Hahaha, well you'll have to ask Becky about putting "Katy" in the title.... but by "best" I meant "most totally ridiculous but hilarious", of course. And I don't think it has much to do with you anymore, but it's still entertaining.
Hahaha, well you'll have to ask Becky about putting "Katy" in the title.... but by "best" I meant "most totally ridiculous but hilarious", of course. And I don't think it has much to do with you anymore, but it's still entertaining.
Oh, no, it's totally cool. I just wasn't aware that we'd specifically started naming it after me. XD
And the fact that he's still going on about me (and whomever the other girl was) over a month later is, well. Ridiculous and hilarious.
Alrighty, recap. Sorry, it's very, very long, but it's worth the read.
Oh, it pains me to write this one out. Not that it's bad memories, but it's that I've finally written it out and that means one of the most awesome days of my life has finally been committed to a journal and there's nothing left to do with it. Though there are always remembrances, so I guess it's okay.
So, after the Apple in-store thing, Suzanne and I took the Red Line back to our meeting place and hopped in our cars. We went to the venue to see where the entrance and stage doors were. The entrance was on Damen and the stage door was on Milwaukee.
Upon getting to the stage door we heard some music coming out. We knew it was sound check, just didn't know which band it was as it wasn't an old OK Go song. We were listening trying to figure out who it was and agreed it was the opener US Royalty. But then I was thinking, that bass line sounds an awful lot like Tim. Then I told Suzanne, "that sounds an awful lot like Tim". She agreed. We listened more keenly and agreed that the voice was Damian. Then he did a Prince-esqe scream and we giggled. I giggled because it sounded so awesome, Suzanne giggled because she wasn't expecting that and thought it was funny. We were both glad that we heard this first while they couldn't see us so that we didn't laugh in their faces.
People started going in and out the stage door and Suzanne was famished. So, she went to Jimmy Johns a little up the road and I went to wait by the entrance. At the entrance were two older women, read early/late 40's, who were sitting on camping chairs and working on puzzles. I talked with them while waiting for Suzanne to come over. They said that they had been there for at least an hour or two before we showed up. They wanted to go to the Apple in-store, but were unsure about parking. I told them it was probably a good thing they didn't drive down as parking would have been very expensive and the set was pretty short. I told them that they could have taken the L out there, but they were from out of town and would have probably gotten lost. So, while they missed it, I have almost the entire thing up on YouTube, so I'm sure if they google, they can at least see what they missed.
Suzanne showed up with her sub and started to eat. I was kinda hungry, but I knew I wouldn't be able to eat a thing. For some reason, I can't eat on big show days. I just get it in my head that whatever I eat will not agree with me and I'll be in trouble. Getting food poisoning from Cheesecake Factory didn't help with this disorder. Anyway, it turns out that Suzanne had met these women at an Indianapolis show a few years ago. How I love the little OK Go world we live in.
While waiting in line, I noticed signs on the outer door, outer wall and inner wall that screamed. NO CAMERAS. NO RECORDING CAMERAS. NO CAMERA PHONES. NO. NO. Then I start to freak out a little. Yes, I have two cameras I can work with, however only one of them can easily be hidden, and that one is mainly for video, not so much for the taking of pictures. Suzanne ends up taking my big honkin' Kodak, my new camera's bag and her camera back to her car. I feel a little better that I know I will have at least one camera in the venue and it's the one that will take my videos. While Suzanne is away Katie, Angie, Marci and two other girls show up. YAY! The Boardies have arrived. Also, while we were waiting in line, I texted Katie to let her know about the NO CAMERAS thing. When they arrived, cameras were properly hidden in places security doesn't generally check.
We talked for a while and I was getting cold. It was a pretty decent day weather wise all day, but at the venue, it was getting dark and it was windy. I didn't bring a coat or sweater into the venue as there is no where to put it other than the floor during a show. Ah well.
About 10 minutes before doors open, one of the security guys puts up two new signs outside that say NO PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS. NO. NO. NO. Then my stupid head starts freaking out that I could have kept my damn Kodak as it's a point and shoot and I could have taken some great pics with it. I ask the girls if I should go and get my camera. I'm all wishy-washy, say yes, say no, and take entirely too long to decide. I end up getting it, but not before asking Katie to save me a spot in Andyland. Suzanne gives me her keys, I start running for about a block before my very out-of-shape body tells me I can't anymore. So I walk the rest of the way. I get my camera which is in a cosmetic pouch and Suzanne's camera from her trunk. I figured since I'm getting my camera and the sign now says NO PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS, she might like to use her camera. I dump both in my bag and start walking back to the venue. At the corner is a bus, that stops in front of the Double Door. Yes, I got on the bus for the 3 blocks and got there much quicker. The best $2.25 I've spent that day. However, they had already started let-in, so I had to go to the end of the line. On the way to the back, someone in the line (one of the Burrito Project volunteers) jumped out to ask me about the camera rule. I told him the original signs and then the new signs that were put up. He asked if his old camera from the 80's would pass muster. I told him to show it to me, it didn't look like it would, but I didn't think he had anywhere to put as it looked like he took public transit there. So I said that it looked pretty old and it should be fine. The worst they could do was confiscate it, then he piped in that he would give them the battery. So then I went to the end of the line. Then I had a better idea.
