Ok, I managed to cut and paste the chat. It looks like crap, but I managed to save it all. It's 74 pages in Word, before editing out extra spaces. Let me know if any of you want to see/read it and I'll try to make it pretty and post it. Eventually.
At least it'll make watching the video chat a little easier to figure out.
Ok, I managed to cut and paste the chat. It looks like crap, but I managed to save it all. It's 74 pages in Word, before editing out extra spaces. Let me know if any of you want to see/read it and I'll try to make it pretty and post it. Eventually.
At least it'll make watching the video chat a little easier to figure out.
Well,it would be cool to see it but if it's to much work for you should have to post it.
Below is the chat. It is very, very long. Damian and Tim started reading around 9:30.
Welcome to the chat room!
5:49 kilbrittain: jtv: okgo says, Hello OKGO-ers slightlymprfect: hey sunnyside1334: Hi slightlymprfect: 1334 is my street address slightlymprfect: swear douglas_2424: HI carolinerubio: omg ok go! goobie_doobie: OK Go are just amazing ginkgo_phyta: everyone should check out their music vid "This Too Shall Pass" on their website, pretty baller goobie_doobie: i saw it goobie_doobie: it's quite good goobie_doobie: my fave. song is probably Get Over It ginkgo_phyta: I love how it is a single take goobie_doobie: yeah c4k3m0nst3r: Hello folks! goobie_doobie: i love the video for Here It Goes Again goobie_doobie: the treadmill one reggie18: ha million ways is pretty sweet too goobie_doobie: yeah goobie_doobie: they can really dance reggie18: I know!!! thats what made me intrigued by them but then i listened to a lot of their songs and they are AWESOME ginkgo_phyta: I like "Don't Ask Me"... it was the first song I heard of theirs c4k3m0nst3r: I like the music video for "Do What You Want" :D goobie_doobie: i like don't ask me too goobie_doobie: yep goobie_doobie: same international_lover: Damian can really get down with his bad self goobie_doobie: (: goobie_doobie: i prefer his longer hair international_lover: mee tooo » I love "What to Do" goobie_doobie: samew goobie_doobie: same* international_lover: 1000 mph makes me cry goobie_doobie: well it is a little sad international_lover: I spoke to Damian at a show and made an *** of myself goobie_doobie: wow reggie18: awww goobie_doobie: i'd love to see them live hypermarkett: woohoo~ reggie18: what did u do? international_lover: and he was like "gotta go now" he didn't say it but it was all over his face » They are SO SO nice » I just kind of froze and got quiet goobie_doobie: i like the video for Get Over It paul barton: Hello! goobie_doobie: awh i would be the same aparke1: morning hypermarkett: Hello! international_lover: Dan is SO friendly! Pro yourstruly: mornin reggie18: get over it is pretty sweet...look at damian just sippin his warm liquid drink lol paul barton: he looks a bit bored hypermarkett: In 'Get over It', Damian looks soo great.. hehe paul barton: are we boring you? paul barton: Broadcaster okgo: i am a bit bored. just trying to figure out how this thing works.... slow connection... goobie_doobie: is everyone in america? goobie_doobie: i'm in england kilbrittain: hypermarkett: Not me... kilbrittain: Im In Ireland » :D reggie18: yep north carolina goobie_doobie: cool Broadcaster okgo: k. I think it's running now. see you guys in 45 minutes or so. paul barton: Im in england, will be sheffield tonight at 6:30! :D c4k3m0nst3r: Norway here =D goobie_doobie: OMG goobie_doobie: i live near sheffield goobie_doobie: chesterfield Pro horror: I would only suggest a slightly higher bitrate if your internet can handle it aparke1: try saying something for audio » or not Pro horror: otherwise you have it working well. paul barton: theyre playing in sheffield tonight! Cannot wait kilbrittain: goobie_doobie: really? goobie_doobie: wow kilbrittain: Nice,paul goobie_doobie: i didn't even know ginkgo_phyta: North Carolina representin' goobie_doobie: i've only just started listening to their music reggie18: YEA you know!!! Ginkgo! paul barton: hehe, get a ticket and go down! hypermarkett: i wish i was in there! ginkgo_phyta: hear you goobie_doobie: is there any tickets left? goobie_doobie: anyway, i don't think my parents would take me, i'm only 13 ginkgo_phyta: yeah, phyta as in fighter hypermarkett: Ugh, it's pity... Pro yourstruly: see you reggie18: bye damian! Pro yourstruly: nice accent » yes starts at 3:30 paul barton: tut, unlucky goobie, it finishes at 10pm tonight, quite an early one really Pro yourstruly: yes it is just nice » lol Admin Pro saffire: Dara and her accents ginkgo_phyta: 43 minutes Pro yourstruly: Awww yes Russ goobie_doobie: one second. i'm going to ask my mum ginkgo_phyta: look, Russ is here Pro yourstruly: but no one says my name like you Admin Pro saffire: D'aawww clareb: Just signed up, are you reading me? ginkgo_phyta: I have to go to the airport to pick someone up... I might miss this reggie18: :'( Pro yourstruly: yes » they will be back in 36 mins » wait arcisinfinite: what does everyone think of their new album? sunnyside1334: LOVE IT hypermarkett: It's soo delicate than ever! skellyfun: love it - when will it be avail on Amazon? Pro yourstruly: Russ -- is that your time zone? arcisinfinite: i bought it on itunes but i wish i would have bought the CD Admin Pro saffire: Yes hypermarkett: Not yet on Amazon? Admin Pro saffire: my time zone for a change sunnyside1334: it is on Amazon, I think Admin Pro saffire: Yippee Pro yourstruly: so 35 mins? clareb: 30 mins it is, put the kettle on Admin Pro saffire: yes 35 sunnyside1334: tea, good idea Admin Pro saffire: << goes to grab bite to eat reggie18: lol NICE Pro yourstruly: have fun and chew well! hypermarkett: with some cookies! ginkgo_phyta: I'm about ready to fix myself and omlette...it is in the AM here in the US skellyfun: nope - not on Amazon MP3 yet.. Pro tyster_ds: i think i will go eat something too nchlsnw: I'm jealous of everyone who gets to eat right now. hypermarkett: Here is in midnight hypermarkett: Almost AM 12:00 reggie18: wow its 9 am here » well actually almost 10 am nchlsnw: just about 11 am here goobie_doobie: who's seeing them in sheffield, where? goobie_doobie: + can i still get tickets goobie_doobie: ? reggie18: I think everyone went to eat lol sunnyside1334: : ) » has anyone web-chatted w/ Ok Go before? reggie18: no this would be a 1st :D hypermarkett: I missed chat at last time goobie_doobie: might be going to see them today goobie_doobie: if i can still get tickets llamaland92: i'm not even sure how a web chat works. ha goobie_doobie: same hypermarkett: I hope video streaming goes well... goobie_doobie: be right back llamaland92: nchlsnw: A webchat is well.. basically a chat. Only we can see whoever talks on teir cam and we ask questions and respond llamaland92: I see. reggie18: sweet international_lover: is everyone else seeing the photo with the guys and the dog? (Bunny?) goobie_doobie: yes international_lover: K hypermarkett: yeppp international_lover: Because earlier it seemed like some of you were seeing some actual cam reggie18: yea i was for a while..but when i popout the cam it goes back to the guys and the dog hypermarkett: what's Bunny's race? international_lover: whoa! really? what did you see? hypermarkett: Wow reggie18: damian was on for a min testing it out saying whats up so it was him right before he went offline international_lover: Bunny looks like a chihuahua mix but seems kind of big for a Chihuahua at the same time...? hypermarkett: i see, well, it's soo cute! X) international_lover: oh ok, wow. I wasn't seeing him at all so I'm wondering if my connection is f*d up sunnyside1334: we arise feists and she looks like them in the face » raise, sorry goobie_doobie: looks like i'm not going to see them today stillkingj70: Hi guys... Indianapolis guy here hypermarkett: Hello! goobie_doobie: hey reggie18: hey! sunnyside1334: how long have you all been Ok Go fans? hypermarkett: i wanna have some pets. Did you guys watch that video? goobie_doobie: since this week hypermarkett: Parody of surpsied kitten ginkgo_phyta: since I was born goobie_doobie: lol reggie18: honestly i started college in august soooo around that time...i saw here it goes again before then but i educated myself on them in August hypermarkett: For five years? stillkingj70: the WTF video rocks! havingablast: five-ish years? goobie_doobie: i know goobie_doobie: lol goobie_doobie: it's amazing jack payne: <message deleted> jack payne: <message deleted> goobie_doobie: anyone going to see them in sheffield today? jack payne: <message deleted> stillkingj70: what's gonna be here? what are we looking forward to? hypermarkett: I read their article concernd Reading Festival in magazine mehwew: OK GOO. luluelena: I saw them at Brighton too havingablast: i saw them with silversun pickups and snow patrol a few years ago, and last year in boston clareb: @JackPayne agreed, I was there too! jack payne: <message deleted> jack payne: <message deleted> hypermarkett: Any information in my country at that time