In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • i wish.

    have you ever laughed at someone only to realize you did something even stupider in the process of laughing?
  • A few times. Tempe can be kind of a ditz at times

    Have you ever gone to a concert by yourself?
  • no, that sounds lonely

    have you ever felt tempted to eat something you knew was poisonous?
  • no, it's not lonely. It's actually a lot of fun. I got to meet a lot of new people and had a lot of fun without having someone else to drag around.
    Anyway, sometimes something poisonous can be tempting. I guess cause you know it's so dangerous.

    Have you ever eaten anything poisonous?
  • probably, but im still alive!

    have you ever had one really really cold hand?
  • I have. It was self induced. Hands and buckets of ice... not a great combination.

    Have you ever fallen on your head? Erm...
  • not recently

    have you ever lied about your age to get a discount?
  • ya all the time. The subway collectors don't check id when giving fare so i pretend im a student aka. <15. the fare is 1.75 But the bus drivers get all pissy when i put in student so I have to pay adult (2.75)....

    have you ever questioned your morality after scamming the public transportation system?
  • no, ive always been proud of my sticking up for the little man

    have you ever tried to melt a quarted with a lighter?
  • No... never tried to melt any type of coin with a lighter but I did put a five cent piece on tram tracks and picked it up after it got run over... hours of entertainment.

    Have you ever patted a donkey?
  • no, they seem stinky

    have you ver had an entire bag of beefjerky all to yourself?
  • I've never eaten beef jerkey before.

    have you ever eaten poo?
  • ew... i hope not

    have you ever given someone a wet willy?
  • yes. i felt gross afterwards.

    Have you ever been given a wet willy?
  • once... i felt dirty for a month

    have you ever gotten something bad done to you, but you secretly enjoyed it?
  • depends? huh.gif what sort of bad? laugh.gif

    have you ever woken up in a realy strange place like... the toilet?
  • umm... no.

    have you ever been into a funeral of someone you don't even know?
  • no...thats kind of weird

    ummm....have u ever used gold bond on a hot day???
  • No I haven't.

    Have you ever madeout with someone 2 hours after meeting them?
  • hey look a kitten

    have you ever paid 8 dollars for water?
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