I went back to where the guy jumped out of line stood with him. I hate being a line jumper, but there weren't many people behind us and they really didn't give a shit. So, we talked for a little while. I asked him which group he was in, turns out he was in my group. I felt so bad that I didn't recognize him. Then again, I didn't really talk to him, but I did recognize his shoes, so that was something. I told him that being in aross' group had made me the happiest. He said that he had bought OK Go's self-titled album in high school and instantly liked them. However, he had never seen them in concert. On a whim he decided to help out with the Burrito Project and then went to the Apple in-store afterwords. I told him that for this to be the first time ever seeing the band, he hit the jackpot. And then when Damian had said that he would guest list all those volunteers 21 and over, his day got even better. He had asked me if they guys really submitted the guest list and would he really get in. I told him yes, they don't joke about those things.
We get to the entrance and security. I was pretty sure we'd split at that point, so I told him to enjoy the show and find me if he needed anything. Security checked my bag and almost confiscated Suzanne's camera. Turns out cameras were not allowed. Stupid signs being confusing. So, instead of giving him the camera, I gave him the battery. Then he asked for my ID. He said it was easier for him to remember who the batter belonged to when people started to pick up their confiscated shit. Then I quipped, what if I wanted to get a drink, then reminded myself it was 21+, so I'm already in the clear. All the while talking with him, my heart is leaping because he didn't bother to open the cosmetic bag to find my Kodak. It was probably a good thing that I had Suzanne's camera as he probably thought that was the only camera I had.
I walk in, find the girls, give Suzanne her un-batteried camera, walk over to Andyland to see Katie saved me a choice spot and then I hit the bathroom. I made sure that I drank my fair share of water before the show so I could be well hydrated. And in being well hydrated, I also had to pee quite a lot. Bathroom at the Double Door was actually pretty clean for some dives I've been too. Not to mention they were well stocked on toilet paper. I clean up a little, make sure I don't look haggard and head to the bar. I get me a coke and then head back to Andyland. I talk with Katie and her friend (I'm horrible with names) while waiting for the show to start. We talk about aross, life, work, etc. Angie eventually meanders over and we talk about whatever some more.
Lights go down and US Royalty comes on stage. It starts really nicely. Just the lead singer and his keyboard. And then, bam, bass. Then my organs start to vibrate. Not in a good way either. I felt like I was going to be sick, I couldn't breathe and I might have a heart attack. I looked around and everyone in the front row had the same expression on their face. Whatever was up with the bass line, it messed with our bodies.
US Royalty was actually pretty awesome. I thought their lead singer was going to fall down multiple times because he was completely high energy and had very little stage space. He almost fell a few times and ended up falling at least at the end of the last song. I'm sure the did it for effect or whatever, but I was so glad that he did it consciously and not on accident.
After US Royalty it was OK Go time. While waiting for the set change we talked about feeling like our organs were vibrating for their entire set. We weren't really paying any attention to the house music and then I hear drums, then horns. I'm thinking, that sounds familiar, could it be? YES! It's "Here Comes the Girls" by Ernie K. Doe. Suzanne and I start dancing and singing along. And we were the only two. I'm pretty sure that we looked pretty insane compared to everyone else who were just standing there and talking. But whatever, we were having fun. And we were sure that Tim had something to do with the house music. After the sweet interlude it was back to music I'd never heard of. Which was fine. That little tidbit was wonderful.
Then we see Tim's big drum. Those in the know start clapping. Seems all the sound checks are done and they put up the set lists. One is right in front of me on aross' speaker. The older women from earlier were trying to write down the set list and couldn't decipher Damian's list because it was a little far away and they couldn't only make out half of the words. So, I stood on my tippy toes and read off of aross' list. It was as follows:
Shooting the Moon GOI - Get Over It AMW - A Million Ways (ELECTRIC!!!!) White Knuckles (this is one of the best new songs, I'm so pissed my camera didn't capture it) I Want U So Bad Oh Lately It's So Quiet BFK - Back From Kathmandu Don't Ask HIGA - Here It Goes Again
{WTD bells} {Last Leaf Acoustic}
Disaster TTSP - This Too Shall Pass DWYW - Do What You Want
Encore: Skyscrapers Good Idea Invincible
They thank me for giving them the info. And I'm thinking, I know exactly what I'm doing once the set is over.
Lights dim and Tim comes out. He starts to drum and then Damian comes out and plays his guitar. Then he starts to sing. Oh, it's so nice. Then aross comes out and joins in with back-up vocals and this little box of synthesized noise. It was fucking awesome. Dan finally makes it out and yeah, nice. "Shooting The Moon" is pretty nifty.
"Get Over It" is performed superbly. No jumping though and no long blues riffs in the middle as per usual. "A Million Ways" is finally performed electric-ly. During their previous tour, they would do AMW acoustically and well, it sounds better with amps.
"White Knuckles" amazed me. I wanted to record it to video, but I apparently hit the wrong button and it didn't record. It makes me sad, but there are other vids of "White Knuckles" out there. Still, this song had me dancin'.
Next was "I Want U So Bad". OHMYFUCKINGGOD!! I'm so glad I didn't fuck this one up. All I could do was stand there with my jaw hanging open while Damian is up there singing. If you couldn't tell, aross is my main squeeze and I don't really pay "attention" to the other boys. But then this song. Blew my fucking mind. Damian is fucking orgasm-ing on stage. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dry seat in the house at that point. I cannot wait to hear what this sounds like on the CD. Something tells me this is going to be a very popular song once the album is released.