jack payne: <message deleted> luluelena: Same here! reggie18: lol :D luluelena: It was possibly the best moment of my life international_lover: I first heard one of their songs on a commerical about 4(?) years ago. I found out who they were and bought OH NO but it took me months to actually see pics of them. I just fell in love with the music. The whole treadmill thing passed under my radar ... jack payne: <message deleted> jack payne: <message deleted> international_lover: mehwew: so guys, how long more till they get on? havingablast: 12 minutes sarah manteuffel: ?? mehwew: awesome. jack payne: <message deleted> aparke1: 12-20 minutes. hypermarkett: the first song i heard OK Go's song is 'Get over it', too! jack payne: <message deleted> hypermarkett: Get get get get get over itttt!! reggie18: ha Get Over It...got me over the worst parts of last year...even though its old I still love it mehwew: ahh, the first song i head was return. i instantly fell in love with the band jack payne: <message deleted> jack payne: <message deleted> international_lover: reeeeeturn goobie_doobie: i liked them cause shooting the moon on the new moon sndtrck hypermarkett: Certainly! havingablast: what's everyone's favorite song off the new album? ginkgo_phyta: I saw A Million Ways on MTV2 back in college.... my friend who local DJ'd was all about the music goobie_doobie: WTF goobie_doobie: probably? international_lover: I like needing/getting goobie_doobie: yes jack payne: <message deleted> international_lover: White Knuckels » Knucles goobie_doobie: well, i like them all tbh hypermarkett: This too shall pass! goobie_doobie: every one is my fave. bonehead51: anyone else disappointed by the new album? reggie18: hmmm I really like skyscrapers...but i love all their songs jack payne: <message deleted> havingablast: i like end love jack payne: <message deleted> hypermarkett: i love its choir llamaland92: yeah i really enjoy 'this too shall pass.' hypermarkett: Let~ It~ Go~ jack payne: <message deleted> nchlsnw: Still haven't heard all but the single off the new album. I'm planning on buying it this week though. hypermarkett: and like marching band. hehe international_lover: yes jack payne: <message deleted> havingablast: it's definitely different jack payne: <message deleted> hypermarkett: Sure! havingablast: but they're growing as a band jack payne: <message deleted> nchlsnw: OK Go and bad dont' really go hand in hand that well traditionally. jack payne: <message deleted> jack payne: <message deleted> jack payne: <message deleted> ginkgo_phyta: This Two Shall Pass video was awesome international_lover: It's hard not to like it because after all, it's just an album, and it's not to say that they have denounced the earlier material. It's just a moment in time. havingablast: i think TTSP is going to have another video too hypermarkett: that song really touched me! reggie18: it really was...Notre Dame are some lucky punks beckysioux: Did you know there's going to be two videos for TTSP? jack payne: <message deleted> 9:22 nchlsnw: All Ok Go videos=awesome. I dont' think they have a bad one. It's like looking for Daft Punk's bad video. They just don't exist. 9:22 havingablast: yeah, i think on twitter they said like 'this is one of the videos for ttsp' 9:23 lovelypearl: Hello from FL! 9:23 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:23 beckysioux: I wonder what the other one will feature. 9:23 havingablast: i have friends in the » ND marching band 9:23 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:24 loribella: Hello OK GO! 9:24 hypermarkett: wow, i wonder who he is 9:24 goobie_doobie: hello 9:25 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:25 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:25 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:25 lovelypearl: I'm confused about how this works. Will they be on video or chat room? hmmmm 9:25 loribella: Did you get it Jack? 9:25 beckysioux: I think both. 9:25 ginkgo_phyta: they will be in the chatroom 9:25 loribella: Oh, nevermind. They used to hang out more. 9:25 nchlsnw: They'll be on webcam soon 9:25 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:25 ginkgo_phyta: well, on cam answering questions 9:26 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:26 lovelypearl: oh neat. 9:26 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:26 Staff genemiguel: hey everyone! 9:26 havingablast: i kind of miss the small shows though 9:26 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:26 lovelypearl: holla 9:26 hypermarkett: Hello! 9:26 havingablast: as much as i'm happy they're getting big 9:26 beckysioux: small shows are the best 9:26 llamaland92: sup. 9:26 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:26 ginkgo_phyta: Staff? lol, I just thought there were Admins and Mods 9:26 crackbabies: Definitely 9:26 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:26 Pro horror: Staff are people who work for JTV 9:26 fiveshoekazoo: hello 9:27 goobie_doobie: hey 9:27 lauragaby0192: heeey 9:27 hypermarkett: Hallo! 9:27 lauragaby0192: anyone from spain?? 9:27 reggie18: hi there 9:27 ginkgo_phyta: oh, lol, my first time seeing a "Staff" person in here 9:27 mehwew: hello from MALAYSIA! 9:27 Staff genemiguel: lol couldnt miss this one 9:27 loribella: Dan is usually easy to find, Jack. He's extremely nice! 9:27 hypermarkett: I think OK Go is so Wildwide! 9:27 mehwew: you have fans all the way here too! 9:27 reggie18: HA NICE! 9:27 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:27 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:27 lovelypearl: dan is a relitive of mine, and i agree, very nice. loves! 9:27 fiveshoekazoo: saw then in rock island Il US in november 9:28 hypermarkett: *wildworld - > worldwide! sorry.. 9:28 rahrahsa: hello! 9:28 loribella: Hypermarkett, I hope so! I want to see him do well. » Lovely, everyone agrees with that. Dan is tops! 9:28 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:28 rahrahsa: I've seen OK go once 9:28 havingablast: @Jack Payne shows like that are great, it's when bands play stadium shows that it loses it's awesomeneess 9:28 beckysioux: I've been to some pretty great stadium shows 9:28 loribella: I mean, I want to see THEM do well! 9:28 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:29 hypermarkett: @<a href="http://twitter.com/Loriella"; target="_blank">Loriella</a> Since 3 years ago, i coudln't watch their gig T-T 9:29 savannah_mac: hey guys (: 9:29 hypermarkett: Hi, there! 9:29 nchlsnw: I hope they make as much money as they can while they're still in hahaha 9:29 loribella: Hypermaarkett -- what's what? 9:29 rahrahsa: I can't wait until they come here again 9:29 lovelypearl: i dont think ive been in a chat room since middle school. pretty interesting. 9:29 hypermarkett: I live in South Korea. 9:29 loribella: What's that, I mean. I promise I'm not drunk! 9:29 beckysioux: there was no such thing as a chat room when I was in middle school 9:29 loribella: Cincinnati, Ohio? 9:29 havingablast: @JackPayne I hope so too, it just fits who they are, I feel like 9:29 goobie_doobie: lol 9:29 havingablast: But yes, I want them to do great and be happy 9:29 hypermarkett: OK Go's gig took placed only one time! 9:30 hypermarkett: I'm sooo missing them 9:30 ginkgo_phyta: its on yo 9:30 loribella: I mean, Cincinnati, Ohio here. Anyone is Scotland? 9:30 lauragaby0192: ain't it time allready?? 9:30 savannah_mac: I saw OK Go on wednesday » it was pretty immense XD 9:30 wolfblake: its live! 9:30 hypermarkett: I envy, you guys 9:30 havingablast: to people who've seen them in uk: are shows more new stuff or old stuff? 9:30 fiveshoekazoo: anybody see anything yet 9:30 international_lover: I can't see anything? Can you 9:30 lauragaby0192: i can't 9:30 havingablast: nothing yet @Internationallover 9:30 beckysioux: you have to refresh 9:30 Pro horror: Refresh the feed, or your window. 9:30 ginkgo_phyta: I had an NES back in the day...Atari is old 9:30 nchlsnw: I'd love for them to come over to do some actual Canadian touring. 9:30 lauragaby0192: what should i be seeing?? 9:31 savannah_mac: well 9:31 reggie18: yea there was a lil lag 9:31 pinkmuffin007: hi 9:31 clareb: Refresh! 9:31 Admin Pro saffire: wb 9:31 loribella: No, I don't see anything either. 9:31 beckysioux: are you gettin' fresh? 9:31 crackbabies: I see them. 9:31 rahrahsa: Hey! I see! 9:31 sunnyside1334: I see you. Hi! 9:31 Staff genemiguel: refresh, audio and video is good 9:31 hypermarkett: Hello! 9:31 stephhhhhh: oh it's working! 9:31 huimin: Hello! 9:31 clareb: Hello! *waves* 9:31 international_lover: awwwwwwwohooohaa 9:31 havingablast: Hey guys! 9:31 savannah_mac: oh 9:31 crackbabies: NIce to see you again! 9:31 savannah_mac: heyyy :D 9:31 international_lover: yeaaaaaaah 9:31 crackbabies: I gave you the sparkly jesus. 9:31 kelliejo09: Hey! 9:31 kilbrittain: Hey :D 9:31 hypermarkett: Tim!! 9:31 reggie18: hey! 9:31 jack payne: <message deleted> 9:31 huimin: you guys are awesome! 9:31 rahrahsa: WOOOT!! 