well thats quite alright. don't worry about it.
i somehow didn't know about the 9:30 club shows until it was too late to get tickets. i bet they were great; its a great venue.
aw, thanks for your welcome!
thats alright, i'm not sure what you're apologizing for! i went with my cousin and had a great time with her. and yes, always next time! so you're from deleware? that was quite a drive then, wasn't it? i live in maryland, about an hour from baltimor…
oh, i didn't notice this topic before i posted in the tim's birthday topic instead. oops.
but yes, i went last night and it was FANTASTIC as always. my seat was about the worst it could get, almost in the last row, but that didn't stop me from hav…
ah, i was beaten to it. i didn't get any good pictures anyway since my seat was really far away from the stage. i left before the fray's set too - how dissapointing! i never would have expected that either.
i didn't realize that there were any oth…
hey, i'm new here, i guess. i've been reading this forum for quite a while, but this is my first post.
"they playing a show tonight?" (sorry, don't know how to add quotes yet)
yes they are! it's in columbia maryland, and i'm going!
if i get …