"Oh Lately It's So Quiet" is up. Beautiful as usual. Katie, Angie and I screamed Run's House. I only did it for the first chorus. Damian, I'm sure wasn't really impressed at that point so I didn't bother to continue.
"Back From Kathmandu" was up. I like this one better with electricity. Cowbells kill me they sound so great in this song. And the echo for Damian, nice.
"Don't Ask Me" kicked all kinds of ass as usual. I'm surprised I didn't get a vid of it as I usually do. Miss toiletdog got a concert call for this one. I hope she got it. "Here It Goes Again" is now a staple in all of their shows. I could leave it or take it. I'm sure I would like the song so much more if it hadn't been beaten to death.
While the crew was setting up the handbells, yes, that's right, handbells, Damian came out onto he lip of the stage and told us two stories. One of them being about a church group asking to use "Here It Goes Again". However, they wanted to change the lyric from, 'but Jesus, when it rains how it pours' to 'but Geez, when it rains how it pours'. Yeah, it was somewhat funny, but not really. So, he ended up saying that those people were bringing OK Go to the God World, they would bring the God World to OK Go. And then he started to go off on one of my friends that had said something during the East Coast tour. It was hilarious to me because I knew the actual back story. You can see/hear the banter here.
"What To Do" on handbells killed me. It was that good. Okay, it wasn't fucking amazing, but it was fucking amazing. I especially liked the OK sign and smile aross gave to the sound person before they started playing. Tim was just adorable with the big bell and face he made while playing it. It was so awesome to hear almost the entire audience sing along. It made me fell all warm and fuzzy inside. "Last Leaf" was up next. It's nice. It might grown on me. For now, eh.
"It's a Disaster" never disappoints. Except you can totally hear me singing so horribly in the background. Gah! I seriously hope that when I'm singing along, the guys can't hear me. Most likely they can't, but still, ew.
Up next was "This Too Shall Pass". It's nice, but not totally sold on it yet. Though I thoroughly enjoyed Damian's genuine excitement about the song. It's so warming to see him be happy on stage. Miss djrose got a concert call for this one. I heard that she did get it and liked it. Well, with all the static anyway.
And then, for those who didn't see the set list, probably thought "Do What You Want" was the last song of the night. Especially since they closed with this song for at least a year. One of the best songs they do live. It's just so high energy and fun, love it.
They leave the stage and probably pee, drink something other than beer and then come back on stage. They did "Skycrapers" in which Tim plays the keys, Damian channels Prince and aross plays tubular bells. I'm so glad that Suzanne and I heard this before the actual set. But believe it or not, I liked it better during sound check. Could have been because Damian had worn out his voice a little or he just sang it better the first time. No vid for this one, oh well.
"A Good Idea at the Time" was next. It's a good second album song, but not one of my faves. Miss ezorvera got a concert call for this one. While I had my phone out, aross looked down and gave a "What the fuck is that" look. I'm not kidding. It was priceless. I wish I'd gotten a pic of it. But I did get a pic of my hand with camera that ended up with confetti all over it.
Then my favorite OK Go song was the last song of the night. "Invincible" was so great to end on. Seriously, I don't know how, but a little birdie is nice and whispered in their ears that this is my favorite and they need to end their sets with it. I'm sure it's just a happy coincidence, but still, wonderful. And we've (the Boardies) all noticed that Damian flips devastate and decimate in the middle of the song. If you're not familiar with the song, it doesn't make a big difference, but knowing the exact words, it's kinda funny/cute/annoying. We're pretty sure that Damian thinks he's probably singing it correctly. And after him still bitching about Katy's comment about the bells, I'm not about to mention that to him. Sure, it would be grand to be the impetus for a new rant/banter, but still.
The song ends and they head off stage. I grab the set list off aross' speaker and get Damian's set list for the two older ladies from earlier. Then we see the confetti carnage. Holy shit did they use the confetti. It was pretty and all, but jesus christ, it was everywhere. It was in my hair (I had two french braids mind you), on my hoodie, in my hoodie and in my cleavage. I'm sure they could cover a small country with all the confetti they've used thus far in this mini-tour set. Side note: there is currently confetti on my stairs. I don't know how it got there, but I'm sure it fell off my body at some point either Thursday night/Friday morning.
It was a great show and I'm so glad that they had a stop in Chicago. And yes, now we can stop bitching that they didn't stop here before releasing their new album.
I didn't take many pics because of the camera issue. Those I did take are located here.
It was a great show and I'm so glad that they had a stop in Chicago. And yes, now we can stop bitching that they didn't stop here before releasing their new album.
haha, I'm not gonna stop bitching, at least to myself. A 21+ show is NOT acceptable! I shall continue to be upset.
But anyways, that was a really good write-up, Becky! I'm so excited to hear all of the songs! I'm still committed to holding off til a concert or the album, though, before I listen to them. I'm so jealous! I really wish I could have went. It sounds like it was freaking awesome
Thanks! I still can't believe how awesome the new songs are. And I've heard that the ones they're currently playing don't even compare to the awesomeness that are the ones we haven't heard yet.