9:31 daniela hyza: wow thats so cool 9:31 beckysioux: jesus saves 9:32 fiveshoekazoo: Do you remember meeting my child Anna in rock island Il 9:32 crackbabies: I have one for you, a better one. 9:32 international_lover: (o+> 9:32 llamaland92: what's a crack baby. ha. 9:32 loribella: REFRESH people! There they are! 9:32 beckysioux: where are you guys right now? 9:32 havingablast: glad to see you're over the food poisoning 9:32 lauragaby0192: i see them!! 9:32 loribella: Hi Tim and Damian! 9:32 lauragaby0192: heyy!! 9:32 dw23saint: Sing a song, guys » 9:33 daniela hyza: so how are you guys? 9:33 international_lover: Hey Damian! I have a song dedication for you....the lyrics are ALL about you right now! » http://www.livevideo.com/video/3BE06092A4744E76922A5F963A288274/prince-cream.aspx MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook:http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter:http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv:http://www.justin.tv/okgo 10:04 fiveshoekazoo: Do a shot out to Anna in Wisconsin, Small blond girl, was the shortest fan in Rock Island GIG, You hugged her back stage, the picture is her most valuable thing she ownes 10:04 beckysioux: @Snuuzz4 At least they're answering everything we've asked of them. » Which is pretty f'in fantastic if you ask me. 10:04 snuuzz4: You know, Tim, I think, is the founder of the big glasses craze. Big glasses are very in now you know 10:05 loribella: @Snuuzz, they are being AMAZING. 10:05 snuuzz4: I know I know » Just saying 10:05 celestialplatypus1125: damian where did you get that shirt that's yellowish with lots of red animal prints on it and long white sleeve collars? 10:05 snuuzz4: It's nice to be able to be part/see a live chat 10:05 llamaland92: What's your next single/video? 10:05 meetdadoom: arent you guys from Chicago? 10:05 jays_circus: <message deleted> 10:05 fiveshoekazoo: Beth in wisconsin is Andy's biggest fan, ask him to lean forward again and say HI to her please ! Love you all, thanks for being you 10:06 rahrahsa: Do you guys keep getting emails? I keep thinking it's me! 10:06 Staff genemiguel: wow 5,000 viewers 10:06 lilelizka29: OMg!! i just figured out that these are the treadmill guys!! hehaehha! wow! 10:06 aparke1: and only a couple mods 10:06 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:06 mehwew: another random question. if you guys could be any fictional character of your choice, who would you be? 10:06 beckysioux: Yes, this album has me falling in love with you guys all over again! 10:06 hannahyo: tim, thanks for doing my voicemail thing :] 10:06 loribella: Now there are 5 thousand viewing. They just aren't all chatting! You must log in to chat. 10:06 hotmarkb: can you put us on the door list for vega in copenhagen please? 10:06 ilovemic: 5,745 Views cool 10:06 lollykins: My friend Sarah and I love you guys sooo much 10:06 crackbabies: I am in love with this album too, Becky 10:06 meetdadoom: arent you guys from chicago? 10:07 gator_fan34: hey guys i sent you all adds on facebook u gotta add me guys 10:07 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: oxytommy1, 10:07 jays_circus: <message deleted> 10:07 beckysioux: @Crackbabies I met you at the DeKalb show! 10:07 oxytommy1: Brooklyn_irc 10:07 crackbabies: You did! I was next to you in line. 10:07 aparke1: oxy 10:07 lollykins: Any plans to come to Canada soon? 10:07 Admin Pro saffire: http://www.youtube.com/okgo 10:07 beckysioux: I have pics of sparkly jesus on my Flickr feed. 10:07 rahrahsa: NASA! 10:07 celestialplatypus1125: how'd you guys learn to play yo instruments? 10:07 crackbabies: Haha, awesome 10:07 oxytommy1: Mr. Parke. 10:07 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:07 beckysioux: Better yet, Damian had jesus glitter on his face after the show. 10:07 mehwew: nie hair. 10:08 pinkmuffin007: haaaaahahah 10:08 mehwew: nice* 10:08 djrose: Oh the Taking Woodstock Pic. LOVE. 10:08 loribella: Awesome hippie, Damian. 10:08 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:08 meetdadoom: are you guys from chicago? 10:08 beckysioux: @meetdadoom They're originally from Chicago, now they're in LA. 10:08 stillkingj70: you make a hot hippie! 10:08 meetdadoom: oh hokay thankyou becky » im from chicago 10:08 beckysioux: You're very welcome 10:08 meetdadoom: 10:09 dougfromeqx: Shudder to Think? Really? 10:09 xx76ersxx: nice stache bro 10:09 lollykins: I know you guys!! 10:09 meetdadoom: do you guys still like blakchawks 10:09 Admin Pro saffire: info@okgo.net 10:10 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> <message deleted> 10:10 beckysioux: Seriously, why does aross slam the door? » The other guy doesn't. Oop, nevermind. 10:10 rebekker: Hi! 10:10 beckysioux: Bekker!!! 10:10 skellyfun: S. Kelly - and yes, I am fun - in a work-a-holic, 40 yr old MILF sorta way! lol! 10:10 carolinerubio: I MUST GO OUT! I LOVE U GUYS! REMEMBER SPAIN 10:10 bayorgasmic: i love shooting the moon guys 10:10 lilelizka29: it's one of those strong piston thingys on the door they would have to adjust the piston pressure! ehahehhaeha! 10:10 jays_circus: <message deleted> 10:11 reggie18: What are your favorite movies? 10:11 Admin Pro saffire: Official website: http://www.okgo.net MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook:http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter:http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv:http://www.justin.tv/okgoYoutube:http://www.youtube.com/okgo Email: info@okgo.net 10:11 leprosy_larry: was whole band in Taking Woodstock? 10:11 jays_circus: <message deleted> 10:12 beckysioux: @jays_circus Yes, the boardies are here. 10:12 loribella: He didn't say there is no nudity! Woo hoo! 10:12 lollykins: I think you guys are awesome!!!! 10:12 beckysioux: @leprosy_Larry It was just Damian. 10:12 stephaniefromcali: When are you coming to Cologne, Germany? Love the album. Fantastico. 10:12 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:12 lollykins: Please come to Toronto Canada!!! 10:12 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:12 lilelizka29: ok one more time your top 3 inspirations are?? 10:12 clareb: What will you guys be having for dinner before the show? Do you like English food? 10:13 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:13 lilelizka29: awwww omg the tatoo story is soo sweet! when you play u see her 4 ever that is inspirational!! 10:13 stillkingj70: is any of your stuff available on vinyl? 10:14 pinkmuffin007: @stephaniefromcali they come on Mo, 25.01.10, 21:00 Uhr to Cologne,Germany 10:14 Admin Pro saffire: OKGO web links Official website: http://www.okgo.net MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook:http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter:http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv:http://www.justin.tv/okgoYoutube:http://www.youtube.com/okgo Email: inf... 10:14 beckysioux: @stillkingj70 Of the Blue Colour of the Sky will be available on vinyl in February. At least in the states. 10:14 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:14 jays_circus: <message deleted> 10:14 mistersnappy: Are you guys playing Glastonbury this year? 10:15 stillkingj70: cool. gotta love the vinyl 10:15 reggie18: Dang you killed Andy..."can you not make noise back there?!" hahaha I seriously love you guys...btw skyscrapers is awesome 10:15 Pro oxytommy: How do you shave your head so perfectly? 10:15 stephaniefromcali: Tim - what designer made your glasses? 10:15 hypermarkett: Since 3 years ago, at Pentaport Fest, i couldn't go your gig 10:15 hypermarkett: I miss u guys!! 10:16 beckysioux: RT Who is singing "If they burn this place down to the ground" line in All Is Not Lost? 10:16 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:16 international_lover: Wow Damian, your very meaningful tattoo really makes my Mickey's 40 oz beer tat look trashy. 10:16 beckysioux: Why did I just RT in here? 10:16 sunnyside1334: Does Dan get fluffy drums? 10:16 mirandacanfly: are you gonna have any hmv signings...? or something like that in the uk 10:16 rebekker: lol, Becky 10:17 beckysioux: @sunnyside1334 That just sounds wrong 10:17 nxtmike: hey are you guys coming to Canada? cause you really shoule 10:17 loribella: 6031 viewers now! 10:17 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:17 Staff genemiguel: earlier in the chatroom 10:17 crackbabies: Up higher, they're behind. 10:17 beckysioux: @Rebekker I'm teh dumb. 10:17 lollykins: Yes CANADA When? 10:17 lilelizka29: ahhhhh! I got it!! Who do you think will win the Superbowl and do any of you follow the NFL?? 10:17 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: googlethat_sh1t, its from liek 30 minutes ago, they are backlogged a bit 10:17 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:17 ash444: hahhahahhahah 10:17 celestialplatypus1125: can you say hi to "Blake DeCarvalho" and acknowledge my existence? 10:18 beckysioux: The ROBOT! Awesomes. 10:18 atoly777: lol nice XD 10:18 rebekker: What gave you the idea for the music video This Too Shall Pass. It's awesome 10:18 mia_h: Does andy really play the accordian? 