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FREE OK Go in-store show in NYC



  • ya thats kinda what i thought. sorry, but do you know if there like giving out wristbands or like you just wait on line and they let a certain amount of people in?
  • No wristbands. It's first come, first seated (after everyone waits in line). There's 5 rows and I think each row has approximately 15 seats. That's 75 people right there. I don't know if they let people stand in the back or not as I've never been there before.
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Mar 26 2007, 09:45 PM)
    ya thats kinda what i thought. sorry, but do you know if there like giving out wristbands or like you just wait on line and they let a certain amount of people in?

    I went to a free Apple in-store thing for Moby and it was basically just first come, first served. I remember that day I got in line around 3:00pm and we were second in line. Not sure how crazy it'll be for our guys.

    I want to go, but I'm not sure if I'll have time to squeeze dinner in as well. We'll see!
  • ok thanks

    i really want to go, hopefully i can, but probably not
  • wow that was awesome!!
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Mar 27 2007, 06:49 PM)
    wow that was awesome!!

    sounds like you made it after all ;D;D;D
    Yay, you!
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Mar 27 2007, 07:49 PM)
    wow that was awesome!!

    Would you mind telling us just how awesome?
  • QUOTE (ytel82 @ Mar 28 2007, 01:24 AM)
    Would you mind telling us just how awesome?

    Saw this very brief review on someone's blog:

    And the conversation this blogger (her name is Becky) had with her older sister, comparing the Apple show vs. the MSG one:

    Came back to add my first hand account. My memory on song titles and comment timing may be off.

    I had a lot of fun at this and a lot of the fun was waiting on line. I had a friend with me and the person in front of us and behind us were really cool. Oddly enough, the first person on line was not a teenager, as I would have expected. It was a gray-haired mom who had been at the store since 1:30 that afternoon. Even one of the employees at the Apple Store, told her "but it's...not until 6:00." But the mom was in the city for work and her meeting ended early so she wanted to hold a spot for her teenage daughter and her friend. My mom was never that cool.

    About an hour before the show, I distributed stickers. I had more stickers than there were people on line so I gave everyone an average of 5 each and I still have some leftovers.

    (^ The line around the corner.)

    We were so busy chatting that we didn't even notice when the band arrived. The mom said "Damian just went in!" And she said Tim was with him. Then we saw Dan and his fiancee/wife. We waved to him and said hi and he waved back. A little while later, the girl behind me nudged me and asked "isn't that one of the guys from the band across the street?" Sure enough, it was Tim. Somehow, he walked out of the building without us even noticing. We shouted "Tiiim!" but he didn't respond and instead, turned the corner.

    I am so embarrassed to say that I didn't even notice him walk back in and my friend was so excited that she couldn't even formulate a sentence so she just pointed and sputtered "Buh duh duh duh!" since the moment was so quick.

    This time I took my camera out just in case any of them decided to come out again. And one of them did. But did I catch him on camera? Noooo, of course not. Dan and his fiancee/wife crossed the street and we shouted to him. He looked at us and shouted back "I'm going window shopping!"

    One of the girls had her camera out and wanted a picture. She wanted to follow him and get a picture, but she was afraid of being a stalker. I wanted to go stalk him, but was too afraid of the awkward confrontation if they happened to be walking back at that point.

    About a minute after 6:00 PM, they let us in in groups of 10, up the lucite(?) steps to the theater.

    (^ Photo of the stairs, but not on the day OK Go was there.)

    And once inside the theater, you could sit anywhere you wanted so it wasn't a situation where you had to go to the end of the row in the order you came in. Our little group all had front row seats. Woo hoo!

    (^ The above is the theater, but again, this picture is not the day OK Go was there.)

    Like the last time I saw them, I put a piece of paper up on stage. It was Tim's high school yearbook photo with the words Hair it Goes Again over it. I dropped it by the far left mic stand which is where he normally stands.

    The stage was tiny and I didn't see any drums so was a little disappointed that there would be no Dan. But he was standing to the left of the stage. I was making hearts to him with my fingers bent so my fingernails were together and thumbs were together and trying to send them his way.

    Before the band came out, we were all instructed that no photography or video recording were allowed. (They were recording this to put on iTunes later.)

