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  • Sunnyside said: YKYOW your life is very busy and you don't have enough time to obsess properly but still when you have a sick day in bed all you do is visit the boards, watch OK Go videos, and browse Flickr for new photos. There should be an OK Go…
  • No, you covered pretty much anything I would've mentioned except that the crowd was really nice about letting other people to the front (possibly because it was a free festival, so a lot of people were there for the festival and not specifically for…
  • sherib said: hyannah77 said: Shameless plug here, but here are my photos from O'Fallon Freedom Fest No linky :/   wow. fail. There we go
  • Shameless plug here, but here are my photos from O'Fallon Freedom Fest
  • beckysioux said: I believe that aross has either ADHD or was a cat in a previous life. Anything shiny/loud and he's distracted. As for telling security, I'm pretty sure that they were informed this night. But that doesn't always mean that they …
  • magnoliamaggiemag said: All OK Go first-timer's should start out like that. I hope I do when I get the chance. If only I could go back in time, and see a show when they were here. They tour a bunchez though, so I don't really have anything to worr…
  • I was sad that they skipped Columbia, usually they stop here if they're nearby
  • YKYOW you tell people your son's about to have his first night away from home and everyone's shocked that you're letting him spend the night away from you already, until they hear OK Go's going to be nearby.
  • sherib said: hyannah77 said: I'm not sharing this picture so much as asking if anyone knows where it originally came from. I saw it somewhere a trillion years ago (probably the jc) but I don't remember its source. I want to say it belongs …
  • I'm not sharing this picture so much as asking if anyone knows where it originally came from. I saw it somewhere a trillion years ago (probably the jc) but I don't remember its source.
  • DJRose said: Yeah.  I cannot believe I'm going to be there. I'm jealous. I can't wait to read your write-up!!!
  • Arryn- Thanks sososo much! I'm not tech savvy at all but I really wanted these on my ipod!    AwesomeMusicLover22 said: this might be a stupid question... but am i allowed to keep the mp3s for free and put them on my music player? i wouldnt want…
  • I had a really random dream last night where I walked out of a club and saw OK Go, Amber, Hannah, and a couple of other boardies (the others faces were indistinct but in the dream they were definitely boardies) singing songs from Once More With Feel…
  • Arrynisawesome said: In reply to a comment on the last page. :D Are they on youtube?  I have dial up so I can't search. D: They are, but I lack the internet know-how to extract them
  • Arrynisawesome said: Awww! They don't work anymore! Songs To Wear Pants To is AWESOME. I love Little Albino Kitty XD Yeah, that's why I was hoping someone still  had them Songs to Wear Pants to?