In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • yeah, im my youth

    ever spend a whole full day in front of a computer?
  • yeh i do belive i have, forced to actually.

    have you ever sat in front of teh computer early hours of the morning?
  • how about right now

    have you ever been too lazy to move to your bed?
  • depends what is perswaiding me.

    have you ever eaten a 1kg steak?
  • possibly, but I don't remember how much that is in pounds

    have you ever been so hungry it hurts?
  • no, but i have been so full i wanted to throw-up.

    have u ever used gum as glue?
  • Yeah all the time and still do.

    Have you ever bought a Tamagotchi Connection?
  • no, what is that!?

    have you ever felt old and unhip?
  • Not particularly.

    Have you ever chased after something and when you finally got it found it to be really anti climactic?
  • many a time

    have you ever bitch slapped someone?
  • yea.

    have u ever drank so much Mountain Dew u went crazy?
  • no, but i suspect there is a threshold of mountain dew a person could drink before they went crazy

    have you ever done kareoke?
  • yea, i have a karaoke, well its my sisters but she doesn't use it.

    have u ever sniffed a sharpie so long u got high?
  • naw... but that sounds like quite an experience

    have you ever written poetry in libray books?
  • no, but now i feel the need to write dirty limericks

    have you ever written a dirty limerick?
  • no, not truthfully but if u want i could lie.

    have u ever crushed ur ipod in a car door on accident before christmas when u were going to get an ihome? cause i have, but i got a new one
  • ive never had an ipod, so no

    have you ever thought someone stole something, but you really had just left it in your backpack for like a year?
  • No but i know someone that did.

    have u ever had the urge todo something kiddish?
  • Yeah every day..

    Have you ever dressed up your little brother (if you have one) in female clothing?
  • nope, i have a strict no cross dressing policy around my brothers.

    have you ever made a dream catcher?
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