10:18 pinkmuffin007: do you think about making another dance video?? I think it would comes out great 10:18 beckysioux: Tim is awesome with the Twitter! 10:18 nxtmike: Toronto, Canada? 10:18 mirandacanfly: did you know that you're in NME?? 10:18 pinkmuffin007: yrah tim is an awesome twitterer 10:18 loribella: Tim is also the King of Flickr pictures! 10:19 beckysioux: @mia_h I asked him that question in November, he does know how to play the accordion. 10:19 pinkmuffin007: I like this monkey :D 10:19 clareb: Which other band's videos do you like? 10:20 mirandacanfly: MOG Rusty Ross!! 10:20 Pro oxytommy: Grand Bold Italic is the best. 10:20 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:20 gillc: Nice to see more of Andy...Dan asleep? 10:20 mirandacanfly: woo MGMT 10:21 valerie barr: Ahhhh infinite jest is amazing. 10:21 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them XD » ? 10:21 corpsed: Coke or Pepsi? 10:21 loribella: Grover is the awesomest muppet of all time, though. 10:21 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:21 hlthy1: I first saw you open for TMBG, will you ever tour with them again? 10:21 crackbabies: That video of D meeting Kermit was the sweetest thing. 10:22 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: googlethat_sh1t, please no profanity. even if it is *** out 10:22 mirandacanfly: where are these questions coming from? 10:22 anna2991: hope you guys are coming to chicago soon! 10:22 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: mirandacanfly, They are behind a bit. 10:22 atoly777: lol 10:22 pinkmuffin007: Do you like summer or winter most? 10:22 mirandacanfly: Oh....thanks 10:22 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them ? 10:22 aparke1: brooklyn_irc I am upset now, I did not need to see those *** 10:23 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: 10:23 loribella: David Foster Wallace (infinite jest) also wrote CONSIDER THE LOBSTER. Any OK GO vegetarians? (I am.) 10:23 aparke1: :D 10:23 international_lover: I'm veg! 10:23 mirandacanfly: go you 10:23 pinkmuffin007: Do you think about doing a cover album of your fav songs? 10:23 daniela hyza: Hyza is pronounced like pizza but with an h...so hizza 10:23 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted> 10:23 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them please ? 10:24 mistersnappy: Are your fluffy laser guitars new OKGO signature Gibsons? 10:24 Pro oxytommy: googlethat_sh1t, clever girl. 10:24 snuuzz4: I'll buy Andy a bear AND a beer! 10:25 loribella: I'm highly trained at.... something! So, I'm IN. (That's what I heard.) 10:25 rahrahsa: I have to go to work (with puppies!). Have a good chat!! 10:25 aparke1: oxytommy! i love that movie! 10:25 celestialplatypus1125: when you have internet every so often, what websites do you guys check out often? 10:25 pinkmuffin007: Would you do 'Les Miserables' on any uupcoming show? 10:25 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:25 valerie barr: man 10:25 mirandacanfly: wooow, he could have a guiness record of unread emails 10:26 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:26 beckysioux: YES!!!!! 10:26 valerie barr: This is the only chat, right? and there's just super bad lag? 10:26 rebekker: lol, awesome! 10:26 loribella: YES! LES MIZ! 10:26 atoly777: lol u guyz are awsome XD 10:26 beckysioux: where's Katy? 10:26 Pro oxytommy: Best livechat ever. 10:26 clareb: Ok Go - The Rock Opera? Maybe in the future?! 10:26 crackbabies: In almost 9 years of seeing you guys in concerts, this is the first time I'm seeing Les Mis! 10:27 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:27 boner_jamz: haha 10:27 mirandacanfly: M.O.G!! 10:27 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: externaluser-facebook-valerie%20barr, - yes this is the only chat 10:27 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:27 beckysioux: @crackbabies they did it in Urbana. 10:27 mehwew: NICE. 10:27 luluelena: amazing, haha 10:27 crackbabies: I didn't get to Urbana 10:27 valerie barr: alright thanks 10:27 mehwew: *applause* 10:27 vicious_1: <message deleted> 10:27 stephaniefromcali: APPLAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10:27 mdorfer: Can I design your next Album cover? 10:27 sunnyside1334: our marching band did Les Miserables. It was awesome. 10:27 beckysioux: I have it up on YouTube if you wanna see it. 10:27 vicious_1: <message deleted> 10:27 lauragaby0192: how many times have you been to that show?? (les miserables) xD 10:28 reggie18: hahahahhaha that is sooooo awesome Les Miserables!!!!! Officially awesome GUYS!!! 10:28 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them please ^_^? 10:28 vicious_1: hey 10:28 anna2991: wow.nothing is a better hangover cure than watching this.lol 10:28 vicious_1: good stuff 10:28 pinkmuffin007: yeeeah!! 10:28 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:28 loribella: Now do WICKED. Which one will be Glinda and which Elphaba? 10:28 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: vicious_1, - please no profanity. 10:28 vicious_1: yes sir 10:28 lauragaby0192: you should make a vid of les miserables! 10:28 vicious_1: where can i get of those bad azz glasses?? » pair* 10:29 aparke1 knights brooklyn 10:29 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them =) ? 10:30 celestialplatypus1125: Any advice on being a good student? 10:30 aparke1: it’s now 8:30. please say the time you have when you read this 10:30 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: lol aparke1 10:30 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:30 pinkmuffin007: which 3 things would you take to a lonely island? 10:30 gillc: Twix 10:31 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:31 mirandacanfly: lol 10:31 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:31 hahaha275: <message deleted> 10:31 clareb: You know you're going to get loads of Twix next time you're here now! 10:31 hindenburg_burning: is that pepe le pew 10:31 pires432: <message deleted> 10:32 mirandacanfly: you guys new album is in the NME magazine, I totally flipped!! 10:32 turd_ferguson69: Ever going to Alaska? 10:32 loribella: my sister Linda says HELLO and SHE LOVES YOU. 10:32 bitemyfayceoph: HHHHHHHHEEEEEYYYYY 10:33 valerie2776: how was touring with tmbg/any favorite moments or whatever? 10:33 Admin Pro saffire: OKGO web links Official website: http://www.okgo.net MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook:http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter:http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv:http://www.justin.tv/okgoYoutube:http://www.youtube.com/okgo Email: inf... 10:33 international_lover: your willingness to go out of your way for your fans make you guys truly amazing and special and I know you're eventually going to rule the world! XO 10:33 yabalak: че за говно? 10:34 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:34 pires432: <message deleted> 10:34 dougfromeqx: Tulip Fest!!! Sweet! Remember to watch the F-bombs! 10:34 yabalak: che za govno)) 10:34 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: pires432, be patient, they are behind on chat. 10:34 corpsed: everytime you miss a city on tour, a kitten kills itself 10:34 loribella: Yay Rach! 10:34 jack payne: <message deleted> 10:35 djrose: LOLOLOL 10:35 bitemyfayceoph: can we just be best friends? 10:35 the_techie: i woke up to drunk text messages from my sister and Ok Go ... best morning ever!!! 10:36 bobo_nino: i'm bobo hi 10:36 llamaland92: What's your favorite beer?<
Would you happen to have a part 7? If you did, it would be super-duper because that would (probably) include my fave part from the video chat. Also, thank you so much for posting these.
QUOTE (Sunnyside1334 @ Jan 16 2010, 03:35 PM)
Thank you, beckysioux!
QUOTE (planet-keri @ Jan 16 2010, 03:37 PM)
Thanks Beckysioux and thanks Pink Muffin. Great work that is greatly appreciated!
If you go to the archives of their channel, the whole chat should be up there. Locksley used to have chats on justin.tv all the time and that's where I went to download the videos of them. http://www.justin.tv/okgo/archive
I totally didn't even know that this was happening. I happened to wake up and check my computer and saw their status on facebook about it, so I missed the first part, but I made it for some
If you go to the archives of their channel, the whole chat should be up there. Locksley used to have chats on justin.tv all the time and that's where I went to download the videos of them. http://www.justin.tv/okgo/archive
Thanks Rebecca!
It took me a minute to figure out how to watch the whole thing. For those who don't know, under "Recent Broadcasts", click the top Jan 16th 2010, then let it play. It's in 5 minute increments, but it is the whole broadcast.
Would you happen to have a part 7? If you did, it would be super-duper because that would (probably) include my fave part from the video chat. Also, thank you so much for posting these.
Thanks a million for copying and posting that long chat history,beckysioux!!
At least it'll make watching the video chat a little easier to figure out.
