lol sorry. Meebo is like this online messaging thing if you don't have msn or your messenger on the computer, you just go to that site... and i was on it for the first time in ages and its all jazzed up now with options to go to differenet rooms. and one that was being advertised on the button at the bottom was the okgo room. I guess its just like a chat room.
ok, I went to the "Official Ok Go Meebo room" and there were a lot of ppl there, but they were mostly 14 yrs old (or so they claimed) and none of them had ever heard of the JC...needless to say, there was no Ok Go discussion. Maybe I went at a bad time or something, but it didn't seem like an Ok Go fan hotspot
ahh yeah there's a whole series of these pics somewhere on the net, the guys were posing with different people...I forgot where I saw them but I downloaded all of them....
No. I'm 15 and I have no clue what this is?
I went to it yesterday but nobody was talking, and some of the userpics... scared me off. (Some were really bizarre).
I don't think I was actually logged into it, but I could see the chat room.
i'm particularly fond of this one:
mostly b/c of andy's face... and the fact that dan is fixing his shoe
As hot as Damian is in his pictures, this has gotta be my favorite ^^
Suavity, personified.
As hot as Damian is in his pictures, this has gotta be my favorite ^^
Suavity, personified.
TOTALLY agreed! Lord Boss of Hogg strikes again!
i love this one!
they're all so cute! i wanna hug them
say AAAH!!!
i'm particularly fond of this one:
mostly b/c of andy's face... and the fact that dan is fixing his shoe
Wow I'd never noticed his face before! That's so cute.
you're right, rocksugar!
Yea. I think it was in an interview recently. Also, he told us about it in person, in Hamburg last September.
ooh, these are pretty! The one of Dan looks very handsome!
hahahah yes he did
and i think they all looked nice in those studio photos
hey its an older pic and no red pants but you get to see Damians backside....