Hello! Please bear with me, as I'm new here. I get the impression you boardies have a strong, fun, supportive network, so it's a pleasure to join in.
I've been voting for OK Go in the Fuse competition, and like you, I'm disgusted with the mudslinging. But I'm not here about that just now.
As of now (around 2pm Tuesday) Stone Sour and the sourstones are gaining rapidly. We need more votes! So if you are not already voting, please go vote, and call in the reinforcements!
Let me take this opportunity to say HI!! and WELCOME!! Your impression is correct - strong, fun and supportive network. Not just for our boys, but for ourselves as well. =D
AND going to vote some more...
Thanks for the welcome! And nice to know I've got company in voting...
Honestly, if everyone who viewed the video on youtube would show their appreciation by voting, OK Go could not fail to win. I hope some of that is going on even now.
I feel like if I made a statistical word cloud for each of the fanpages' wall posts, the OK Go one would have words like "wonderful,' 'happy,' 'love,' 'treadmills,' and 'adorable puppies' while the Stone Sour page would have words like 'f*ck,' 'Slipknot,' 'f*ck,' and 'free iPod'...
It just makes me so proud that people on 'our side,' as it were, make the sort of positive wall posts like "your videos make me so happy, those dogs are so cute!"
Last I checked, we're at 53%, but the little bars showed that, somehow, 47% is more than 53%. Somehow.
And not to give the impression that that's okay, but it seems like OK Go would have the kind of nerdy fanbase that would set up the bots and things, rather than Stone Sour. Although a win that way would be lame.
Agreed. I was voting incessantly for half an hour last night and OK Go's numbers kept slipping. I've never seen them change that quickly.
The most annoying thing about this? I've had the Spice Girls "Say You'll Be There" stuck in my head for days now because of the title similarity to "Say You'll Haunt Me."
It's a shame that they have to rely on autobots to get their votes up. All that really means is that they a) don't have enough fans, b) the fans they do have don't give a shit or c) both a & b.
If I could vote at work, I would. I think I might have some time when I get home, but I'm not sure what the countdown clock is at right now. I voted for a while last night and got the same thing Rachel did, the totals slowly going down. :(
Hopefully more OK Go fans will put in a valiant effort today and the boys will win round 3.
It's a shame that they have to rely on autobots to get their votes up. All that really means is that they a) don't have enough fans, b) the fans they do have don't give a shit or c) both a & b.
If I could vote at work, I would. I think I might have some time when I get home, but I'm not sure what the countdown clock is at right now. I voted for a while last night and got the same thing Rachel did, the totals slowly going down.
Hopefully more OK Go fans will put in a valiant effort today and the boys will win round 3.
I was just on there, and I think there's at least a day left. Every time I voted, though, their percentage went down by .01 and SS's went up by .01. There's no way, on a site that's receiving thousands of hits and votes all day, it could move that fast. It just doesn't happen.
On the other hand, the ticker in the upper right hand corner says that OK Go has gotten the most votes so far, and put the voting at 51% to 49%, so. There's that. Maybe they round up.
All right, ETA:
SS just pulled ahead, there's 1 day, 6 hours, and 35 minutes left, and you guys do all realise that they're in the top 40, right? Like, obvs it would be cool if they were number one, but they're already in the countdown, and pretty far up, if there's only like, three other "battles" going on.
Quick question : @okgo what's the point in being in Fuse's top 5 when you can't win it honestly ? At least @WeAreStoneSour still has integrity , and in case its news to you YES your fans are using automated voting bots so yea no respect for you or your fans ! TRUE STORY !"
so we we may or may not use autobots. but at least we don't diss others for "not having integrity" and then going off and using those autobots anyway.
Also - my voting page has officially closed : ( good luck to yallz still voting! : )
(srsly, why do they close down overseas voting pages earlier than the US page? it's not like we had extra time to vote right at the start o.O confuzzled.)
So all the fun has been taken out of this completely for me.
Like Aleatory said, a word cloud would show the totally different personalities on the two fb fan pages.
It's such a shame, because up until this point I was enjoying the voting, but the now blatant cheating and mudslinging has left a bitter taste in my mouth.
To echo what jedi_grrlie said – OK Go are in the Top 10 so I'm happy that we got them to there
Oh also, I read somewhere that the poll closes according to the time on your internal computer clock, so if you turn the clock back you could still vote.
Edited to add: And having said all that, somehow we seem to be catching them up!
Ah, so Ok Go and I have something in common. We have both been accused by spineless bullies of lacking integrity, when it's really the other way around. There should be a word for someone who lacks class but accusses someone else of it in order to make themselves look and feel better.
Odds are they won't make it past round whatever-this-is, they're up against people like Rhianna and Eminem. But hoorah.
I finally yelled at that Brantley kid over Twitter, because, dude. Get a hobby. Go ride your bike or something. All of those people getting angry on the Fuse comment page sound like...angry 16-year-olds who don't have anything better to do but be angry 16-year-olds.
I don't believen in the integrity of this entire voting thing. Fuse knows who they want to come out on top, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was rigged by them. That being said, at least they picked OK Go over Generic Angry White Dude Rock.
Way to go everyone!! We pulled it together for our guys in the end while Stone Sour's folks let themselves think they had it locked. HA! (Sorry, I'm only gloating a teeny bit)
Thanks for the welcome! And nice to know I've got company in voting...
