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OK Go in Apple email

edited November -1 in OK Go



  • battlestar galactica...?
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Dec 23 2006, 04:32 PM)
    battlestar galactica...?

    That's exactly what I want for Christmas.
  • I think I would go for Texas Hold'Em or Bejeweld... personally...
  • That's quite exciting! Two of my favourite things! (OK Go and Bones!)
  • They've now chosen HIGA as their favorite music video of the year, but no surprises there. It says this:
    "You don't need a million dollars and a cameo from Pamela Anderson to make a great music video. You just need a good idea, some questionable haircuts, and treadmills. Lots of treadmills. O.K. Go's "Here It Goes Again" was our favorite music video of 2006."

    Haha, questionable haircuts? Tim?
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