I'm glad I waited to hear them live instead of listening to them on YouTube and what not. It was the best to just experience them with the band. Especially "I Want U So Bad". *shiver*
Read her little write-up and then enjoy the pics at the bottom.
I was second row for much of the set (except when the awesome girls in front of me let me sneak up front for a few songs - thanks girls!), so between that and the obstructions on stage, I wasn’t able to get all the angles that I normally enjoy getting. However, it was fine, because OkGo is such a fun, charismatic band that they still carried slightly less dynamically composed shots well.
Those awesome girls were Katie, Angie and me. I asked her to get some good shots of aross. Think she did pretty well. What say you?
First of all, big thanks to Becky for hosting me! Also, thank you, thank you, Becky, for your videos and pictures!! I appreciate your dedication to taking them and posting so quickly. They are really good!
Sorry I haven't posted sooner, but I didn't come home right away. I stopped in Dayton for a couple days, and then yesterday I was just recovering. I've been to Chicago three times to see this band, and each time it's been super-emotional, for various reasons.
I may have more to post later, but for now:
I'm very glad I waited to hear the new songs in person. If you are also waiting, I encourage you. Be strong and hold out!
I won't say a lot about the new songs, but I did fall in love with "Back from Kathmandu" on the first verse at the Apple Store, and I've listened to it now like 20 times in the last two days. I love that I have a new OK Go song stuck in my head. Also, I was in tears for "Last Leaf" during the concert. I admit that the whiskey may have had an influence here, but still. I just listened to it again now, no whiskey, and I'm misty-eyed.
OK Go is going to do it again: They are going to put out a record, and I am going to like every thing on it.
And Andy thinks we haven't even heard the best stuff yet.
Good to see everyone who came. More later!
Edit: And yes, OK Go does craft their intro and outro music. Becky and I danced and sang to "Here Comes the Girls" during the intro, and I was excited to hear The Who's "I Can't Explain" in the outro. If I had a time machine, I think I'd go back to 1965-66, just to go to tons of concerts and shows. And buy IBM stock.
First of all, big thanks to Becky for hosting me! Also, thank you, thank you, Becky, for your videos and pictures!! I appreciate your dedication to taking them and posting so quickly. They are really good!
Anytime Suzanne!! It was so nice to have someone with me the entire day and then talk immediately afterwards about everything. I still wish I'd gotten more pics, ah well.
QUOTE (sureeyesawake @ Apr 27 2009, 09:00 PM)
And Andy thinks we haven't even heard the best stuff yet.
Edit: And yes, OK Go does craft their intro and outro music. Becky and I danced and sang to "Here Comes the Girls" during the intro, and I was excited to hear The Who's "I Can't Explain" in the outro. If I had a time machine, I think I'd go back to 1965-66, just to go to tons of concerts and shows. And buy IBM stock.
Michael! Michael and the slipper tree, slipper tree, slipper tree, BRAND NEW SHOES FOR YOU AND ME!!!!!!!!!!
Katy and I both have playlists of songs off the pre-show music. They're not complete by any stretch of the imagination, but if anyone's interested, I can post what songs I remember.
Hi, I'm older lady number 1. Thanks for your age assessment, Becky, I'll be 51 in June and my sister will be 47 in July. I wanted to thank you again for the set list. My sister's going to put it in a shadow box with my tambourine and a crapload of confetti, along with stage booty from her other favorite band - Mute Math, so I'm sure she thanks you as well. Usually I'd take a picture of the set list since I blog about my shows, but we didn't see the sign about cameras and I didn't bring mine in. I agree with you about the bass, I thought I was going to be sick for a song or two until my organs rearranged themselves, then all was well. Thanks again and maybe we'll see you at another show.
Oh, and I'm sure there was a Beatles song in the intro music as well, but can't remember which at the moment - maybe something from the White Album.
Hi, I'm older lady number 1. Thanks for your age assessment, Becky, I'll be 51 in June and my sister will be 47 in July. I wanted to thank you again for the set list. My sister's going to put it in a shadow box with my tambourine and a crapload of confetti, along with stage booty from her other favorite band - Mute Math, so I'm sure she thanks you as well. Usually I'd take a picture of the set list since I blog about my shows, but we didn't see the sign about cameras and I didn't bring mine in. I agree with you about the bass, I thought I was going to be sick for a song or two until my organs rearranged themselves, then all was well. Thanks again and maybe we'll see you at another show.
No probs on the set list. It's all I can do to help out other OK Go fans. So jealous you got a tambourine. I've always wanted one, but aross always throws them over my head.
Definitely going to the next Midwest show (whenever that will be), hopefully we'll bump into each other again
Michael! Michael and the slipper tree, slipper tree, slipper tree, BRAND NEW SHOES FOR YOU AND ME!!!!!!!!!!
Katy and I both have playlists of songs off the pre-show music. They're not complete by any stretch of the imagination, but if anyone's interested, I can post what songs I remember.
QUOTE ('sureeyesawake')
Becky and I danced and sang to "Here Comes the Girls" during the intro, and I was excited to hear The Who's "I Can't Explain" in the outro.
I actually discovered, upon close listening, it might be "Michael and HIS Slipper Tree." But evs.
Other stuff I remember: "Tenderness" - General Public "When U Were Mine" - Prince "Venus" by...whomever sings it.
Thanks for the info on The Who song. Who sings "Here Comes the Girls"? There was also what we're pretty sure was a Bowie song on there, too, but we couldn't Shazzam it properly so we didn't figure out what it was.