    (^ Looks like a PowerPoint presentation on OK Go.)

    When the band came out, Tim and Andy were in different places. My heart sank as I realized that Andy was sitting there with a picture of Tim by his microphone. I had considered placing the picture by Damian's mic, but the last time I did that, he ignored it since it wasn't about him.

    Damian said that they had a setlist, but that he forgot to bring it out. The band opened with "Here it Goes Again" and Damian had to start twice. He said he went to bed late and cleared his throat a few times. I think he also said he had snots or something. Heh heh.

    Dan came out and the audience cheered. He gave Damian a little yellow Post-It which was their setlist. Damian couldn't remember that they were called Post-It notes.

    After "What to Do", he looked around for water. Tim and Andy both had a bottle, but he didn't.

    "Dan! Dan! Can you get us some water?"

    Andy took the bottle of Poland Spring next to him and offered it to Damian who recoiled and said "I don't want your disgusting water!" Andy didn't react; he just took his water back, uncapped it and took a sip.

    Dan, who's now the water boy, came out with a few bottles and distributed them. With the last bottle, he looked at the audience and pretended to shake it and spray everyone with it. Then he gave it to Tim.

    My friend was shouting requests. "You're So Damn Hot!"

    "Thank you," Damian replied. Cheeky monkey.

    He said the setting was small and the way the seats were situated, it reminded him college. "Doesn't this remind you of college?" Not really, Damian. I don't remember having attractive suit-wearing professors who would sing to me.

    He mentioned that he was interviewed on CNN that morning and that they referred to someone who was named Latrine. Damian said he had to be serious because it was a news channel, but during the whole time, he was trying to stifle his giggles. He really wanted to snicker at the name Latrine. I think Tim said "oh yes, that's a popular French name."

    A little bit into one song (I don't remember which one), Damian stopped and said his guitar wasn't tuned right and looked at Andy. Andy checked his and said "I sound good." Yes Andy, and you looked good too.

    In the song breaks, my friend and I both shouted "The House Always Wins" but unfortunately, we were not syncronized. Damian said "What? Oliver's twins? Oh...The House Always Wins. That's a good one, but we're going to play "Oh Lately" instead. That's why I have a microphone and you don't." He directed this to my friend.

    At some point, Andy bent down and picked up the piece of paper I had put there and gave it to Damian. Damian said "This looks like someone's high school picture. Who's picture is it?"

    (^ The picture I used with Hair it Goes Again.)

    Tim said it was his and Damian said that Tim's wearing a hat so we can't see, but that he's bald now (Tim lifted his cap to show us) and that in the picture, he had hair. He briefly held up the picture to show everyone and said "It says Hair it Goes Again which is quite funny. And if I had read the bottom, I would have seen that it said Timothy Jay Nordwind. I knew you then." He continued on about Tim's past hairdos and how he used to use Seabreeze.

    "I had oily skin," Tim explained.

    Damian said they had never played this song acoustically before and they went into ELO's "Don't Bring Me Down." Afterwards, he said "This is groundbreaking sh*t!"

    "Oooh," Andy whispered.

    "What?" Damian asked.

    "You said a bad word," Andy whispered back, like a child.

    After the last song, which was was "A Million Ways," they said thanks and walked off.

    The audience sat there, not knowing if it was truly over, or if they would come back. It took a few moments before we realized it really was over. As mentioned before, I was in the front row, slightly off-center and went and took that little yellow Post-It from Damian's mic stand and his two guitar picks as well as my picture of Tim. I'm assuming that Dan wrote the list and in the list, he wrote 100,000 for AMW. (You're missing 900,000 ways, Dan!)

    (^ Setlist that Dan brought out for Damian.)

    One of the girls who was waiting on line with us was motioning to me. I gave her a pick and she said she actually wanted to see the picture and not the pick. I gave her a pick anyway. I tried to give the other one to my friend, but she didn't want it. (They were generic.) She said jokingly "maybe I should take their water."

    The mom who was first one line was a few seats down from us and held up a bottle. "I already did!"

