I loved Stargirl. I wanted to BE Stargirl. I'm pretty sure Jerry Spinelli is responsible for most of my young adult-life behavior... though I never owned a mouse.
That book is amazing.
I read Garth Nix back in the day, though I only read "Sabriel" and I don't remember much of the plot, though I remember something about her keeping keys. Am I close?
Wow I really had to dig for this thread! How sad it died for so long
Anywho, I just finished The Glass Castle, and it was really good!! Oh, and Amy, the dad nicknamed the girl Mountain Goat, and then I thought of you and how you like that band The Mountain Goats!
so's Neil Gaiman. But I think I've already said that, like a bunch of times. But I can't help myself, he's just that amazing. so good. like, there's nothing i can say that will truly express his genius or my obsession with him. I think he's gonna take over the world...
my favorite author besides him is Mercedes Lackey, but that's more in the strict fantasy genre, which means prolly less-appealing to people who don't love fantasy. but oh well, cause she's still really awesome.
other than that, I'm a fan of the real classics- The Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, Beowulf, La Morte D'Arthur. Ancient (or at least really old) epic poetry ftw.
downloading some comic books yo! just downloaded daredevil v2 1-94 looking forward to that
ans in thr process of downloading "supreme power" which is the marvel/max version of justice league in which the superman type chacter "hyperion" is taken by the government after arriving on earth, hope its a good read.
Very little time for books (thanks university), mostly just McSweeney's and the New York Magazine.
McSweeney's Joke Book of Book Jokes is fantastic though (ex. "Holden Caulfield Gives the Commencement Speech to a High School" by Andrew Tan. "You're all a bunch of goddamn phonies").
3/4 through "Fast Food Nation" (terrifying and fantastic. It makes me want to stay on this whole vegetarian thing I'm currently playing around with).
10 pages into "The Mandarins" by Simone de Beauvoir. If only I had time to read it. I'll do it this summer.
downloading some comic books yo! just downloaded daredevil v2 1-94 looking forward to that
ans in thr process of downloading "supreme power" which is the marvel/max version of justice league in which the superman type chacter "hyperion" is taken by the government after arriving on earth, hope its a good read.
Ooo, where do you download comic books and is it worth it?
if by worth it you mean is it better then paying, then yes! either find a torrent on your favorite torrent finding site (i favor mininova) or look them up on rapidsearch.yi.org . you would need a .cbr reader which is free. so yeah it takes a little time to download, but its free!
Just finished: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby. Fantastic; after reading it, it makes me appreciate Julian Schnabel's movie adaptation even more.
Currently: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. In terms of the writing style: also fantastic. However, the content sort of makes me feel anxious and a little ill from time to time; I have a lot of trouble with anything about really hard drugs or anything that makes people out of control. I couldn't stand watching the movie for precisely this reason (the same way I loved the novel Clockwork Orange but can't watch the movie... it makes me uncomfortable).
sandman by neil gaiman, do yourself a favour and read it!
Neil Gaiman is speaking at MIT friday night, and it's open to the public, but it's the night of my big senior flute recital. I would totally skip and go see Neil Gaiman instead. kldghsjldghlajfdg
I really like the Eragon books. There's two right now (Eragon and Eldest) but the author is coming out with one, maybe two, more. I think they're really good. The movie sucked. It made it absolutely horrible! The book is WAY better. So if you've seen the movie, don't judge the book on that.
Another freaking amazing book is Twilight!! Especially if you're a girl I know a couple people who thought it was boring but I think they're stupid. The majority of the people who've read it, think that it is amazing!! And there's three books of that out. (Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse) If you haven't heard of it, it's pretty much a vampire love story. But don't just judge it by that if you think that sounds lame. It's really good. And the last book is coming out in August!!! I'm so excited. I do know a couple guys who have read it and actually really enjoyed it. They did admit that at some moments in the book they felt a little gay, though, since they're guys and it's a love story from a girl's perspective. But it's a good book. I HIGHLY recommend it!
The books I remember from my childhood are "Whose Mouse Are You?" (which I can recite almost from memory) and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs."
I'm now on to The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon and, though I'm only on page 10, it seems as fantastic as everyone has claimed.
Andddd the book that defined my early adolescence:
it also marked my early adolescence
Garth nix
That book is amazing.
I read Garth Nix back in the day, though I only read "Sabriel" and I don't remember much of the plot, though I remember something about her keeping keys. Am I close?
Anywho, I just finished The Glass Castle, and it was really good!!
Oh, and Amy, the dad nicknamed the girl Mountain Goat, and then I thought of you and how you like that band The Mountain Goats!
mmmm Garth Nix is gooood.
so's Neil Gaiman. But I think I've already said that, like a bunch of times. But I can't help myself, he's just that amazing. so good. like, there's nothing i can say that will truly express his genius or my obsession with him.
my favorite author besides him is Mercedes Lackey, but that's more in the strict fantasy genre, which means prolly less-appealing to people who don't love fantasy. but oh well, cause she's still really awesome.
other than that, I'm a fan of the real classics- The Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, Beowulf, La Morte D'Arthur. Ancient (or at least really old) epic poetry ftw.
ans in thr process of downloading "supreme power" which is the marvel/max version of justice league in which the superman type chacter "hyperion" is taken by the government after arriving on earth, hope its a good read.
McSweeney's Joke Book of Book Jokes is fantastic though (ex. "Holden Caulfield Gives the Commencement Speech to a High School" by Andrew Tan. "You're all a bunch of goddamn phonies").
3/4 through "Fast Food Nation" (terrifying and fantastic. It makes me want to stay on this whole vegetarian thing I'm currently playing around with).
10 pages into "The Mandarins" by Simone de Beauvoir. If only I had time to read it. I'll do it this summer.
ans in thr process of downloading "supreme power" which is the marvel/max version of justice league in which the superman type chacter "hyperion" is taken by the government after arriving on earth, hope its a good read.
Ooo, where do you download comic books and is it worth it?
Currently: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. In terms of the writing style: also fantastic. However, the content sort of makes me feel anxious and a little ill from time to time; I have a lot of trouble with anything about really hard drugs or anything that makes people out of control.
I couldn't stand watching the movie for precisely this reason (the same way I loved the novel Clockwork Orange but can't watch the movie... it makes me uncomfortable).
Though I do love Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson
Neil Gaiman is speaking at MIT friday night, and it's open to the public, but it's the night of my big senior flute recital.
I would totally skip and go see Neil Gaiman instead.
Another freaking amazing book is Twilight!! Especially if you're a girl
but I want Bella to end up with Edward,
because then Jacob's still free
I know, it's lame
but true.
(Eragon and Eldest are really good, too. the author isn't much older than me, and it's crazy.)
just finished
I-m kinda emarassed but I LOVED IT!!I read it in english, I like it better that way
the movie is coming out in december...I can-t wait!!