Honestly, if everyone who viewed the video on youtube would show their appreciation by voting, OK Go could not fail to win. I hope some of that is going on even now.
I feel like if I made a statistical word cloud for each of the fanpages' wall posts, the OK Go one would have words like "wonderful,' 'happy,' 'love,' 'treadmills,' and 'adorable puppies' while the Stone Sour page would have words like 'f*ck,' 'Slipknot,' 'f*ck,' and 'free iPod'...
It just makes me so proud that people on 'our side,' as it were, make the sort of positive wall posts like "your videos make me so happy, those dogs are so cute!"
Last I checked, we're at 53%, but the little bars showed that, somehow, 47% is more than 53%. Somehow.
And not to give the impression that that's okay, but it seems like OK Go would have the kind of nerdy fanbase that would set up the bots and things, rather than Stone Sour. Although a win that way would be lame.
Ha! When I took a quick peek at SS's FB page, I noticed all the "free iPods", too!
And, you're right! IF we were nefarious, WE would be the geeky/geek loving bot makers!
Agreed. I was voting incessantly for half an hour last night and OK Go's numbers kept slipping. I've never seen them change that quickly.
The most annoying thing about this? I've had the Spice Girls "Say You'll Be There" stuck in my head for days now because of the title similarity to "Say You'll Haunt Me."
:( well thaz it then. we're losing (lost?) to autobots >:( (OK Go: 50.84% // SS: 49.16% the last time i chked)]
Rachel: dunno abt u, but personally id much rather listen to Spice Girls than SS any day ;) x
It's a shame that they have to rely on autobots to get their votes up. All that really means is that they a) don't have enough fans, b) the fans they do have don't give a shit or c) both a & b.
If I could vote at work, I would. I think I might have some time when I get home, but I'm not sure what the countdown clock is at right now. I voted for a while last night and got the same thing Rachel did, the totals slowly going down. :(
Hopefully more OK Go fans will put in a valiant effort today and the boys will win round 3.
I was just on there, and I think there's at least a day left. Every time I voted, though, their percentage went down by .01 and SS's went up by .01. There's no way, on a site that's receiving thousands of hits and votes all day, it could move that fast. It just doesn't happen.
On the other hand, the ticker in the upper right hand corner says that OK Go has gotten the most votes so far, and put the voting at 51% to 49%, so. There's that. Maybe they round up.
All right, ETA:
SS just pulled ahead, there's 1 day, 6 hours, and 35 minutes left, and you guys do all realise that they're in the top 40, right? Like, obvs it would be cool if they were number one, but they're already in the countdown, and pretty far up, if there's only like, three other "battles" going on.
With snide comments like these:
"I know you guys are voting like crazy. I have a suspicion that the other... band is using other modes to win. Keep voting- we're not thru."; and
"Just remember: WE rely on YOU, the fans, for our success. Without you, we have nothing. THEY rely on... well, I can't prove anything, so..."
fm @CoreyTaylor (frontman) of SS, it's no wonder they've got fans who write stuff like this:
"On Thursday 18th November 2010, @damnitBrantley said:
Quick question : @okgo what's the point in being in Fuse's top 5 when you can't win it honestly ? At least @WeAreStoneSour still has integrity , and in case its news to you YES your fans are using automated voting bots so yea no respect for you or your fans ! TRUE STORY !"
so we we may or may not use autobots. but at least we don't diss others for "not having integrity" and then going off and using those autobots anyway.
Also - my voting page has officially closed : ( good luck to yallz still voting! : )
(srsly, why do they close down overseas voting pages earlier than the US page? it's not like we had extra time to vote right at the start o.O confuzzled.)
So all the fun has been taken out of this completely for me.
Like Aleatory said, a word cloud would show the totally different personalities on the two fb fan pages.
It's such a shame, because up until this point I was enjoying the voting, but the now blatant cheating and mudslinging has left a bitter taste in my mouth.
To echo what jedi_grrlie said – OK Go are in the Top 10 so I'm happy that we got them to there
Oh also, I read somewhere that the poll closes according to the time on your internal computer clock, so if you turn the clock back you could still vote.
Edited to add: And having said all that, somehow we seem to be catching them up!
.... or something more dignified. >ahem<
(but do vote if you can)
Oh boy, we're in the lead :D
I'm happy but still diligently voting
Dignified…meh! Haha!
I've been voting all evening too, seems to be working!
Yay!! Now I'm doing a happy dance!! :p
We did it, guys. We totally did it. I had "This Will Be Our Year" playing while I was voting at one point. :-D
Odds are they won't make it past round whatever-this-is, they're up against people like Rhianna and Eminem. But hoorah.
I finally yelled at that Brantley kid over Twitter, because, dude. Get a hobby. Go ride your bike or something. All of those people getting angry on the Fuse comment page sound like...angry 16-year-olds who don't have anything better to do but be angry 16-year-olds.
I don't believen in the integrity of this entire voting thing. Fuse knows who they want to come out on top, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was rigged by them. That being said, at least they picked OK Go over Generic Angry White Dude Rock.
Way to go everyone!!
We pulled it together for our guys in the end while Stone Sour's folks let themselves think they had it locked. HA! (Sorry, I'm only gloating a teeny bit)
A well deserved win!
YAY!!! I'm so glad they're in the top 5! That should perk some ears up. Hurray for all who voted!!!