Wow. 74 Pages? That's INSANE.
At least it'll make watching the video chat a little easier to figure out.
Well,it would be cool to see it but if it's to much work for you should have to post it.
We're a curious bunch.
I'll see what I can do
How about the part after the video for us lazy bones who wouldn't wake up.
Just watched it though, and it looked hilarious!
So that's the part after the first 30min, I've uploaded.
Part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54hUzbWyfiI
Part5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AnCxUpI3Q8
Part6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw_XRCwYbeQ
Welcome to the chat room!
5:49 kilbrittain:
jtv: okgo says, Hello OKGO-ers
slightlymprfect: hey
sunnyside1334: Hi
slightlymprfect: 1334 is my street address
slightlymprfect: swear
douglas_2424: HI
carolinerubio: omg ok go!
goobie_doobie: OK Go are just amazing
ginkgo_phyta: everyone should check out their music vid "This Too Shall Pass" on their website, pretty baller
goobie_doobie: i saw it
goobie_doobie: it's quite good
goobie_doobie: my fave. song is probably Get Over It
ginkgo_phyta: I love how it is a single take
goobie_doobie: yeah
c4k3m0nst3r: Hello folks!
goobie_doobie: i love the video for Here It Goes Again
goobie_doobie: the treadmill one
reggie18: ha million ways is pretty sweet too
goobie_doobie: yeah
goobie_doobie: they can really dance
reggie18: I know!!! thats what made me intrigued by them but then i listened to a lot of their songs and they are AWESOME
ginkgo_phyta: I like "Don't Ask Me"... it was the first song I heard of theirs
c4k3m0nst3r: I like the music video for "Do What You Want" :D
goobie_doobie: i like don't ask me too
goobie_doobie: yep
goobie_doobie: same
international_lover: Damian can really get down with his bad self
goobie_doobie: (:
goobie_doobie: i prefer his longer hair
international_lover: mee tooo
» I love "What to Do"
goobie_doobie: samew
goobie_doobie: same*
international_lover: 1000 mph makes me cry
goobie_doobie: well it is a little sad
international_lover: I spoke to Damian at a show and made an *** of myself
goobie_doobie: wow
reggie18: awww
goobie_doobie: i'd love to see them live
hypermarkett: woohoo~
reggie18: what did u do?
international_lover: and he was like "gotta go now" he didn't say it but it was all over his face
» They are SO SO nice
» I just kind of froze and got quiet
goobie_doobie: i like the video for Get Over It
paul barton: Hello!
goobie_doobie: awh i would be the same
aparke1: morning
hypermarkett: Hello!
international_lover: Dan is SO friendly!
Pro yourstruly: mornin
reggie18: get over it is pretty sweet...look at damian just sippin his warm liquid drink lol
paul barton: he looks a bit bored
hypermarkett: In 'Get over It', Damian looks soo great.. hehe
paul barton: are we boring you?
paul barton:
Broadcaster okgo: i am a bit bored. just trying to figure out how this thing works.... slow connection...
goobie_doobie: is everyone in america?
goobie_doobie: i'm in england
hypermarkett: Not me...
kilbrittain: Im In Ireland
» :D
reggie18: yep north carolina
goobie_doobie: cool
Broadcaster okgo: k. I think it's running now. see you guys in 45 minutes or so.
paul barton: Im in england, will be sheffield tonight at 6:30! :D
c4k3m0nst3r: Norway here =D
goobie_doobie: OMG
goobie_doobie: i live near sheffield
goobie_doobie: chesterfield
Pro horror: I would only suggest a slightly higher bitrate if your internet can handle it
aparke1: try saying something for audio
» or not
Pro horror: otherwise you have it working well.
paul barton: theyre playing in sheffield tonight! Cannot wait
goobie_doobie: really?
goobie_doobie: wow
kilbrittain: Nice,paul
goobie_doobie: i didn't even know
ginkgo_phyta: North Carolina representin'
goobie_doobie: i've only just started listening to their music
reggie18: YEA you know!!! Ginkgo!
paul barton: hehe, get a ticket and go down!
hypermarkett: i wish i was in there!
ginkgo_phyta: hear you
goobie_doobie: is there any tickets left?
goobie_doobie: anyway, i don't think my parents would take me, i'm only 13
ginkgo_phyta: yeah, phyta as in fighter
hypermarkett: Ugh, it's pity...
Pro yourstruly: see you
reggie18: bye damian!
Pro yourstruly: nice accent
» yes starts at 3:30
paul barton: tut, unlucky goobie, it finishes at 10pm tonight, quite an early one really
Pro yourstruly: yes
it is just nice
» lol
Admin Pro saffire: Dara and her accents
ginkgo_phyta: 43 minutes
Pro yourstruly: Awww yes Russ
goobie_doobie: one second. i'm going to ask my mum
ginkgo_phyta: look, Russ is here
Pro yourstruly: but no one says my name like you
Admin Pro saffire: D'aawww
clareb: Just signed up, are you reading me?
ginkgo_phyta: I have to go to the airport to pick someone up... I might miss this
reggie18: :'(
Pro yourstruly: yes
» they will be back in 36 mins
» wait
arcisinfinite: what does everyone think of their new album?
sunnyside1334: LOVE IT
hypermarkett: It's soo delicate than ever!
skellyfun: love it - when will it be avail on Amazon?
Pro yourstruly: Russ -- is that your time zone?
arcisinfinite: i bought it on itunes but i wish i would have bought the CD
Admin Pro saffire: Yes
hypermarkett: Not yet on Amazon?
Admin Pro saffire: my time zone for a change
sunnyside1334: it is on Amazon, I think
Admin Pro saffire: Yippee
Pro yourstruly: so 35 mins?
clareb: 30 mins it is, put the kettle on
Admin Pro saffire: yes 35
sunnyside1334: tea, good idea
Admin Pro saffire: << goes to grab bite to eat
reggie18: lol NICE
Pro yourstruly: have fun and chew well!
hypermarkett: with some cookies!
ginkgo_phyta: I'm about ready to fix myself and omlette...it is in the AM here in the US
skellyfun: nope - not on Amazon MP3 yet..
Pro tyster_ds: i think i will go eat something too
nchlsnw: I'm jealous of everyone who gets to eat right now.
hypermarkett: Here is in midnight
hypermarkett: Almost AM 12:00
reggie18: wow its 9 am here
» well actually almost 10 am
nchlsnw: just about 11 am here
goobie_doobie: who's seeing them in sheffield, where?
goobie_doobie: + can i still get tickets
goobie_doobie: ?
reggie18: I think everyone went to eat lol
sunnyside1334: : )
» has anyone web-chatted w/ Ok Go before?
reggie18: no this would be a 1st :D
hypermarkett: I missed chat at last time
goobie_doobie: might be going to see them today
goobie_doobie: if i can still get tickets
llamaland92: i'm not even sure how a web chat works. ha
goobie_doobie: same
hypermarkett: I hope video streaming goes well...
goobie_doobie: be right back
nchlsnw: A webchat is well.. basically a chat. Only we can see whoever talks on teir cam and we ask questions and respond
llamaland92: I see.
reggie18: sweet
international_lover: is everyone else seeing the photo with the guys and the dog? (Bunny?)
goobie_doobie: yes
international_lover: K
hypermarkett: yeppp
international_lover: Because earlier it seemed like some of you were seeing some actual cam
reggie18: yea i was for a while..but when i popout the cam it goes back to the guys and the dog
hypermarkett: what's Bunny's race?
international_lover: whoa! really? what did you see?
hypermarkett: Wow
reggie18: damian was on for a min testing it out saying whats up so it was him right before he went offline
international_lover: Bunny looks like a chihuahua mix but seems kind of big for a Chihuahua at the same time...?
hypermarkett: i see, well, it's soo cute! X)
international_lover: oh ok, wow. I wasn't seeing him at all so I'm wondering if my connection is f*d up
sunnyside1334: we arise feists and she looks like them in the face
» raise, sorry
goobie_doobie: looks like i'm not going to see them today
stillkingj70: Hi guys... Indianapolis guy here
hypermarkett: Hello!
goobie_doobie: hey
reggie18: hey!
sunnyside1334: how long have you all been Ok Go fans?
hypermarkett: i wanna have some pets. Did you guys watch that video?
goobie_doobie: since this week
hypermarkett: Parody of surpsied kitten
ginkgo_phyta: since I was born
goobie_doobie: lol
reggie18: honestly i started college in august soooo around that time...i saw here it goes again before then but i educated myself on them in August
hypermarkett: For five years?
stillkingj70: the WTF video rocks!
havingablast: five-ish years?
goobie_doobie: i know
goobie_doobie: lol
goobie_doobie: it's amazing
jack payne: <message deleted>
jack payne: <message deleted>
goobie_doobie: anyone going to see them in sheffield today?
jack payne: <message deleted>
stillkingj70: what's gonna be here? what are we looking forward to?