Here Comes the Girls is by Ernie K. Doe (or K-Doe, some spell it, I think). Becky mentions it above. I bought it on iTunes. Let me see if I can find something...*rummages in forums*...oh, yeah, here it is
Who sings "Here Comes the Girls"? There was also what we're pretty sure was a Bowie song on there, too, but we couldn't Shazzam it properly so we didn't figure out what it was.
QUOTE (sureeyesawake @ Apr 28 2009, 06:42 PM)
Here Comes the Girls is by Ernie K. Doe (or K-Doe, some spell it, I think). Becky mentions it above. I bought it on iTunes. Let me see if I can find something...*rummages in forums*
Yep, it's Ernie K. Doe. I got my copy from iTunes, too.
I want an iPhone so I can Shazzam stuffs. Well, glimmer on the horizon, Verizon might be picking up the iPhone next year!!!
Thanks for the info on The Who song. Who sings "Here Comes the Girls"? There was also what we're pretty sure was a Bowie song on there, too, but we couldn't Shazzam it properly so we didn't figure out what it was.
What's this about my Ziggy?! Are you saying Ok Go covered a David Bowie song? I'd pay good money to see that! (If only Ok Go would come to my city )
What's this about my Ziggy?! Are you saying Ok Go covered a David Bowie song? I'd pay good money to see that! (If only Ok Go would come to my city )
No sweetie, we're talking about the music that gets played over the PA before and after OK Go's set. In the past it's included Quit Your Dayjob, The Zombies, and other music they've talked about loving, so I figured out that they were responsible for it a long time ago. Currently it includes all the songs we've mentioned above. Oh, and also "Tenderness" by General Public (which makes my life happy). OH and "The Choice Is Yours" by Black Sheep (which brings me back to 8th Grade Awww yeah). I'd almost forgotten about that entirely!
And I don't think it has much to do with you anymore, but it's still entertaining.
And I don't think it has much to do with you anymore, but it's still entertaining.
Oh, no, it's totally cool. I just wasn't aware that we'd specifically started naming it after me. XD
And the fact that he's still going on about me (and whomever the other girl was) over a month later is, well. Ridiculous and hilarious.
Oh, it pains me to write this one out. Not that it's bad memories, but it's that I've finally written it out and that means one of the most awesome days of my life has finally been committed to a journal and there's nothing left to do with it. Though there are always remembrances, so I guess it's okay.
So, after the Apple in-store thing, Suzanne and I took the Red Line back to our meeting place and hopped in our cars. We went to the venue to see where the entrance and stage doors were. The entrance was on Damen and the stage door was on Milwaukee.
Upon getting to the stage door we heard some music coming out. We knew it was sound check, just didn't know which band it was as it wasn't an old OK Go song. We were listening trying to figure out who it was and agreed it was the opener US Royalty. But then I was thinking, that bass line sounds an awful lot like Tim. Then I told Suzanne, "that sounds an awful lot like Tim". She agreed. We listened more keenly and agreed that the voice was Damian. Then he did a Prince-esqe scream and we giggled. I giggled because it sounded so awesome, Suzanne giggled because she wasn't expecting that and thought it was funny. We were both glad that we heard this first while they couldn't see us so that we didn't laugh in their faces.
People started going in and out the stage door and Suzanne was famished. So, she went to Jimmy Johns a little up the road and I went to wait by the entrance. At the entrance were two older women, read early/late 40's, who were sitting on camping chairs and working on puzzles. I talked with them while waiting for Suzanne to come over. They said that they had been there for at least an hour or two before we showed up. They wanted to go to the Apple in-store, but were unsure about parking. I told them it was probably a good thing they didn't drive down as parking would have been very expensive and the set was pretty short. I told them that they could have taken the L out there, but they were from out of town and would have probably gotten lost. So, while they missed it, I have almost the entire thing up on YouTube, so I'm sure if they google, they can at least see what they missed.
Suzanne showed up with her sub and started to eat. I was kinda hungry, but I knew I wouldn't be able to eat a thing. For some reason, I can't eat on big show days. I just get it in my head that whatever I eat will not agree with me and I'll be in trouble. Getting food poisoning from Cheesecake Factory didn't help with this disorder. Anyway, it turns out that Suzanne had met these women at an Indianapolis show a few years ago. How I love the little OK Go world we live in.
While waiting in line, I noticed signs on the outer door, outer wall and inner wall that screamed. NO CAMERAS. NO RECORDING CAMERAS. NO CAMERA PHONES. NO. NO. Then I start to freak out a little. Yes, I have two cameras I can work with, however only one of them can easily be hidden, and that one is mainly for video, not so much for the taking of pictures. Suzanne ends up taking my big honkin' Kodak, my new camera's bag and her camera back to her car. I feel a little better that I know I will have at least one camera in the venue and it's the one that will take my videos. While Suzanne is away Katie, Angie, Marci and two other girls show up. YAY! The Boardies have arrived. Also, while we were waiting in line, I texted Katie to let her know about the NO CAMERAS thing. When they arrived, cameras were properly hidden in places security doesn't generally check.
We talked for a while and I was getting cold. It was a pretty decent day weather wise all day, but at the venue, it was getting dark and it was windy. I didn't bring a coat or sweater into the venue as there is no where to put it other than the floor during a show. Ah well.
