In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • yes. it was well worth it.

    Have you ever danced with corn nuggets?
  • is he the pimp?

    have you ever gotten a blister on your thumb?
  • no.

    have you ever gotten a zit inside your ear?
  • No. And I hope I never get one.

    Have you ever gotten a sliver in your thumb?
  • often times i have

    have you ever handed out candy to strangers?
  • On Halloween I do.

    Have you ever met a man that called himself 'Papa Smurf'?
  • who told you about papa smurf? was it uncle tickler?

    have you ever gone by 'sweet sugar'?
  • No, I don't. An old man came up to me and introduced himself as Papa Smurf when I was in Detroit putting up posters and stickers for the Shys' concert that week. He was an interesting fellow.

    Have you ever played on a slip and slide?
  • maybe a homemade grass slip n' slide.
    huge grass stains. h-uge. massive.

    have you ever busted your pants?
  • no, but im wearing pants!

    have you ever spilled something on you that was pee-like?
  • Does water count? 'Cause I do that all the time.

    Have you ever skipped school?

  • yes

    have you ever pointed out your own lame question?

    yeah, ok, that was lame.
  • I do all the time. Unless it's a guy I like or a teacher, then I yell "LAME!" in my head. I'm not crazy.

    Have you ever waxed your eyebrows?
  • i'm too scared. wax is scary.

    have you ever peeled off an entire toenail?
  • nah, i dont think im cool enough for the 'you can bounce quarters off them' eyebrow look

    have you ever seen hard gay?
  • no...

    have you?
  • HOOOO! you bet i have

    have you ever dyed your hair a regretable color?
  • nope, i've never dyed my hair.

    have you ever had a suprise party thrown for you?
  • No but I threw one for a friend.

    Have you ever gained 10 pounds in less than a week?
  • ive come close, it was wild

    have you ever eaten more then 5 pounds in one sitting?
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