hypermarkett: I read their article concernd Reading Festival in magazine
mehwew: OK GOO.
luluelena: I saw them at Brighton too
havingablast: i saw them with silversun pickups and snow patrol a few years ago, and last year in boston
clareb: @JackPayne agreed, I was there too!
jack payne: <message deleted>
jack payne: <message deleted>
hypermarkett: Any information in my country at that time
jack payne: <message deleted>
luluelena: Same here!
reggie18: lol :D
luluelena: It was possibly the best moment of my life
international_lover: I first heard one of their songs on a commerical about 4(?) years ago. I found out who they were and bought OH NO but it took me months to actually see pics of them. I just fell in love with the music. The whole treadmill thing passed under my radar ...
jack payne: <message deleted>
jack payne: <message deleted>
mehwew: so guys, how long more till they get on?
havingablast: 12 minutes
sarah manteuffel: ??
mehwew: awesome.
jack payne: <message deleted>
aparke1: 12-20 minutes.
hypermarkett: the first song i heard OK Go's song is 'Get over it', too!
jack payne: <message deleted>
hypermarkett: Get get get get get over itttt!!
reggie18: ha Get Over It...got me over the worst parts of last year...even though its old I still love it
mehwew: ahh, the first song i head was return. i instantly fell in love with the band
jack payne: <message deleted>
jack payne: <message deleted>
international_lover: reeeeeturn
goobie_doobie: i liked them cause shooting the moon on the new moon sndtrck
hypermarkett: Certainly!
havingablast: what's everyone's favorite song off the new album?
ginkgo_phyta: I saw A Million Ways on MTV2 back in college.... my friend who local DJ'd was all about the music
goobie_doobie: WTF
goobie_doobie: probably?
international_lover: I like needing/getting
goobie_doobie: yes
jack payne: <message deleted>
international_lover: White Knuckels
» Knucles
goobie_doobie: well, i like them all tbh
hypermarkett: This too shall pass!
goobie_doobie: every one is my fave.
bonehead51: anyone else disappointed by the new album?
reggie18: hmmm I really like skyscrapers...but i love all their songs
jack payne: <message deleted>
havingablast: i like end love
jack payne: <message deleted>
hypermarkett: i love its choir
llamaland92: yeah i really enjoy 'this too shall pass.'
hypermarkett: Let~ It~ Go~
jack payne: <message deleted>
nchlsnw: Still haven't heard all but the single off the new album. I'm planning on buying it this week though.
hypermarkett: and like marching band. hehe
international_lover: yes
jack payne: <message deleted>
havingablast: it's definitely different
jack payne: <message deleted>
hypermarkett: Sure!
havingablast: but they're growing as a band
jack payne: <message deleted>
nchlsnw: OK Go and bad dont' really go hand in hand that well traditionally.
jack payne: <message deleted>
jack payne: <message deleted>
jack payne: <message deleted>
ginkgo_phyta: This Two Shall Pass video was awesome
international_lover: It's hard not to like it because after all, it's just an album, and it's not to say that they have denounced the earlier material. It's just a moment in time.
havingablast: i think TTSP is going to have another video too
hypermarkett: that song really touched me!
reggie18: it really was...Notre Dame are some lucky punks
beckysioux: Did you know there's going to be two videos for TTSP?
jack payne: <message deleted>
9:22 nchlsnw: All Ok Go videos=awesome. I dont' think they have a bad one. It's like looking for Daft Punk's bad video. They just don't exist.
9:22 havingablast: yeah, i think on twitter they said like 'this is one of the videos for ttsp'
9:23 lovelypearl: Hello from FL!
9:23 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:23 beckysioux: I wonder what the other one will feature.
9:23 havingablast: i have friends in the
» ND marching band
9:23 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:24 loribella: Hello OK GO!
9:24 hypermarkett: wow, i wonder who he is
9:24 goobie_doobie: hello
9:25 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:25 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:25 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:25 lovelypearl: I'm confused about how this works. Will they be on video or chat room? hmmmm
9:25 loribella: Did you get it Jack?
9:25 beckysioux: I think both.
9:25 ginkgo_phyta: they will be in the chatroom
9:25 loribella: Oh, nevermind. They used to hang out more.
9:25 nchlsnw: They'll be on webcam soon
9:25 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:25 ginkgo_phyta: well, on cam answering questions
9:26 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:26 lovelypearl: oh neat.
9:26 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:26 Staff genemiguel: hey everyone!
9:26 havingablast: i kind of miss the small shows though
9:26 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:26 lovelypearl: holla
9:26 hypermarkett: Hello!
9:26 havingablast: as much as i'm happy they're getting big
9:26 beckysioux: small shows are the best
9:26 llamaland92: sup.
9:26 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:26 ginkgo_phyta: Staff? lol, I just thought there were Admins and Mods
9:26 crackbabies: Definitely
9:26 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:26 Pro horror: Staff are people who work for JTV
9:26 fiveshoekazoo: hello
9:27 goobie_doobie: hey
9:27 lauragaby0192: heeey
9:27 hypermarkett: Hallo!
9:27 lauragaby0192: anyone from spain??
9:27 reggie18: hi there
9:27 ginkgo_phyta: oh, lol, my first time seeing a "Staff" person in here
9:27 mehwew: hello from MALAYSIA!
9:27 Staff genemiguel: lol couldnt miss this one
9:27 loribella: Dan is usually easy to find, Jack. He's extremely nice!
9:27 hypermarkett: I think OK Go is so Wildwide!
9:27 mehwew: you have fans all the way here too!
9:27 reggie18: HA NICE!
9:27 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:27 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:27 lovelypearl: dan is a relitive of mine, and i agree, very nice. loves!
9:27 fiveshoekazoo: saw then in rock island Il US in november
9:28 hypermarkett: *wildworld - > worldwide! sorry..
9:28 rahrahsa: hello!
9:28 loribella: Hypermarkett, I hope so! I want to see him do well.
» Lovely, everyone agrees with that. Dan is tops!
9:28 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:28 rahrahsa: I've seen OK go once
9:28 havingablast: @Jack Payne shows like that are great, it's when bands play stadium shows that it loses it's awesomeneess
9:28 beckysioux: I've been to some pretty great stadium shows
9:28 loribella: I mean, I want to see THEM do well!
9:28 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:29 hypermarkett: @<a href="http://twitter.com/Loriella"; target="_blank">Loriella</a> Since 3 years ago, i coudln't watch their gig T-T
9:29 savannah_mac: hey guys (:
9:29 hypermarkett: Hi, there!
9:29 nchlsnw: I hope they make as much money as they can while they're still in hahaha
9:29 loribella: Hypermaarkett -- what's what?
9:29 rahrahsa: I can't wait until they come here again
9:29 lovelypearl: i dont think ive been in a chat room since middle school. pretty interesting.
9:29 hypermarkett: I live in South Korea.
9:29 loribella: What's that, I mean. I promise I'm not drunk!
9:29 beckysioux: there was no such thing as a chat room when I was in middle school
9:29 loribella: Cincinnati, Ohio?
9:29 havingablast: @JackPayne I hope so too, it just fits who they are, I feel like
9:29 goobie_doobie: lol
9:29 havingablast: But yes, I want them to do great and be happy
9:29 hypermarkett: OK Go's gig took placed only one time!
9:30 hypermarkett: I'm sooo missing them
9:30 ginkgo_phyta: its on yo
9:30 loribella: I mean, Cincinnati, Ohio here. Anyone is Scotland?
9:30 lauragaby0192: ain't it time allready??
9:30 savannah_mac: I saw OK Go on wednesday
» it was pretty immense XD
9:30 wolfblake: its live!
9:30 hypermarkett: I envy, you guys
9:30 havingablast: to people who've seen them in uk: are shows more new stuff or old stuff?
9:30 fiveshoekazoo: anybody see anything yet
9:30 international_lover: I can't see anything? Can you
9:30 lauragaby0192: i can't
9:30 havingablast: nothing yet @Internationallover
9:30 beckysioux: you have to refresh
9:30 Pro horror: Refresh the feed, or your window.
9:30 ginkgo_phyta: I had an NES back in the day...Atari is old
9:30 nchlsnw: I'd love for them to come over to do some actual Canadian touring.
9:30 lauragaby0192: what should i be seeing??
9:31 savannah_mac: well
9:31 reggie18: yea there was a lil lag
9:31 pinkmuffin007: hi
9:31 clareb: Refresh!
9:31 Admin Pro saffire: wb
9:31 loribella: No, I don't see anything either.
9:31 beckysioux: are you gettin' fresh?
9:31 crackbabies: I see them.
9:31 rahrahsa: Hey! I see!
9:31 sunnyside1334: I see you. Hi!
9:31 Staff genemiguel: refresh, audio and video is good
9:31 hypermarkett: Hello!
9:31 stephhhhhh: oh it's working!
9:31 huimin: Hello!
9:31 clareb: Hello! *waves*
9:31 international_lover: awwwwwwwohooohaa
9:31 havingablast: Hey guys!
