i won't let you down video vehicle's used

Does anyone know what the vehicles that were used in the video?


  • Hi Vicky!

    They used Honda's UNI-CUB. Here's a great website with more information on the vehicle and the video itself: http://iwontletyoudown.com/#
  • I've been seeing the Uni-Cub in that Honda Sales Event commercial lately, and every time they unveil the name of the event, I want (& sometimes half expect) confetti... or umbrellas, or at least music. I'm sure this is not the kind of recognition Honda intended with using the Uni-cub, but really, I think the US ad execs missed a good opportunity by not alluding to OKGo. ;)

    (I'm being facetious, but even for people unfamiliar with IWLYD or OKGo, a little memorable music and colorful confetti could only help promote the sales event.)
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