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OK Go in Minneapolis



  • QUOTE (rocky @ Feb 19 2006, 04:11 PM)
    p.s. i am sorry i didnt know the band members' names when i made captions...except damian because someone yelled it out during the show
    someone wanna tell me who's who while we're at it?

    "Turtle-like man from OK Go"
    That would be Tim...

    "Other guitar man in OK Go"
    Andy Aka. Rusty...

    And the Drummer is Dan.

    Nice Pics
  • haha thank you

    tim is my favorite

    p.s. i just noticed your location and i LOVE that MIB reference
  • QUOTE (rocky @ Feb 18 2006, 12:24 PM)
    hey i went to this show and it was my first time seeing ok go and let me just say they were absolutely amaaaaaaazing

    i actually went to the show because i am obsessed with plain white t's, but ok go had the best performance by far [better than mcs, too]

    I heard that the crowd wasn't into OK Go but loved the Plain White T's. I'm glad that YOU enjoyed OK Go's performance, even if the rest of the crowd wasn't really feeling them. smile.gif
  • Yeah! a newly converted member! Glad you enjoyed the show! Looks like it was a super crammed show from your pictures. Was there moshing involved since most of the people were for MCS and Plain White Ts? I wished that people would dance more rather than mosh...
  • yeah people were moshing...even though the security people didnt like that

    but you know... lots of moshing kids > one security dude (who had a hat that said "kill" on it just btw...)

    and i didnt think people werent into their performance? i was very very very into it. i was totally stunned, as i have said before. i think people were pretty into it though, lots of cheering. i dont understand how you could not be, ok go is amazing.

    but for sure ok go was the least well-known band by the kids there. some people knew the spill canvas, almost everyone knew plain white t's, and obviously these were the die-hard motion city fans. ok go is very different from the bands these people usually listen to i think thats why they werent as well known as they should have been

    the spill canvas: cool.gif
    plain white t's: smile.gif (love them but tom had lost his voice)
    motion city soundtrack: smile.gif
    ok go: biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (rocky @ Feb 23 2006, 12:02 AM)
    ok go:  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif

  • QUOTE (rocky @ Feb 22 2006, 08:02 PM)
    but for sure ok go was the least well-known band by the kids there. some people knew the spill canvas, almost everyone knew plain white t's, and obviously these were the die-hard motion city fans. ok go is very different from the bands these people usually listen to i think thats why they werent as well known as they should have been

    You actually reminded me of something- I think Damian has said that he actually, in a way, prefers opening, as opposed to headlining. At this last show I was at, I was first in line to get in, and there was a guy waiting there to interview Damian, so we chatted a bunch before Dami popped his head out and was like "Interview!" (Well, not quite like that, but you know what I mean. Also, apparently guy was hitting on me and I didn't know it...? "Guy" being interviewer, not Damian.)

    During the show, I ran into interview guy again, and I asked him about how the interview had gone and what Dami had said, and he mentioned that Damian had said RE: headlining vs. opening that yeah, headlining is an ego-trip and that's it's amazing to know all those people are there to see you, but that opening is far better in terms of exposure because the audience isn't there to see you, and probably wouldn't have even heard of you otherwise. So it's great to bring in new fans- like Rocky! biggrin.gif

    And that's definitely true. Like, I know that I've started listening to The Sun and Scamper (and I keep meaning to pick up Tally Hall and Controller.Controller's records, too) all because I saw them open for OK Go. And I would never have heard of these bands otherwise.

    Anywho. You just reminded me of that...

    hahah thats cute

    and yeah every one of my favorite bands i first heard about opening for someone thats awesome

    opening bands make the world go 'round
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