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Happy Birthday, Kikky!



  • QUOTE (Kaylee @ May 31 2006, 08:25 AM)
    WOOO Happy Birthday even though I was a day late. Hey, it was my best friend's bday yesterday, too. And.. Drake Bell's mom hahaha.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was a fabulous day. One more year until you get to buy the drinks for OK GO in the middle of the show tongue.gif

    It's was indeed Robin's(Drake's mom) birthday yesterday! I hinted it at their boards, but like, one person picked up on it. Sad, sad. Anyway, day late or not, thank you!!! Tell your friend Happy Birthday for me!

    Drinks for Damian = my life goal next year. We're also going to get invited to another afterparty, and this time we're going! Yes, that means you get a Fake ID. tongue.gif

    Edit: Kaylee, I just found you on the other board! So awesome that you like the Drakester too. Let's go get invited to one of his afterparties now, since he's only soon-to-be 20. biggrin.gif
  • Woah! So like, just totally saw you on the DBMB. And my signature there is equivalent to your icon here. Woot to the hoot, that's crazy. I didn't think many OK Goers would adore the Drake, but it's cool to see you like him! I think he's young and completely fabulous and with a few years he will be like so awesome even though he's awesome right now. And he has red hair so I am like droool. HE NEEDS TO START TOURING. Did you see him? I remember he was in freaking Florida last year, but he went like no where else. Grr, come to TX.
  • happy belated birthday
  • OMG now I'm hungry for cake.. damn that thing and looking so damn fucking delicious!!!!!

    As I am 21. yay.

    I had an alcoholic pina colada today. It was....exactly like a nonalcoholic one, except you could taste the rum. (HMMM, I wonder why? laugh.gif )

    and boo, Milosh didn't check their myspace today, so I wasn't in OK Go's Top 8 this year. sigh.

    I'm being conceited, I blame the rum. It's inspired the Jack Sparrow in me. yaaaaarr.
  • hahah "but why is the rum gone?"

    happy birthday dear!
    have a great one! cool.gif
  • happy birthday!! my 21st is quickly approaching sooo i definitely envy you!! smile.gif

    p.s love your recent songs played smile.gif
  • Happy Birthday! The boards came back just for you. You should try a chocolate cake shot. It's supposed to taste exactly like chocolate cake, but I don't know because I've never actually had it. It's the first thing I'm going to drink when I'm 21, but I've got another 3 years to go.
  • YOU FOOL. Alice and I were going to make you a brand-shiny-new thread! tongue.gif

    ANYWAY. I hope you got my message because I called to say HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! but you did not pick up. *sadness*

    Present for you:
  • happy b'day for yesterday!

    although i said this somewhere else, so im not actully late
  • Happy Birthday for yesterday!!!

    Yes, Katy and I were gonna make a new one. With a ribbon and everything. But still, hope you had a great day smile.gif
  • awwwwww! happy birthday!

    i think the board exploded because of your birthday radness. biggrin.gif
  • OH MY GOD, I GOT DAVID TENNANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY! YESSS! biggrin.gif Dream come true!! Thanks, Katy!

    And thanks to everyone else for the birthday wishes! laugh.gif

    Also, I woke up this morning and decided "I think I'll have a drink! Why? Because I can!"

    So I was drinking at 10 this morning, bhahaha. I'm turning into Lindsay Lohan.
  • just don't crash a car and drive away... then you would be SO lindsay
  • QUOTE (Kikky @ May 31 2007, 07:09 PM)
    OH MY GOD, I GOT DAVID TENNANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY! YESSS! biggrin.gif Dream come true!! Thanks, Katy!

    No problem. wink.gif You may want to come over here and pick him up soon, though. He's getting a bit antsy here. I know it's rude and stuff to open something that you got for someone, but he was just making so much noise in his box, I had to let him out...

    So I was drinking at 10 this morning, bhahaha. I'm turning into Lindsay Lohan.

  • Have an awesome, awesome birthday!! Eat lots of cake!
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