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Happy Birthday, Kikky!

edited November -1 in General Discussion
Happy birthday, Kikky!


  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ May 30 2006, 12:24 AM)
    Happy birthday, Kikky!

    Aww, you didn't have to start a new topic just for me. Thanks!! biggrin.gif
  • Hurray!!!!! Happy Birthday to one of the truly great ones! Roachie baked you a piece of cake. Actually, I baked but Roachie took the credit. How are you going to spend your special day?
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIKKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I want you all to know that Karleigh and I got into a fight over who was going to start this thread. She won, but I have PICTURES!

    ^^Cutest cake ever!



    Happy 20th, love! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • Happy b-day smile.gif I hope you enjoy yourself, and get tons of presents wink.gif smile.gif
  • image



    Hah, Katy! Mine move!
  • ohmy.gif clowns are creepy!
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ May 30 2006, 12:56 AM)
    ohmy.gif clowns are creepy!

    Just wait until I finish this picture of Damian in a Pope Hate. ahhaha. Even creepier.

    How's that for creepy? biggrin.gif
  • *cowering and shivering in the corner* ph34r.gif

    (P.S. I wished my Kikky a happy birthday already. It got burried above. But again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! tongue.gif biggrin.gif tongue.gif
    It isn't midnight yet here, so technically your b-day hasn't started here yet. But *Huuugs* to you on your special day)
  • haha wow weirdness, FYI though I'm not afraid of clowns they're just creepy... only IT freaks me out, eegh!

    A little something from me lol the Charley Brown cylinder is where I put my quarters and shit biggrin.gif

    That's Theodore saying what's up, and wondering if you wanted some Ice Breakers Sours (they're bloody yummy btw)

    Sorry if the pics are too big, photobucket made 'em like that.
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ May 30 2006, 01:26 AM)
    haha wow weirdness, FYI though I'm not afraid of clowns they're just creepy... only IT freaks me out, eegh!
    A little something from me lol the Charley Brown cylinder is where I put my quarters and shit biggrin.gif
    That's Theodore saying what's up, and wondering if you wanted some Ice Breakers Sours (they're bloody yummy btw)
    Sorry if the pics are too big, photobucket made 'em like that.

    Ooh, I LOVE "IT"!! and I love IT = These pics too!!!

    awww, you are too awesome! Thanks a quarter, Charlie Brown! hehe : D
    I have to agree, the Sours are quite good. I like the watermelon the best. biggrin.gif
    Hows it feel being 20? I mean 2 decades, crazyness!
    Best wishes and good luck in your next and hopefully awesome year of life!
  • Happy Birthday biggrin.gif x x x
  • happy day of bees
  • QUOTE (Kikky @ May 30 2006, 02:03 AM)
    Just wait until I finish this picture of Damian in a Pope Hate. ahhaha. Even creepier.

    How's that for creepy? biggrin.gif

    Dude...that's^^ fucking scary. Can I just say.

    Damian for Pope!

    Also! Everyone go check out Kikky in OK Go's top 8 on the 'Space, muahahaha. wub.gif
  • happy birthday!!! cool.gif
  • Bonne Fete!!

    i dub you honorary Kikkster for a day (as my present to you!) biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (Kikky @ May 30 2006, 01:39 AM)
    Ooh, I LOVE "IT"!! and I love IT = These pics too!!!

    awww, you are too awesome! Thanks a quarter, Charlie Brown! hehe : D
    I have to agree, the Sours are quite good. I like the watermelon the best. biggrin.gif

    I love the movie and the book, but the clown is just plain evilness.

    OMG watermelon is my favourite!!, and not just because it's my fav. fruit *cough*cough*
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ May 30 2006, 01:07 AM)
    *cowering and shivering in the corner* ph34r.gif
    (P.S. I wished my Kikky a happy birthday already. It got burried above. But again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    It isn't midnight yet here, so technically your b-day hasn't started here yet. But *Huuugs* to you on your special day)

    *hugs back* Thank you for the multiple wishes! biggrin.gif
    QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 30 2006, 12:54 PM)
    Hows it feel being 20? I mean 2 decades, crazyness!
    Best wishes and good luck in your next and hopefully awesome year of life!

    It's funny, it feels exactly the same as 19. Although the entire day was OK Go-oriented, which was pretty kickass. biggrin.gif Thanks!!
    QUOTE (The End Has No Jen @ May 30 2006, 01:15 PM)
    Happy Birthday biggrin.gif x x x

    Thank you ma'am!

    QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ May 30 2006, 03:37 PM)
    happy day of bees

    Happy anking of T's to you.
    QUOTE (mixtape @ May 30 2006, 05:12 PM)

    Thannnnnnnkkkk Youuuuuuuu!

    QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ May 30 2006, 05:42 PM)
    happy birthday!!!

    Thank you!! biggrin.gif
    QUOTE (Felster @ May 30 2006, 06:23 PM)
    Bonne Fete!!

    i dub you honorary Kikkster for a day (as my present to you!)

    My goodness! How gracious! I accept with honor! biggrin.gif Thank you!

    QUOTE (Pearl @ May 30 2006, 10:01 PM)
    I love the movie and the book, but the clown is just plain evilness.

    OMG watermelon is my favourite!!, and not just because it's my fav. fruit *cough*cough*

    I'm partial to cherries myself. Artificial flavor, not the real thing. I don't eat fruits or vegetables because I'm weird. biggrin.gif

    Haha,thank to you guys, today was wonderfully OK Go-filled. From all of your birthday wishes, to Milosh tossing me in the Top 8 on MySpace with a message of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WITH LOVE FROM OKGO!!!" it was totally awesome. Thanks guys, you made me actually like my birthday for once! biggrin.gif

    So to show my gratitude, I went out and got a Classic Cookie to share with everyone:
    Sadly, becuase you're all not anywhere near me and my magical Southern beach, I can only stare at it hungrily and finally cave in and devour it in your name. biggrin.gif

    *burp* Damn, that was a good cookie.

    I'd have to say my highlight of the day was going on a date with Barry Manilow. The Barr and I went to the local Barnes & Noble Starbucks and romantically dined on ice cream. Here we are:
    You can't really see it, but my hat says "I <3 OK Go!" hahah.
  • WOOO Happy Birthday even though I was a day late. Hey, it was my best friend's bday yesterday, too. And.. Drake Bell's mom hahaha.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was a fabulous day. One more year until you get to buy the drinks for OK GO in the middle of the show tongue.gif
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