About 10 minutes before doors open, one of the security guys puts up two new signs outside that say NO PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS. NO. NO. NO. Then my stupid head starts freaking out that I could have kept my damn Kodak as it's a point and shoot and I could have taken some great pics with it. I ask the girls if I should go and get my camera. I'm all wishy-washy, say yes, say no, and take entirely too long to decide. I end up getting it, but not before asking Katie to save me a spot in Andyland. Suzanne gives me her keys, I start running for about a block before my very out-of-shape body tells me I can't anymore. So I walk the rest of the way. I get my camera which is in a cosmetic pouch and Suzanne's camera from her trunk. I figured since I'm getting my camera and the sign now says NO PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS, she might like to use her camera. I dump both in my bag and start walking back to the venue. At the corner is a bus, that stops in front of the Double Door. Yes, I got on the bus for the 3 blocks and got there much quicker. The best $2.25 I've spent that day. However, they had already started let-in, so I had to go to the end of the line. On the way to the back, someone in the line (one of the Burrito Project volunteers) jumped out to ask me about the camera rule. I told him the original signs and then the new signs that were put up. He asked if his old camera from the 80's would pass muster. I told him to show it to me, it didn't look like it would, but I didn't think he had anywhere to put as it looked like he took public transit there. So I said that it looked pretty old and it should be fine. The worst they could do was confiscate it, then he piped in that he would give them the battery. So then I went to the end of the line. Then I had a better idea.
I went back to where the guy jumped out of line stood with him. I hate being a line jumper, but there weren't many people behind us and they really didn't give a shit. So, we talked for a little while. I asked him which group he was in, turns out he was in my group. I felt so bad that I didn't recognize him. Then again, I didn't really talk to him, but I did recognize his shoes, so that was something. I told him that being in aross' group had made me the happiest. He said that he had bought OK Go's self-titled album in high school and instantly liked them. However, he had never seen them in concert. On a whim he decided to help out with the Burrito Project and then went to the Apple in-store afterwords. I told him that for this to be the first time ever seeing the band, he hit the jackpot. And then when Damian had said that he would guest list all those volunteers 21 and over, his day got even better. He had asked me if they guys really submitted the guest list and would he really get in. I told him yes, they don't joke about those things.
We get to the entrance and security. I was pretty sure we'd split at that point, so I told him to enjoy the show and find me if he needed anything. Security checked my bag and almost confiscated Suzanne's camera. Turns out cameras were not allowed. Stupid signs being confusing. So, instead of giving him the camera, I gave him the battery. Then he asked for my ID. He said it was easier for him to remember who the batter belonged to when people started to pick up their confiscated shit. Then I quipped, what if I wanted to get a drink, then reminded myself it was 21+, so I'm already in the clear. All the while talking with him, my heart is leaping because he didn't bother to open the cosmetic bag to find my Kodak. It was probably a good thing that I had Suzanne's camera as he probably thought that was the only camera I had.
I walk in, find the girls, give Suzanne her un-batteried camera, walk over to Andyland to see Katie saved me a choice spot and then I hit the bathroom. I made sure that I drank my fair share of water before the show so I could be well hydrated. And in being well hydrated, I also had to pee quite a lot. Bathroom at the Double Door was actually pretty clean for some dives I've been too. Not to mention they were well stocked on toilet paper. I clean up a little, make sure I don't look haggard and head to the bar. I get me a coke and then head back to Andyland. I talk with Katie and her friend (I'm horrible with names) while waiting for the show to start. We talk about aross, life, work, etc. Angie eventually meanders over and we talk about whatever some more.
Lights go down and US Royalty comes on stage. It starts really nicely. Just the lead singer and his keyboard. And then, bam, bass. Then my organs start to vibrate. Not in a good way either. I felt like I was going to be sick, I couldn't breathe and I might have a heart attack. I looked around and everyone in the front row had the same expression on their face. Whatever was up with the bass line, it messed with our bodies.
US Royalty was actually pretty awesome. I thought their lead singer was going to fall down multiple times because he was completely high energy and had very little stage space. He almost fell a few times and ended up falling at least at the end of the last song. I'm sure the did it for effect or whatever, but I was so glad that he did it consciously and not on accident.
After US Royalty it was OK Go time. While waiting for the set change we talked about feeling like our organs were vibrating for their entire set. We weren't really paying any attention to the house music and then I hear drums, then horns. I'm thinking, that sounds familiar, could it be? YES! It's "Here Comes the Girls" by Ernie K. Doe. Suzanne and I start dancing and singing along. And we were the only two. I'm pretty sure that we looked pretty insane compared to everyone else who were just standing there and talking. But whatever, we were having fun. And we were sure that Tim had something to do with the house music. After the sweet interlude it was back to music I'd never heard of. Which was fine. That little tidbit was wonderful.
Then we see Tim's big drum. Those in the know start clapping. Seems all the sound checks are done and they put up the set lists. One is right in front of me on aross' speaker. The older women from earlier were trying to write down the set list and couldn't decipher Damian's list because it was a little far away and they couldn't only make out half of the words. So, I stood on my tippy toes and read off of aross' list. It was as follows:
Shooting the Moon
GOI - Get Over It
AMW - A Million Ways (ELECTRIC!!!!)
