Found a hiccup. When you are in an old thread with several pages, you go straight to the first page. Is there a way to make it so that the first thing you see is the most recent post rather than the very first page of the thread?
I think that this s…
you, as a moderator, should have the capacity to delete comments.
we do have a delete option for comments, as for spam topics though i'm not seeing a way to delete those, only close them...
i will see if i can add this permission...
beckysioux, i'm glad you are finding it smoother to use. that's encouraging. the request for a signature feature is duly noted. regards #6, i need to take a look.
One other thing, please do update your avatar's once again. You don't need to stick with the stock pattern that the forum chooses for you. Click on your name in the side panel to go to your account profile.
beckysioux and wick*design,
thanks so much for your feedback! glad to see that you are generally enthusiastic. the system that this is running on is vastly superior to the previous one. hopefully it is also running a bit more efficiently for you gu…
beckysioux, thanks this is helpful. i can't find the name of that user in the system, are you sure you spelled it correctly. could you give me a link to their posts?
also, i wonder if you could be more bold still about the forum areas, since you p…
Okay thanks that is helpful. Here's the deal, we are actually in the process of building a new forum that will reside with a different (and much better forum framework). So I am going to keep these things in mind in terms of constructing this new fo…