok Go!
Its crazy that i'd only jus be able to drink in america now, ive been on the source for 3 years now (legally)
my first OK Go show in austin was the best!
There's a good explanation here:
It's long, but worth reading if you're really interested in reasons.
1. To have summa our sweet summer corn.
2. Just to experience 95 degrees with 100% humidity.
3. To show me their new dance!!!!
I know, I'll climb to the top of a big crane in downtown ATL and refuse to come down until OKGO comes to rescue me. Aw screw it, the Midtown Music Festival is this weekend and I don't wanna miss Def Leopard.
Haha. Not in this weather. I wouldn't like to see a fellow Ok Go fan die from getting heatstroke and falling off a crane. Not good for our image you know. Maybe next week it'll be freezing and raining again, you can try it then. It's like trying to breathe through a wet sponge right now. Bleeehhh.
I mean...no! Just kidding! It's not like that! It's WONDERFUL, and the boys of Ok Go should experience it in all its glory by coming down here right now and playing an all-ages show. Yes indeed.
none of these places you've been before down under needws sun love 2!