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  • ahhhhhh this is me. i didnt see this thread. they did the dance. and they rapped (because everyone was like do ittttt) they broke at least 4 guitar strings. it was a wickeeeeeddddd good show. about 100 kids. very very nice.
  • march is a horrible horrible month.
    in MARCH Comment by ella March 2005
  • why do i never ever come here anymore? it's so much fun. so this is me : it's totally huge. or you can just go to my myspace?
  • dude noooooo. that storm SUCKED. i was supposed to teach at a school outside of boston but couldn't because of the snow, and i was so excited too. now i have to wait until the 8th! we had to shovel walkways for my dogs because of it too. it was …
  • driving. and sigur ros.
  • ais if you go to new york tell me and maybe ill go. i think i'm going to see the dresden dolls with REGINA SPEKTOR. but it's sold out. but this group of 17 year olds at my school haev tickets and cant get in because its 18+ (and i have a fake id) …
  • lameos. im determined to get one. &you better get me something amazing for my birthday. hahaha. you have TWELEVE days left. &my dads getting me a tattoo for my birthday =-o
  • i didnt read this all so it might have been said but panic! at the disco is good.
  • you guys are way retarded.
    in Your Period Comment by ella January 2005
  • it's because shes a site.
  • dude someone in my school is saying that her boyfriends sister babysat for someone in the summer in virgina and that happened to them to. i was like ummm weird because my freinds friend had that happen too
  • i wear pumas and in grey and orange
  • QUOTE (minia @ Nov 19 2004, 06:26 PM)yous a ho. hehehee.   p.s. you've talked to me lately. very lately. yesterday lately. i talked to you like an hour ago. i'm leaving soon. and i'm excited. also. kinda on the whole lemony thing but not a…
    in hi! Comment by ella November 2004