9:31 savannah_mac: oh
9:31 crackbabies: NIce to see you again!
9:31 savannah_mac: heyyy :D
9:31 international_lover: yeaaaaaaah
9:31 crackbabies: I gave you the sparkly jesus.
9:31 kelliejo09: Hey!
9:31 kilbrittain: Hey :D
9:31 hypermarkett: Tim!!
9:31 reggie18: hey!
9:31 jack payne: <message deleted>
9:31 huimin: you guys are awesome!
9:31 rahrahsa: WOOOT!!
9:31 daniela hyza: wow thats so cool
9:31 beckysioux: jesus saves
9:32 fiveshoekazoo: Do you remember meeting my child Anna in rock island Il
9:32 crackbabies: I have one for you, a better one.
9:32 international_lover: (o+>
9:32 llamaland92: what's a crack baby. ha.
9:32 loribella: REFRESH people! There they are!
9:32 beckysioux: where are you guys right now?
9:32 havingablast: glad to see you're over the food poisoning
9:32 lauragaby0192: i see them!!
9:32 loribella: Hi Tim and Damian!
9:32 lauragaby0192: heyy!!
9:32 dw23saint: Sing a song, guys
9:33 daniela hyza: so how are you guys?
9:33 international_lover: Hey Damian! I have a song dedication for you....the lyrics are ALL about you right now!
» http://www.livevideo.com/video/3BE06092A4744E76922A5F963A288274/prince-cream.aspx MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv: http://www.justin.tv/okgo
10:04 fiveshoekazoo: Do a shot out to Anna in Wisconsin, Small blond girl, was the shortest fan in Rock Island GIG, You hugged her back stage, the picture is her most valuable thing she ownes
10:04 beckysioux: @Snuuzz4 At least they're answering everything we've asked of them.
» Which is pretty f'in fantastic if you ask me.
10:04 snuuzz4: You know, Tim, I think, is the founder of the big glasses craze. Big glasses are very in now you know
10:05 loribella: @Snuuzz, they are being AMAZING.
10:05 snuuzz4: I know I know
» Just saying
10:05 celestialplatypus1125: damian where did you get that shirt that's yellowish with lots of red animal prints on it and long white sleeve collars?
10:05 snuuzz4: It's nice to be able to be part/see a live chat
10:05 llamaland92: What's your next single/video?
10:05 meetdadoom: arent you guys from Chicago?
10:05 jays_circus: <message deleted>
10:05 fiveshoekazoo: Beth in wisconsin is Andy's biggest fan, ask him to lean forward again and say HI to her please ! Love you all, thanks for being you
10:06 rahrahsa: Do you guys keep getting emails? I keep thinking it's me!
10:06 Staff genemiguel: wow 5,000 viewers
10:06 lilelizka29: OMg!! i just figured out that these are the treadmill guys!! hehaehha! wow!
10:06 aparke1: and only a couple mods
10:06 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:06 mehwew: another random question. if you guys could be any fictional character of your choice, who would you be?
10:06 beckysioux: Yes, this album has me falling in love with you guys all over again!
10:06 hannahyo: tim, thanks for doing my voicemail thing :]
10:06 loribella: Now there are 5 thousand viewing. They just aren't all chatting! You must log in to chat.
10:06 hotmarkb: can you put us on the door list for vega in copenhagen please?
10:06 ilovemic: 5,745 Views cool
10:06 lollykins: My friend Sarah and I love you guys sooo much
10:06 crackbabies: I am in love with this album too, Becky
10:06 meetdadoom: arent you guys from chicago?
10:07 gator_fan34: hey guys i sent you all adds on facebook u gotta add me guys
10:07 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: oxytommy1,
10:07 jays_circus: <message deleted>
10:07 beckysioux: @Crackbabies I met you at the DeKalb show!
10:07 oxytommy1: Brooklyn_irc
10:07 crackbabies: You did! I was next to you in line.
10:07 aparke1: oxy
10:07 lollykins: Any plans to come to Canada soon?
10:07 Admin Pro saffire: http://www.youtube.com/okgo
10:07 beckysioux: I have pics of sparkly jesus on my Flickr feed.
10:07 rahrahsa: NASA!
10:07 celestialplatypus1125: how'd you guys learn to play yo instruments?
10:07 crackbabies: Haha, awesome
10:07 oxytommy1: Mr. Parke.
10:07 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:07 beckysioux: Better yet, Damian had jesus glitter on his face after the show.
10:07 mehwew: nie hair.
10:08 pinkmuffin007: haaaaahahah
10:08 mehwew: nice*
10:08 djrose: Oh the Taking Woodstock Pic. LOVE.
10:08 loribella: Awesome hippie, Damian.
10:08 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:08 meetdadoom: are you guys from chicago?
10:08 beckysioux: @meetdadoom They're originally from Chicago, now they're in LA.
10:08 stillkingj70: you make a hot hippie!
10:08 meetdadoom: oh hokay thankyou becky
» im from chicago
10:08 beckysioux: You're very welcome
10:08 meetdadoom:
10:09 dougfromeqx: Shudder to Think? Really?
10:09 xx76ersxx: nice stache bro
10:09 lollykins: I know you guys!!
10:09 meetdadoom: do you guys still like blakchawks
10:09 Admin Pro saffire: info@okgo.net
10:10 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
<message deleted>
10:10 beckysioux: Seriously, why does aross slam the door?
» The other guy doesn't. Oop, nevermind.
10:10 rebekker: Hi!
10:10 beckysioux: Bekker!!!
10:10 skellyfun: S. Kelly - and yes, I am fun - in a work-a-holic, 40 yr old MILF sorta way! lol!
10:10 bayorgasmic: i love shooting the moon guys
10:10 lilelizka29: it's one of those strong piston thingys on the door they would have to adjust the piston pressure! ehahehhaeha!
10:10 jays_circus: <message deleted>
10:11 reggie18: What are your favorite movies?
10:11 Admin Pro saffire: Official website: http://www.okgo.net MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv: http://www.justin.tv/okgoYoutube: http://www.youtube.com/okgo Email: info@okgo.net
10:11 leprosy_larry: was whole band in Taking Woodstock?
10:11 jays_circus: <message deleted>
10:12 beckysioux: @jays_circus Yes, the boardies are here.
10:12 loribella: He didn't say there is no nudity! Woo hoo!
10:12 lollykins: I think you guys are awesome!!!!
10:12 beckysioux: @leprosy_Larry It was just Damian.
10:12 stephaniefromcali: When are you coming to Cologne, Germany? Love the album. Fantastico.
10:12 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:12 lollykins: Please come to Toronto Canada!!!
10:12 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:12 lilelizka29: ok one more time your top 3 inspirations are??
10:12 clareb: What will you guys be having for dinner before the show? Do you like English food?
10:13 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:13 lilelizka29: awwww omg the tatoo story is soo sweet! when you play u see her 4 ever that is inspirational!!
10:13 stillkingj70: is any of your stuff available on vinyl?
10:14 pinkmuffin007: @stephaniefromcali they come on Mo, 25.01.10, 21:00 Uhr to Cologne,Germany
10:14 Admin Pro saffire: OKGO web links Official website: http://www.okgo.net MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv: http://www.justin.tv/okgoYoutube: http://www.youtube.com/okgo Email: inf...
10:14 beckysioux: @stillkingj70 Of the Blue Colour of the Sky will be available on vinyl in February. At least in the states.
10:14 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:14 jays_circus: <message deleted>
10:14 mistersnappy: Are you guys playing Glastonbury this year?
10:15 stillkingj70: cool. gotta love the vinyl
10:15 reggie18: Dang you killed Andy..."can you not make noise back there?!" hahaha I seriously love you guys...btw skyscrapers is awesome
10:15 Pro oxytommy: How do you shave your head so perfectly?
10:15 stephaniefromcali: Tim - what designer made your glasses?
10:15 hypermarkett: Since 3 years ago, at Pentaport Fest, i couldn't go your gig
10:15 hypermarkett: I miss u guys!!
10:16 beckysioux: RT Who is singing "If they burn this place down to the ground" line in All Is Not Lost?
10:16 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:16 international_lover: Wow Damian, your very meaningful tattoo really makes my Mickey's 40 oz beer tat look trashy.
10:16 beckysioux: Why did I just RT in here?
10:16 sunnyside1334: Does Dan get fluffy drums?
10:16 mirandacanfly: are you gonna have any hmv signings...? or something like that in the uk
10:16 rebekker: lol, Becky
10:17 beckysioux: @sunnyside1334 That just sounds wrong
10:17 nxtmike: hey are you guys coming to Canada? cause you really shoule
10:17 loribella: 6031 viewers now!
10:17 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:17 Staff genemiguel: earlier in the chatroom
10:17 crackbabies: Up higher, they're behind.
10:17 beckysioux: @Rebekker I'm teh dumb.
10:17 lollykins: Yes CANADA When?
