So, I want to collect all of their music, because I love it. I have Oh No (Limited Edition) and Ok Go (On teh Zune). Well, I was searching their music on youtube, in case I missed any, because I am making my own list. And I don't want to favorite it on youtube. No, no. The music on their is usually low quality. I am searching for the mp3s themselves. Well, I saw a few songs on youtube, one called Oh My Little Kitten (or something similiar.) Then in the comments for that, it said it was from an old album called Appendices. Appendices? WHAT MUSIC HAVE I BEEN MISSING?! Well, I have my own list,
but I don't now anything about this mystery music, or supposedly parts of Blue Ray that got leaked. *looks at names of songs on youtube*
So, if you have ANY kind of idea of this music, or have a list, or KNOW of a list, post it here.
Edit: OK, so I found the thread XD. Well, Jedi below here did. I feel dumb now! ... So yeah. Ignore this now.