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Getting to a friend to a concert

edited November -1 in OK Go
Okay so I have this friend and she has got to be the biggest Ok Go fan I think I've ever heard from or met.

She has got one of the rare ties that were sold a while back. It seems the boys are coming to a city near us in March but it seems that she has no way to get tickets or even get there. She is so obsesed with seeing them she's planned the whole thing out but it has a couple flaws like transport and actual tickets. Her birthday is coming up and I really want to make her happy as she isn't getting anything for Christmas or her birthday because she already received the tie.

So if anyone has any info or ideas on this topic I would appreciate it.


  • Sounds like she's doing what I am- I want to see OK Go in Seattle in February and am planning it all out but there is no way for me to get there and there aren't any tickets (havn't gone on sale yet though). I know there is no way I can go though, unless by some miracle I could get a group of people to go with

    I don't see how you can really do all this without her knowing. That would be cool though. But what if she ended up buying tickets herself? That could be a potential problem. And then there is a matter of coming up with a reason to take her to where the concert is. I'm sure if she really is such a big fan she wont be forgetting that date and would be planning on being depressed that day thinking she could go. So I'm sure that if you were like "oh, yeah, lets go here this day to have some fun?" she may be like "wait... The OK Go concert is today, and it's in that same area!" You could still pay for the tickets and tell her parents to make sure that even if she gets the money and everything to not let her buy tickets and then take her to that city with her having a hunch that it's leading to OK Go. She'll still be super happy.
    As far as the transportation goes, what's wrong with the parents taking you all? But there are always trains and buses (not sure how far this place is from you though. It could be easier to get there than I think, but for me on a trip 3 hours to my hopeful destination, a train will pry be what I'd have to take. If I can talk my parents into letting me go). So yeah... I'm not much help. Sorry tongue.gif
  • i know it might be a bad example.. but an excuse that wouldnt be disputed, like a death or family thing? Like she said, it would be hard to pull off considering your friend has already been making faux plans on going to the concert.

    you'd have to pull off some huge theatrics to pull it off.
  • You can tell her that ur gonna go see the premiere of a movie or something of that sort. That's what my sister did when she took me to my first concert. It worked.
  • she already knows where and when it is so bringing her to the exact city where OK Go is touring might be suspicious tongue.gif

    1: Use a knock-out pill on her. (So she won't know what's going on)
    2: Pack her in a large padded suitcase and check the suitcase. (It needs to be padded because it's carrying organic material)
    3: Set your iPod to loop "Good Idea At The Time". (This is so you will realize what you have just done tongue.gif)
    4: Wake her up when you arrive. (This step is important.)
  • I suppose we all really do need to know how far from where you guys are this concert will be so we can be more helpful... If it's fairly close, over a few cities, then you could always say there is a new fancy mall or a super cool store that someone you know (got any sisters?) went shoppingthere and highly recomended it so you thought you could check it out to keep your mind off the concert, but rather than going to this fake store you lead her right to the concert venue. Or you could do kinda the same thing for some restraunt. Plan something that you'd both like that would be fun and she'd be willing to do and say that it's to help ease the pain of no OK Go concert. Then, ta da! Out pop the tickets once you get there, enjoy the show biggrin.gif

    Edit- Ack! I read this and man, some of my writing didn't make sense XD It should be more coherent now!
  • ^ Maura's idea is good. I was trying to think of ideas, but they would never work for a really obssesed fan. I just keep thinking about if my friends tried to do that for me, it would never work because I would figure it out.
  • Ahaha. This IRONICALLY sounds EXACTLY like MY situation.

    But, in which case, I AM the obsessive fan.

    I want to go to a concert in March.
    I have no method of transportation.
    I have a tie.
    It's my only present.
    I would very much be appauled if having to go to a concert with my parents.

    But my advice would be (if you would like my advice) is to just get in contact with her parents and be all, "Yeah, she needs to go that show because OK Go is her life." then, after doing this, get the tickets in advance. When you have been granted possession of the tickets show up at her house or whatever and be all, "Yo, I got you these tickets we leave for the show in an hour... You are NOT wearing that..." etc.

    Just be straight up once you get the tickets. There is NO way of being surprising with a super-obsessed OK Go fan. I mean, a lot of us can relate to that description and trust us/me, it is terribly hard to pull off such a stunt.. Unless you knock her out like some other person suggested. *nod*
  • Another thing you can attempt to do (depending on when the show is, how far away it is, and whether or not she has any obligations surrounding the date of the show) would be to suggest an outing the day before the OK Go concert, (preferably early in the morning, so your friend will fall asleep and not notice that you're driving somewhere other than where you said you'd be driving), "get lost", spend the night in a city about a half hour farther away from where you live than the concert is, either in a cheap motel, or in the car if you're really strapped for money, the next day, after profusely apologizing for getting lost and thus ruining your outing, head home, in a direction which passes the venue at which OK Go is playing, about twenty minutes before you get to said venue, start complaining that you need to use the bathroom, complain more and more at smaller and smaller increments until you reach the venue at which point your bladder obviously can't take anymore, and it's necessary to stop and find a place with a restroom, bring your friend inside with you (why you make them go with you really doesn't matter, though I'd go with a "I'm too shy to ask for a bathroom" type excuse) once you two are inside, the rest is cake.

    P.S. it's 4:33 am here, and I'm running on very little sleep, so if my scenario is crazy, feel free to disregard it.
  • [quote name='EcstaticGrandmas?!' date='Dec 10 2006, 03:37 AM' post='88948']
    "Ahaha. This IRONICALLY sounds EXACTLY like MY situation.

    But, in which case, I AM the obsessive fan.

    I want to go to a concert in March.
    I have no method of transportation.
    I have a tie.
    It's my only present.
    I would very much be appauled if having to go to a concert with my parents." - EcstaticGrandmas?!


    That's my friend I was telling you about.

    Forget it, but thanks anyways.
  • yea i haven't even been to one.
  • ^^ Don't worry I didn't go to my first show til I was 17. I wasn't allowed. And I've managed to see the guys LOTS (and a hell of a lot of other bands) since then.
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