My favorite is White Knuckles. Andy is amazing.
Second, I'd say either the second interlude in Unrequited Orchestra of Locomotion (the loud part) or The House Wins.
It sounds like Tim and Andy harmonizing in the chorus, actually.
I have no clue about the lyrics, sorry about that.
Also, does anyone know what the song was from? I heard somewhere that it was on a demo tape, but I have never heard of a second de…
Chips said:
MooseMoose said:
1: WTF?
2: The Greatest Song I Ever Heard
3: Don't Ask Me
4:Last Leaf
Handbell portion:
5: Return
6: In the Glass
7: Get Over It
Back to non-handbell songs:
8: Unrequited Orchestra of Locomotion
9: Shortly …
A gem from Ex'Pression:
Tim: I peed all over myself too.
Damian: Wait, was it just the water looking like that, or was it-
Tim: A little of both, actually.
Are there threads for discussing individual songs, like is there a thread for Unrequited Orchestra of Locomotion, and if not would it be okay to start one like that?
1: WTF?
2: The Greatest Song I Ever Heard
3: Don't Ask Me
4:Last Leaf
Handbell portion:
5: Return
6: In the Glass
7: Get Over It
Back to non-handbell songs:
8: Unrequited Orchestra of Locomotion
9: Shortly Before the End
10: This Too Shal…
I love the Spring Tour USB. Two great shows for music and for banter. Damian also appears to have invented a new word during the AMW track from the Boston show;"Butcept," as in "butcept it's way better than that!!!"