I'm only back cos I'm seeing the guys on Thursday. I'm UBER excited... Last time I saw them (well ok it was only Dan I actually got to talk to) was in Atlanta, last December!!!!
You'd think this'd wear off after the amount of times I've seen them... But it doesn't.
This'll be show number 17 (so long as I don't die before then haha!!)
Any of my friends still on here, HELLO!! I think about coming by often, I just mainly can't be arsed!!
don't know if I count as a friend, but at least a familiar face?
a decent amount of the older boardies still lurk, I think.
and yay for seeing the boys again! that's always exciting... and it's good to see the excitement doesn't go away
don't know if I count as a friend, but at least a familiar face?
a decent amount of the older boardies still lurk, I think.
and yay for seeing the boys again! that's always exciting... and it's good to see the excitement doesn't go away
Ditto what she said. :-D
it's very refreshing to know that the thrill and anticipation of getting to see them really doesn't fade
p.s i remember from when i first started reading the board, how much i loved your sig it was either when i first started reading or posting... can't remember. either way. awesome, and have fun at the show
edit: there were way too many smileys...
I don't even know what I am but haaaaaaaay anyways
I'll be the short-arse with red hair, a bright red coat, and a friend with a jew-fro. And I'm Alice, by the way. Say hello if you see me!
i know you'll have a rad time!
17 shows?! oh my, hopefully ill get up to your ranks one of these days
ANYWAY I am going shopping to buy a top for tomorrow. The prospect of seeing the ex approaches and, well yeh I want to look great muahahah. Ah I hope I see the guys. Well Dan anyway if not all of them *excited* *excited* *excited* (just so you know, I wasn't excited AT ALL last time I saw them, this is a been away for so long kind of excitement!!!)
Hello to all my lovelies. I miss you. I should come round here more often. I just have so much going on in my life now. Like a real job, and a gym addiction lol... But I'm doing a masters next year so I'll be back for ages....
I'll take tonnes of photos
omg really? You'll have to let me know how that one goes down...if it does go down...
This is true.
That night was kind of a disaster, actually...for me, anyway....Hope it goes a lot better tomorrow...
I wouldn't cry if you didn't call me a friend. I'm an old boardie at least, so hello to you.
How did you like the show of the 17th?