Rebekker Sig / looking for image

edited November -1 in OK Go

does anyone have a larger res image of this shot. i think its awesome, great find rebekker. rolleyes.gif

i would really love thi s as a wallpaper.


  • i imagen thats a screencap from the video on the website, if you put the vid on full screen mode you can screen grab yourself a larger vershon!

    if you dunno how to sort that out i can help ya out if you want =]
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Jun 25 2008, 07:39 PM)
    i imagen thats a screencap from the video on the website, if you put the vid on full screen mode you can screen grab yourself a larger vershon!

    if you dunno how to sort that out i can help ya out if you want =]

    hehe yea i know how to do it hehe. but it loses alot of quality when its full screen, i thought someone here might have bought the dvd or somthing with this video on it, and could help me. obviously no one has to but it would be soo cool if someone did. or can point me in a direction of finding a hight quality version. laugh.gif
  • ive the dvd, ill sort somthing out for ya =]
  • BOOM

    there ya go!
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Jun 25 2008, 08:11 PM)

    (removed the tag so that it doesnt waste forums space lol)

    OMG freaking sweet your my hero, thanks so much i love you.
  • s'all good my friend
  • QUOTE (Hurley @ Jun 25 2008, 02:37 PM)

    does anyone have a larger res image of this shot. i think its awesome, great find rebekker. rolleyes.gif

    i would really love thi s as a wallpaper.

    thanks, I really like it too, I can't remember, but I'm almost positive I got it from okgocentral but it looks like Andy hooked you up with one biggrin.gif
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