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  • I asked a friend of mine that works with vinyl to make me a OK Go logo decal for my car and I love it. I'd buy their other logos if they were sold as merch in the official OK Go store! Lookie!
  • I had trouble posting that black light signature video too. When I posted it from my iPad it didn't work. I came back later and reposted the video from my laptop. (thanks for saying the video is awesome BTW!) :)
  • My fave way to reconnect with nature is to go for a nice long run in a scenic area. What is your favourite flavour of potato chips?
  • Here's some notes from the production diary of Camera Operator Alec Jarnagin for floating An excellent behind the scenes look at the technical/creative process of putting together the Red Star Macalline Commercial/Video http://floating…
  • I got the air fresheners in my box of random stuff too. They've all been used now and don't smell anymore but they are still hanging from my rearview. Damian- new car Tim- pineapple Andy- cinnamon Dan- Pine Tim was definitely the winner of best air…
  • Here's a very relaxed interview with Damian about Hungry Ghosts and life in general, for Redmilk Magazine.
  • Zach, I admire your passion for the band, and your desire to bring fans together, however... I'd like to +1 ChristelAdina's April 22nd post. I think that just by posting here on the OK Go forum we've all made ourselves known as members of OK Go's "…
  • Next tour... I like the sound of that! Fingers crossed that it's not light years away! :)
  • I did the VIP on April 7th in Toronto. There were 6 VIP ticket holders (including myself and my friend Vittoria) They did check their phones a lot during soundcheck, but no more than I do (I have a social media problem! lol) They were having techni…
  • I would be super interested, I've always regretted not taking part in these boards long ago. I know nothing about coding, but I'll help in any way I can. I'll send an email your way :)
  • Folks that bought VIP tickets in the past, did you get sent any actual tickets or was your name on a guest list or something? I bought in November and I'm starting to get nervous that all I've got is my printed receipt.
  • Yes, the stitches are minuscule! This was not planned out as carefully as it appears to be and there are definitely spots where mistakes were made but looking at the video as a whole, I think the little mistakes make it more interesting. Right now t…
  • Glad you've joined the forum! Thanks for the love! :)
  • I did indeed @beckysioux! I'm so excited to FINALLY be seeing them live, and meeting them too!