My grandfather died. Of lung cancer. Tonight. I feel like I should've visited him more or I should've been the one to get cancer and die. Like in Guernica, I wish I could have given him my lungs to use. I wish I could've been born earlier so that I could've graduated college and become a doctor and helped him and found the cure for cancer or...I wish I was born earlier and could've gotten him to quit smoking.
My grandma died less than a year ago and my poor mother must be a wreck inside I don't know how she keeps so calm on the outside. Both parents. Gone before they could turn 65. My friend's grandfather's birthday is tomorrow. He'll be 92. It's not fair.
I mean, tonight I was looking up at the moon and for the first time in my life...I didn't believe in it. I don't believe in anything anymore. I feel like I want to be drunk all the time and not really exist ever.
I mean, tonight I was looking up at the moon and for the first time in my life...I didn't believe in it. I don't believe in anything anymore. I feel like I want to be drunk all the time and not really exist ever.
And also think about all the great things that happened in their lives...their children and grandchildren, the happy times you had with them, the fact that they spent their lives with people they loved. I'm sure they loved you a lot and want you to be happy and (if you believe in this) they will always be looking down on you and your family. I'm really sorry you had to go through all this.
Please please don't blame yourself, Nicole. You are important to us, you are loved by us, it's obvious. Appreciate your life, even if it's hard for you to do that now. Please have your grandfather in mind, you can talk to him whenever you want to.
Take the time you need to mourn since that is an important part of healing but remember that doing anything destructive doesn't help the cause. God forbid anything were to happen...there are soo many people who care about you that I am sure you make smile daily!
The grieving process is long and difficult but you will get through it and be stronger in the end for it!