White Knuckles (this is one of the best new songs, I'm so pissed my camera didn't capture it)
I Want U So Bad
Oh Lately It's So Quiet
BFK - Back From Kathmandu
Don't Ask
HIGA - Here It Goes Again
{WTD bells}
{Last Leaf Acoustic}
TTSP - This Too Shall Pass
DWYW - Do What You Want
Good Idea
They thank me for giving them the info. And I'm thinking, I know exactly what I'm doing once the set is over.
Lights dim and Tim comes out. He starts to drum and then Damian comes out and plays his guitar. Then he starts to sing. Oh, it's so nice. Then aross comes out and joins in with back-up vocals and this little box of synthesized noise. It was fucking awesome. Dan finally makes it out and yeah, nice. "Shooting The Moon" is pretty nifty.
"Get Over It" is performed superbly. No jumping though and no long blues riffs in the middle as per usual. "A Million Ways" is finally performed electric-ly. During their previous tour, they would do AMW acoustically and well, it sounds better with amps.
"White Knuckles" amazed me. I wanted to record it to video, but I apparently hit the wrong button and it didn't record. It makes me sad, but there are other vids of "White Knuckles" out there. Still, this song had me dancin'.
Next was "I Want U So Bad". OHMYFUCKINGGOD!! I'm so glad I didn't fuck this one up. All I could do was stand there with my jaw hanging open while Damian is up there singing. If you couldn't tell, aross is my main squeeze and I don't really pay "attention" to the other boys. But then this song. Blew my fucking mind. Damian is fucking orgasm-ing on stage. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dry seat in the house at that point. I cannot wait to hear what this sounds like on the CD. Something tells me this is going to be a very popular song once the album is released.
"Oh Lately It's So Quiet" is up. Beautiful as usual. Katie, Angie and I screamed Run's House. I only did it for the first chorus. Damian, I'm sure wasn't really impressed at that point so I didn't bother to continue.
"Back From Kathmandu" was up. I like this one better with electricity. Cowbells kill me they sound so great in this song. And the echo for Damian, nice.
"Don't Ask Me" kicked all kinds of ass as usual. I'm surprised I didn't get a vid of it as I usually do. Miss toiletdog got a concert call for this one. I hope she got it. "Here It Goes Again" is now a staple in all of their shows. I could leave it or take it. I'm sure I would like the song so much more if it hadn't been beaten to death.
While the crew was setting up the handbells, yes, that's right, handbells, Damian came out onto he lip of the stage and told us two stories. One of them being about a church group asking to use "Here It Goes Again". However, they wanted to change the lyric from, 'but Jesus, when it rains how it pours' to 'but Geez, when it rains how it pours'. Yeah, it was somewhat funny, but not really. So, he ended up saying that those people were bringing OK Go to the God World, they would bring the God World to OK Go. And then he started to go off on one of my friends that had said something during the East Coast tour. It was hilarious to me because I knew the actual back story. You can see/hear the banter here.
"What To Do" on handbells killed me. It was that good. Okay, it wasn't fucking amazing, but it was fucking amazing. I especially liked the OK sign and smile aross gave to the sound person before they started playing. Tim was just adorable with the big bell and face he made while playing it. It was so awesome to hear almost the entire audience sing along. It made me fell all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Last Leaf" was up next. It's nice. It might grown on me. For now, eh.
"It's a Disaster" never disappoints. Except you can totally hear me singing so horribly in the background. Gah! I seriously hope that when I'm singing along, the guys can't hear me. Most likely they can't, but still, ew.
Up next was "This Too Shall Pass". It's nice, but not totally sold on it yet. Though I thoroughly enjoyed Damian's genuine excitement about the song. It's so warming to see him be happy on stage. Miss djrose got a concert call for this one. I heard that she did get it and liked it. Well, with all the static anyway.
And then, for those who didn't see the set list, probably thought "Do What You Want" was the last song of the night. Especially since they closed with this song for at least a year. One of the best songs they do live. It's just so high energy and fun, love it.
They leave the stage and probably pee, drink something other than beer and then come back on stage. They did "Skycrapers" in which Tim plays the keys, Damian channels Prince and aross plays tubular bells. I'm so glad that Suzanne and I heard this before the actual set. But believe it or not, I liked it better during sound check. Could have been because Damian had worn out his voice a little or he just sang it better the first time. No vid for this one, oh well.
"A Good Idea at the Time" was next. It's a good second album song, but not one of my faves. Miss ezorvera got a concert call for this one. While I had my phone out, aross looked down and gave a "What the fuck is that" look. I'm not kidding. It was priceless. I wish I'd gotten a pic of it. But I did get a pic of my hand with camera that ended up with confetti all over it.
Then my favorite OK Go song was the last song of the night. "Invincible" was so great to end on. Seriously, I don't know how, but a little birdie is nice and whispered in their ears that this is my favorite and they need to end their sets with it. I'm sure it's just a happy coincidence, but still, wonderful. And we've (the Boardies) all noticed that Damian flips devastate and decimate in the middle of the song. If you're not familiar with the song, it doesn't make a big difference, but knowing the exact words, it's kinda funny/cute/annoying. We're pretty sure that Damian thinks he's probably singing it correctly. And after him still bitching about Katy's comment about the bells, I'm not about to mention that to him. Sure, it would be grand to be the impetus for a new rant/banter, but still.
