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  • Thankyou so much Will! You're awesome. I'm gonna try emailing about it and hopefully i'll get some results. Thanks so much for the tweet.
  • thanks so much jedi_grrlie and Will for the help. I actually purchased the cd from the okgo website store, i don't know who organises that anymore. I don't think they have any policy, help or customer enquiry as to what to do with faulty/ wrong prod…
  • Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong place but i'm new to posting =) So for christmas my dad bought me the delux edition ok no cd (the one with all the videos on it, ect.). Anyway, i live in Australia and when i opened it on christmas morning it was …
  • Hahaha thanks RWS thats sounds amazing, almost how the Metro used to be back in '06 and '07 when they had gigs for 20 bucks each week. Unfortunately i'll just have to wait the year or so untill i'm old enough and maybe by then they'll be back?
  • RWS, at the The Hi-Fi in Melbourne i'm pretty sure you can get in with parental supervision, becasue i was reserching how much it would cost me to catch a plane there form sydney and pay for both tickets for my dad and me (too much ). Yeah, i tota…
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Feb 4 2010, 12:24 AM) I don't think it's so far-fetched an idea, but even better, why don't you find out if they'll let you in with an adult? I know no one wants to be seen at the show with their mom, but better that than not gettin…
  • aww, thanks so much setsumi it makes me feel a little better about the impending over 18's dates. Also, i was wondering what are the chances of me showing up at the over 18s venue and hanging around outside hoping to see them either before or afte…
  • Doesn’t look like it no under 18s gigs. I’ve never been more devastated in my life(except for in 2007 when they came and it was over 18s). For Sydneysiders at least, you have to be 18 to see them, the case is a bit different for those froms Melbourn…
  • QUOTE (giggleguy @ Jan 17 2010, 06:35 PM) I'll finally be eighteen and they're not playing in my city. Goddamn it I wish I was born four years earlier. At least you'll be 18, I was so cut last time when they didn't have any under 18 gigs. Looks lik…