    Other than Dan hanging around, I didn't see the other guys come out. Dan said they had to leave soon for Madison Square Garden. We went downstairs to wait for a little bit figuring that there was only one way out of the place and surely, they'd have to walk through those doors. Dan came out and posed for more pictures. A couple of guys were walking into the store and one said to the other "who's that?"

    (^ Dan telling some fans that he couldn't get them passes for the MSG show that night.)

    After leaving face and nose prints on the glass, I didn't want to wait around for them anymore especially if it was going to be a quick "Hi, can I have a picture? No? You have to go? OK bye."

    So Damian -- you've eluded me again.

    I forgot to add, that when the show was over, it was 6:45 PM. Still early. My friend and I wanted to grab a bite before heading home and she repeated to me that she didn't like Snow Patrol. We walk into a place to eat and who should be playing on the radio? Snow Patrol.
  • we are that teenager and daughter who's mom was at the front of the line forever.....ya she's awesome it was prettty freakin amazing...the whole concert
  • Thanks for the great detailed review, ih7*s - I felt like I was there!

    QUOTE (ihave7stars @ Mar 28 2007, 10:32 AM)
    My friend was shouting requests. "You're So Damn Hot!"

    "Thank you," Damian replied. Cheeky monkey.

    HA! Did that request and response run through his mind when he wrote the song? Somehow I think so! tongue.gif
  • Thanks ihave7stars for your in-depth account. I wish I had had time to do both!
  • ihave7stars, you are awesome! What a cool write-up!
    This makes me wish I saw them today. They were down the street from me again, and yet again I didn't get to see them. They were sold out since November cuz of the Snow Patrol ppl. I had class at 12, so from 10-12 I sat outside the arena doing my homework and looking up every few minutes to see if they were walking around. Actually, ihave7stars, you're the one who posted a photo of them at my supermarket. I was debating whether I should go to the supermarket and see if they went again, but I was afraid I'd miss them coming out of the arena. Everytime I heard a guy's laugh, I looked up stupidly, hehe. I even walked in the arena and asked if they had extra tickets- they said only at the very back. I called my friend who likes Snow Patrol but she said she had too much homework to go anywhere tonight. Well, then I walked down the street to class and had class from 12-5. And there was no point in paying for a seat in the very back of an entire arena all by myself. So, I went to do homework and that's what I've been doing since. It's kind of un-nerving though that maybe I missed an autograph chance yet again.
    But! Reading your write-up makes up for it. That is soooo cool that they got a kick out of that yearbook photo. And Dan window shopping with his wife sounds adorable! And Rusty and the bad word- I love it!
    thanks so much for sharing!
  • ya thanks ih7*s! great description! i couldn't get all my thoughts together in order to write something so thanks for doing if for me haha. o and thanks for giving my mom all those stickers!

    o and that picture of tim was hilarious, great idea! i think Tim felt kinda sad though that Damian didn't recognize his picture. He was like "that's my picture" haha

    i hope you had an awesome time there because i sure did!!
  • I always love reading someone else's review of an event I went to. Here's another one:
  • QUOTE (ihave7stars @ Mar 28 2007, 07:32 AM)
    I'm assuming that Dan wrote the list and in the list, he wrote 100,000 for AMW. (You're missing 900,000 ways, Dan!)

    Maybe after hearing the song, the woman who inspired it saw the error of her ways and is trying to be less cruel.
  • QUOTE (mumblo @ Mar 29 2007, 04:37 PM)
    Maybe after hearing the song, the woman who inspired it saw the error of her ways and is trying to be less cruel.

    HAH!! laugh.gif
    God hates me. That's the fourth concert I've missed that I've wanted to go to.
    From now on, I check the site daily. (I will so not remember that...)
  • haha sorry starshaped, next time

    but did you get to see them at msg?
  • Wow, that's great! Great write-up, and glad you had a good time, ih7s (and porifera and mom! laugh.gif)! Hilarious about the picture biggrin.gif
  • Thanks, 7stars! I'm so glad you got to be there, and front row, too! You gave us not only a thorough recap, but you also illustrated it. How clever of you!

    I laughed so hard at this:
    QUOTE (ihave7stars @ Mar 28 2007, 10:32 AM)
    I'm assuming that Dan wrote the list and in the list, he wrote 100,000 for AMW. (You're missing 900,000 ways, Dan!)
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