The song ends and they head off stage. I grab the set list off aross' speaker and get Damian's set list for the two older ladies from earlier. Then we see the confetti carnage. Holy shit did they use the confetti. It was pretty and all, but jesus christ, it was everywhere. It was in my hair (I had two french braids mind you), on my hoodie, in my hoodie and in my cleavage. I'm sure they could cover a small country with all the confetti they've used thus far in this mini-tour set. Side note: there is currently confetti on my stairs. I don't know how it got there, but I'm sure it fell off my body at some point either Thursday night/Friday morning.
It was a great show and I'm so glad that they had a stop in Chicago. And yes, now we can stop bitching that they didn't stop here before releasing their new album.
I didn't take many pics because of the camera issue. Those I did take are located here.
I'm glad you got to hear the new songs, and how totally epic they are.
haha, I'm not gonna stop bitching, at least to myself. A 21+ show is NOT acceptable!
But anyways, that was a really good write-up, Becky! I'm so excited to hear all of the songs! I'm still committed to holding off til a concert or the album, though, before I listen to them. I'm so jealous! I really wish I could have went. It sounds like it was freaking awesome
I'm glad I waited to hear them live instead of listening to them on YouTube and what not. It was the best to just experience them with the band. Especially "I Want U So Bad". *shiver*
Read her little write-up and then enjoy the pics at the bottom. Those awesome girls were Katie, Angie and me. I asked her to get some good shots of aross. Think she did pretty well. What say you?
First of all, big thanks to Becky for hosting me! Also, thank you, thank you, Becky, for your videos and pictures!! I appreciate your dedication to taking them and posting so quickly. They are really good!
Sorry I haven't posted sooner, but I didn't come home right away. I stopped in Dayton for a couple days, and then yesterday I was just recovering. I've been to Chicago three times to see this band, and each time it's been super-emotional, for various reasons.
I may have more to post later, but for now:
I'm very glad I waited to hear the new songs in person. If you are also waiting, I encourage you. Be strong and hold out!
I won't say a lot about the new songs, but I did fall in love with "Back from Kathmandu" on the first verse at the Apple Store, and I've listened to it now like 20 times in the last two days. I love that I have a new OK Go song stuck in my head. Also, I was in tears for "Last Leaf" during the concert. I admit that the whiskey may have had an influence here, but still. I just listened to it again now, no whiskey, and I'm misty-eyed.
OK Go is going to do it again: They are going to put out a record, and I am going to like every thing on it.
And Andy thinks we haven't even heard the best stuff yet.
Good to see everyone who came. More later!
Edit: And yes, OK Go does craft their intro and outro music. Becky and I danced and sang to "Here Comes the Girls" during the intro, and I was excited to hear The Who's "I Can't Explain" in the outro. If I had a time machine, I think I'd go back to 1965-66, just to go to tons of concerts and shows. And buy IBM stock.
First of all, big thanks to Becky for hosting me! Also, thank you, thank you, Becky, for your videos and pictures!! I appreciate your dedication to taking them and posting so quickly. They are really good!
Anytime Suzanne!! It was so nice to have someone with me the entire day and then talk immediately afterwards about everything. I still wish I'd gotten more pics, ah well.
Ah, that's who said it!
Michael! Michael and the slipper tree, slipper tree, slipper tree, BRAND NEW SHOES FOR YOU AND ME!!!!!!!!!!
Katy and I both have playlists of songs off the pre-show music. They're not complete by any stretch of the imagination, but if anyone's interested, I can post what songs I remember.
Oh, and I'm sure there was a Beatles song in the intro music as well, but can't remember which at the moment - maybe something from the White Album.
No probs on the set list. It's all I can do to help out other OK Go fans. So jealous you got a tambourine. I've always wanted one, but aross always throws them over my head.
Definitely going to the next Midwest show (whenever that will be), hopefully we'll bump into each other again
Katy and I both have playlists of songs off the pre-show music. They're not complete by any stretch of the imagination, but if anyone's interested, I can post what songs I remember.
I actually discovered, upon close listening, it might be "Michael and HIS Slipper Tree." But evs.
Other stuff I remember:
"Tenderness" - General Public
"When U Were Mine" - Prince
"Venus" by...whomever sings it.
Thanks for the info on The Who song. Who sings "Here Comes the Girls"? There was also what we're pretty sure was a Bowie song on there, too, but we couldn't Shazzam it properly so we didn't figure out what it was.
and welcome mmom
and this from Feb '08. Thank you, beasle!!
Yep, it's Ernie K. Doe. I got my copy from iTunes, too.
I want an iPhone so I can Shazzam stuffs. Well, glimmer on the horizon, Verizon might be picking up the iPhone next year!!!
What's this about my Ziggy?! Are you saying Ok Go covered a David Bowie song? I'd pay good money to see that! (If only Ok Go would come to my city
No sweetie, we're talking about the music that gets played over the PA before and after OK Go's set. In the past it's included Quit Your Dayjob, The Zombies, and other music they've talked about loving, so I figured out that they were responsible for it a long time ago. Currently it includes all the songs we've mentioned above. Oh, and also "Tenderness" by General Public (which makes my life happy). OH and "The Choice Is Yours" by Black Sheep (which brings me back to 8th Grade Awww yeah). I'd almost forgotten about that entirely!