10:17 lilelizka29: ahhhhh! I got it!! Who do you think will win the Superbowl and do any of you follow the NFL??
10:17 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: googlethat_sh1t, its from liek 30 minutes ago, they are backlogged a bit
10:17 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:17 ash444: hahhahahhahah
10:17 celestialplatypus1125: can you say hi to "Blake DeCarvalho" and acknowledge my existence?
10:18 beckysioux: The ROBOT! Awesomes.
10:18 atoly777: lol nice XD
10:18 rebekker: What gave you the idea for the music video This Too Shall Pass. It's awesome
10:18 mia_h: Does andy really play the accordian?
10:18 pinkmuffin007: do you think about making another dance video?? I think it would comes out great
10:18 beckysioux: Tim is awesome with the Twitter!
10:18 nxtmike: Toronto, Canada?
10:18 mirandacanfly: did you know that you're in NME??
10:18 pinkmuffin007: yrah tim is an awesome twitterer
10:18 loribella: Tim is also the King of Flickr pictures!
10:19 beckysioux: @mia_h I asked him that question in November, he does know how to play the accordion.
10:19 pinkmuffin007: I like this monkey :D
10:19 clareb: Which other band's videos do you like?
10:20 mirandacanfly: MOG Rusty Ross!!
10:20 Pro oxytommy: Grand Bold Italic is the best.
10:20 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:20 gillc: Nice to see more of Andy...Dan asleep?
10:20 mirandacanfly: woo MGMT
10:21 valerie barr: Ahhhh infinite jest is amazing.
10:21 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them XD
» ?
10:21 corpsed: Coke or Pepsi?
10:21 loribella: Grover is the awesomest muppet of all time, though.
10:21 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:21 hlthy1: I first saw you open for TMBG, will you ever tour with them again?
10:21 crackbabies: That video of D meeting Kermit was the sweetest thing.
10:22 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: googlethat_sh1t, please no profanity. even if it is *** out
10:22 mirandacanfly: where are these questions coming from?
10:22 anna2991: hope you guys are coming to chicago soon!
10:22 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: mirandacanfly, They are behind a bit.
10:22 atoly777: lol
10:22 pinkmuffin007: Do you like summer or winter most?
10:22 mirandacanfly: Oh....thanks
10:22 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them ?
10:22 aparke1: brooklyn_irc I am upset now, I did not need to see those ***
10:23 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc:
10:23 loribella: David Foster Wallace (infinite jest) also wrote CONSIDER THE LOBSTER. Any OK GO vegetarians? (I am.)
10:23 aparke1: :D
10:23 international_lover: I'm veg!
10:23 mirandacanfly: go you
10:23 pinkmuffin007: Do you think about doing a cover album of your fav songs?
10:23 daniela hyza: Hyza is pronounced like pizza but with an h...so hizza
10:23 googlethat_sh1t: <message deleted>
10:23 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them please ?
10:24 mistersnappy: Are your fluffy laser guitars new OKGO signature Gibsons?
10:24 Pro oxytommy: googlethat_sh1t, clever girl.
10:24 snuuzz4: I'll buy Andy a bear AND a beer!
10:25 loribella: I'm highly trained at.... something! So, I'm IN. (That's what I heard.)
10:25 rahrahsa: I have to go to work (with puppies!). Have a good chat!!
10:25 aparke1: oxytommy! i love that movie!
10:25 celestialplatypus1125: when you have internet every so often, what websites do you guys check out often?
10:25 pinkmuffin007: Would you do 'Les Miserables' on any uupcoming show?
10:25 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:25 valerie barr: man
10:25 mirandacanfly: wooow, he could have a guiness record of unread emails
10:26 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:26 beckysioux: YES!!!!!
10:26 valerie barr: This is the only chat, right? and there's just super bad lag?
10:26 rebekker: lol, awesome!
10:26 loribella: YES! LES MIZ!
10:26 atoly777: lol u guyz are awsome XD
10:26 beckysioux: where's Katy?
10:26 Pro oxytommy: Best livechat ever.
10:26 clareb: Ok Go - The Rock Opera? Maybe in the future?!
10:26 crackbabies: In almost 9 years of seeing you guys in concerts, this is the first time I'm seeing Les Mis!
10:27 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:27 boner_jamz: haha
10:27 mirandacanfly: M.O.G!!
10:27 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: externaluser-facebook-valerie%20barr, - yes this is the only chat
10:27 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:27 beckysioux: @crackbabies they did it in Urbana.
10:27 mehwew: NICE.
10:27 luluelena: amazing, haha
10:27 crackbabies: I didn't get to Urbana
10:27 valerie barr: alright thanks
10:27 mehwew: *applause*
10:27 vicious_1: <message deleted>
10:27 stephaniefromcali: APPLAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:27 mdorfer: Can I design your next Album cover?
10:27 sunnyside1334: our marching band did Les Miserables. It was awesome.
10:27 beckysioux: I have it up on YouTube if you wanna see it.
10:27 vicious_1: <message deleted>
10:27 lauragaby0192: how many times have you been to that show?? (les miserables) xD
10:28 reggie18: hahahahhaha that is sooooo awesome Les Miserables!!!!! Officially awesome GUYS!!!
10:28 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them please ^_^?
10:28 vicious_1: hey
10:28 anna2991: wow.nothing is a better hangover cure than watching this.lol
10:28 vicious_1: good stuff
10:28 pinkmuffin007: yeeeah!!
10:28 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:28 loribella: Now do WICKED. Which one will be Glinda and which Elphaba?
10:28 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: vicious_1, - please no profanity.
10:28 vicious_1: yes sir
10:28 lauragaby0192: you should make a vid of les miserables!
10:28 vicious_1: where can i get of those bad azz glasses??
» pair*
10:29 aparke1
knights brooklyn
10:29 atoly777: do yall have any pets if yes can we see them =) ?
10:30 celestialplatypus1125: Any advice on being a good student?
10:30 aparke1: it’s now 8:30. please say the time you have when you read this
10:30 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: lol aparke1
10:30 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:30 pinkmuffin007: which 3 things would you take to a lonely island?
10:30 gillc: Twix
10:31 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:31 mirandacanfly: lol
10:31 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:31 hahaha275: <message deleted>
10:31 clareb: You know you're going to get loads of Twix next time you're here now!
10:31 hindenburg_burning: is that pepe le pew
10:31 pires432: <message deleted>
10:32 mirandacanfly: you guys new album is in the NME magazine, I totally flipped!!
10:32 turd_ferguson69: Ever going to Alaska?
10:32 loribella: my sister Linda says HELLO and SHE LOVES YOU.
10:32 bitemyfayceoph: HHHHHHHHEEEEEYYYYY
10:33 valerie2776: how was touring with tmbg/any favorite moments or whatever?
10:33 Admin Pro saffire: OKGO web links Official website: http://www.okgo.net MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/okgoFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/okgoTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/okgoJustin.tv: http://www.justin.tv/okgoYoutube: http://www.youtube.com/okgo Email: inf...
10:33 international_lover: your willingness to go out of your way for your fans make you guys truly amazing and special and I know you're eventually going to rule the world! XO
10:33 yabalak: че за говно?
10:34 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:34 pires432: <message deleted>
10:34 dougfromeqx: Tulip Fest!!! Sweet! Remember to watch the F-bombs!
10:34 yabalak: che za govno))
10:34 Mod Pro brooklyn_irc: pires432, be patient, they are behind on chat.
10:34 corpsed: everytime you miss a city on tour, a kitten kills itself
10:34 loribella: Yay Rach!
10:34 jack payne: <message deleted>
10:35 djrose: LOLOLOL
10:35 bitemyfayceoph: can we just be best friends?
10:35 the_techie: i woke up to drunk text messages from my sister and Ok Go ... best morning ever!!!
10:36 bobo_nino: i'm bobo hi
10:36 llamaland92: What's your favorite beer?<
Part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54hUzbWyfiI
Part5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AnCxUpI3Q8
Part6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw_XRCwYbeQ
Would you happen to have a part 7? If you did, it would be super-duper because that would (probably) include my fave part from the video chat. Also, thank you so much for posting these.
You're both very welcome.
Locksley used to have chats on justin.tv all the time and that's where I went to download the videos of them.
I totally didn't even know that this was happening. I happened to wake up and check my computer and saw their status on facebook about it, so I missed the first part, but I made it for some
I hope she reads this....
Locksley used to have chats on justin.tv all the time and that's where I went to download the videos of them.
Thanks Rebecca!
It took me a minute to figure out how to watch the whole thing. For those who don't know, under "Recent Broadcasts", click the top Jan 16th 2010, then let it play. It's in 5 minute increments, but it is the whole broadcast.
Thanks a million for copying and posting that long chat history,beckysioux!!
Well,here's part 7 of the videochat :
The other parts are coming up soon... I'm currently uploading them
Thanks Rebekker for this link http://www.justin.tv/okgo/archive ^^