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I am amazed by the skills of some people here



  • I'm going to randomly pop in that "yann" spelled backwards is something like "nay." As in, "Is yann real?" well... nay. He is not. PROOF!
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Nov 27 2006, 11:22 PM)
    well... i can um.... lick things

    Haha, freaking awesome.

    My skills? I'm a programmer, I design video games in C/C++, Java, VB, and any IDE that you hand me, I'm with Mac and Windows, and I write music, I also have a series of videos on YouTube.

    That's about it.
  • QUOTE (Lostgame @ Nov 30 2006, 09:00 PM)
    I also have a series of videos on YouTube.

    Ooo, care to share any linkies to those vids?
  • one thing im NOT skilled at is beard growing
  • I'm skilled at forgetting things easily.

    and waking my cat up.

    and photography.

    and dancing badly. Just like Mr. Nordwind.

    I'm not skilled at painting my nails. A lot of the times it looks like I dipped my finger tips in a bucket of red nail polish.
  • I make a pretty sweet burrito.
  • hey! i can EAT burrito's!

    talented? i think so.
  • I'm skilled at joining things way too late, jumping into conversations that don't really involve me, reciting pi to the 26th decimal place (or backwards from the 26th decimal place), falling gracefully (particularly when stairs are involved), writing horrendously long, detailed blogs, drinking more than the recommended amount of water every day, and walking in unnaturally high heels.
  • I'm a master procrastinator. YEAH.

    I am the kitchen appliance whisperer (i.e. calming them into submission so I can make toast)

    and I can lose at Scrabble like no one's business.
  • QUOTE (hyannah77 @ Dec 5 2006, 03:48 AM)
    I'm skilled at joining things way too late, jumping into conversations that don't really involve me, reciting pi to the 26th decimal place (or backwards from the 26th decimal place), falling gracefully (particularly when stairs are involved), writing horrendously long, detailed blogs, drinking more than the recommended amount of water every day, and walking in unnaturally high heels.

    <small> I fall a lot, too. Most of the time it's not graceful, but I laugh either way.

    and my livejournal posts are over-detailed.

    I like writing, so I don't care too much.</small>

    edit: hahahahaha, and I'm skilled at confusing BB Code with HTML Code.
  • I'm very skilled at doing things at the last minute, i just like to say that it's a talent biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Dec 4 2006, 11:23 PM)
    one thing im NOT skilled at is beard growing

    So you're not skilled at puberty... maybe you're a late bloomer, which sound kinda girly saying it, cuz when girls bloom, they bloom... boobs, and you just can't grow a bush blink.gif mellow.gif ... hahahahaha
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Dec 5 2006, 06:20 AM)
    I'm a master procrastinator. YEAH.

    I am the kitchen appliance whisperer (i.e. calming them into submission so I can make toast)

    and I can lose at Scrabble like no one's business.

    Oooooh, I'm a master procrastinator as well (my most notable achievements in procrastination were:
    1) waiting until the last day before it was due to read, and write a report on, a book which was over 1000 pages, and still getting full credit
    2) reading and writing a 26 page report on Walden the night before the last day it would be accepted, not only did I get it done, it was so thorough that my teacher didn't deduct points for it being late)!

    P.S. Pearl, your signature makes me giggle A LOT!
  • Then I have done my work as planed.

    Procrastination... it's a way of life.
  • i got mad failing skillz! (yo)

    hmmm... i also have amazing internet stealing capabilities... and... hmmm... i think i can drink this whole can of juice in under 10 seconds!
  • I have mad skills at writing papers the day they are due and getting the highest score in all three of my teacher’s classes, happened twice, YES! Attempting to clean my room, and ultimately making a bigger mess than was before. I also rock at falling when stairs are involved, mostly up. Toes get caught in pants, ultimately resulting in me falling, screaming and then laughing at how stupid I am. And drinking way too much caffeine, than should be physically possible, resulting in shaky hands the whole day, inability to form complete coherent sentences when speaking aloud, and slight paranoia.
  • and yo can take that all the way to the bank!
  • Hmmz funny, this exact same thread/message was posted on teh Delta Goodrem forumz. Yann, you sure do get around huh.
  • yann... how could you?
  • *GASP!* Maybe Yann is a space alien! Why else would he want to know the amazing skill of we mere earthlings?
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