The treadmill videa was just on this show called Lenny Henry Tv... Alan Davies said his favouerite one was 'the guy in tight red trousers' and his favourite bit was when 'he does it wrong and nearly falls off.' HAH! They then had a discussion about how gay they looked, how tight the trousers they were, how bad their clothes were, and that Tim looked like he had strained to grow hair on his head, but instead it just sprouted from his face.... They had absolutely no idea who OK Go were, they just thought they were weird guys.... Which is why sometimes internet exposure is bad!!! But I just got really excited and OK Go did get exposure on tv, so yay!!
They're finishing the show with it and he just said OK GO
REAL EXPOSURE!!!!!!!! wooooooo haha
i only caught the end good press bit!
im not on about the vic of dib!
im on about the other new one....jam and jer
Kis .x.
Me too! It's the best! My favorite episode is when what's-her-face gets married and the flower girls are teletubbies.
But yay for OK Go-ness
And Vicar of Dibley owns! It's a shame though that there's only one left... ever!
I loved when she was running around the village screaming. Made me giggle
Yep, haven't seen it yet, thanks for RUINING IT FOR ME, Jen.
omg, the Vicar of Dibley is so awesome. She gets married?! Bah, the ending is ruined for me! Wait, I thought that show was on a long time ago. Until recently, it was still having new eps?
Witch has happened twice this month! On the biggest TV network of this country!
They mentioned about this "funny band with creative and amusing videos"... well, that is interesting anyway! Suddenly Ok Go is closer to coming to Brazil than I ever imagined... just daydreaming...
Too bad Tempe and I don't live in England. So basically I'm going to have to wait for PBS to show it as a rerun.
I guess if OK Go is never shown on TV in England, this should be seen as an accomplishment. But, being credited as the 'weird guys on treadmills with alot of pubic hair and tight clothing'... I'm not so sure this is the image OK Go is aiming for.
At any rate, OK Go is now being recognized all over the world!! Huzzah! Even if they are just the 'treadmill people'. Meep. ^.^