Project epic hasn't arrived, I'll let you know as soon as it does... but I can tell you that just the thought of you amazing people sending me things... well it's made me cry with overwhelmingness a few times! You're so wonderful. I'm so glad I know you.
Also, last year my mom made me a cake with paisley icing. This year - she's gone about a million steps better. I wont say anything more yet about this cake she's made, you'll see the pictures soon enough. It's incredible.
Project epic hasn't arrived, I'll let you know as soon as it does... but I can tell you that just the thought of you amazing people sending me things... well it's made me cry with overwhelmingness a few times! You're so wonderful. I'm so glad I know you.
Also, last year my mom made me a cake with paisley icing. This year - she's gone about a million steps better. I wont say anything more yet about this cake she's made, you'll see the pictures soon enough. It's incredible.
I love you guys!
Ok YOU'RE Alie. Good to know. Now what's project epic?
Well happy late birthday!! Paisley icing huh? that sounds like a task!! A million steps better??? Bring on the pics!!!
Ok YOU'RE Alie. Good to know. Now what's project epic?
Well happy late birthday!! Paisley icing huh? that sounds like a task!! A million steps better??? Bring on the pics!!!
Project epic is a collection of things that a few boardies have sent to Andy, who has sent it all to me. It's in the post at the moment, so as long as the Royal Mail (British postal system) gets its arse in gear, I should get it soon!
And here is the cake:
Amazing or what? My mum is a genius!
And Katie - I'm working on it! Had a few glasses of sparkling wine and then some sake (japanese rice wine - highly alcoholic!) and everything's a little dizzy hehe The conversations in my house are hilarious:
Mum: "Jude, you're drunk as a skunk!" Sister: "No I'm not, I've got wingardium leviosa!"
have a good day ma'am!
hope you like my bit in project epic!
p.s. Andy, did my contribution ever get there?
Project epic hasn't arrived, I'll let you know as soon as it does... but I can tell you that just the thought of you amazing people sending me things... well it's made me cry with overwhelmingness a few times!
Also, last year my mom made me a cake with paisley icing. This year - she's gone about a million steps better. I wont say anything more yet about this cake she's made, you'll see the pictures soon enough. It's incredible.
I love you guys!
Happy Birthday darling wifey!! I hope it's everything you've dreamed it to be!
now go get drunk
Hope it's full of rainbows and kittens and whatever else is cute and fuzzy.
Project epic hasn't arrived, I'll let you know as soon as it does... but I can tell you that just the thought of you amazing people sending me things... well it's made me cry with overwhelmingness a few times!
Also, last year my mom made me a cake with paisley icing. This year - she's gone about a million steps better. I wont say anything more yet about this cake she's made, you'll see the pictures soon enough. It's incredible.
I love you guys!
Ok YOU'RE Alie. Good to know.
Now what's project epic?
Well happy late birthday!! Paisley icing huh? that sounds like a task!! A million steps better??? Bring on the pics!!!
Until the who with the what now?
I believe that should translate to something like, "The British mail system kinda' sucks."
A birthday present?
Now what's project epic?
Well happy late birthday!! Paisley icing huh? that sounds like a task!! A million steps better??? Bring on the pics!!!
Project epic is a collection of things that a few boardies have sent to Andy, who has sent it all to me. It's in the post at the moment, so as long as the Royal Mail (British postal system) gets its arse in gear, I should get it soon!
And here is the cake:
Amazing or what? My mum is a genius!
And Katie - I'm working on it! Had a few glasses of sparkling wine and then some sake (japanese rice wine - highly alcoholic!) and everything's a little dizzy hehe
Mum: "Jude, you're drunk as a skunk!"
Sister: "No I'm not, I've got wingardium leviosa!"