Signatures are new to me. Never made one before. Mine was inspired by Oknow's daring thread about live cockroach broaches. And for any of you who have mossied past that thread, you'll notice that I've been quite active over there. I intend to make the lads (or at least Damian) a living roach broach, unless someone knocks some sense into me. I have started my own society for people who are interested in this cause to beautify the world and spread mass advertising for Ok Go by using cockraoaches.
We are the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society (OORBS). Dedicated to making the finest quality living roach broaches for Damian.
Our goals: to have a restraining order slapped on us or get bitch slapped by Damian (whichever comes first), trigger an international sensation in the name of Ok Go, and to get a reaction out of our dear Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore (he's just too calm, let's see if we can gross him out)
thankies! Micky show rockes the doodle hizouse...
... im too obsessed, really i am
the kool aid man and jon stewart both rock major sockage (as Yodie would say...)
yes they rock major sockage... I don't think I've coined the term, but I say use it to your hearts content!
hoorah! Thank'ee.
me on the beach from earlyer this month
... i am feeling the major Micheal Ian Black (MIB for helloluva...) luv on this board....
That is the alltime best signature ever! So cute! She should have her own website w/ more of those
We are the Official OkGo Roach Broach Society (OORBS). Dedicated to making the finest quality living roach broaches for Damian.
Our goals: to have a restraining order slapped on us or get bitch slapped by Damian (whichever comes first), trigger an international sensation in the name of Ok Go, and to get a reaction out of our dear Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore (he's just too calm, let's see if we can gross him out)
Funny? A lot of people seem to have that reaction toward roaches.
There used to be a ping pong game on this site?
That dancing spider man looks really good dancing to "The Fix is In." He's a happy jiving spidy man!
still is one actually...