p.s. in other news, the reason I haven't been around is because, it turns out, I have severe anemia; something that has been developing for a long time according to my doctors. The good news is it is reversible and I am responding to treatment, so I'll be well soon! Now, if you've read this far, please, please watch your iron levels - it especially hits females hard. If you're tired all the time and nothing you do seems to make it better, get a blood test - it's pretty simple and straightforward, once you look for it.
"and you doooon't waaant that!"
"he liked my look! yes! i'm validated"
Thanks SO much Keaton, and get well! Get rest!
this is so great, haha, he liked Tims look....
Thank you so much Keaton, get well soon!!!!
Thank you so much, Keaton, for sharing. And please, get better soon. *hugs*
Thank you, Keaton! Get well soon!
PS: the comments about the treadmill are annoying, but um, yay! new fans
Thanks so much, keaton - feel better! *hugs*
Awww. That's what I look like when I get to talk to Damian.
omg, sorry, but this just gave me an image, him seeing you, you seeing him and both of you with that look.... hahah, so cute.
That would never ever happen. I see him with that look, and then he kind of smiles and says "Hi, nice to see you" and looks a little uncomfortable at the crazy 4-year-old-in-a-27-year-old-body in front of him.
He does not look uncomfortable when he sees you. He looks genuinely happy to see you. And I know because I've seen the smile.
And am I weird that I like it when Damian tells people they suck? This is of course in reference to people not registering to vote/not voting. Just didn't wanna make two separate posts.
I explain too much. I go away now.
I recently discovered that I'm anemic too. It is a load of suck to deal with, and my doctors hope it'll go eventually... but REMEMBER YOUR IRON, guys!
EDIT: Awwww, yay. I'm so happy for them and Tim's look and Obama and his campaign and this country. Don't fuck this up, America!
Best line
Christy! DO NOT register...maybe that's the key to getting Tim after you!
I am now late to work because I had to do this.
It is worth it.
I recently discovered that I'm anemic too. It is a load of suck to deal with, and my doctors hope it'll go eventually... but REMEMBER YOUR IRON, guys!
EDIT: Awwww, yay. I'm so happy for them and Tim's look and Obama and his campaign and this country. Don't fuck this up, America!
Thank you everyone, for your good wishes! & Shalu-lah, you get well too (supplement with B-12 and Folic Acid if your doctors approve as they seem to help greatly with the achiness & etc.)! I am up to 6.9 hemoglobin (from a shockingly low 5.1 three weeks ago) and the doctors are very pleased with my progress.
Now, if Barack Obama wins (and/or WHEN the Democrats win - ha ha!), how will OK Go start dressing? - since the preppy look was in protest of the Republicans. Think they'll go hippie-esque? They've already got the paisley legacy to build on.
Fabric for Damian's next shirt (found here: )
Keaton, glad to hear you're doing well
lol, the only member of the band i can picture going hippie is Dan.
that is a complete Jim face
I was borderline anemic when I was little, but never that bad. I just had to take this icky iron supplement stuff. Then I started actually eating food (I was very picky), and everything was fine... /tangent
about the video <--