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  • its official, IM FUCKED all the ear infection medicine is gone.... ringing remains ill never hear AGAIN...... god damn it, im pissed
  • ok kids, heres the story my ears were ringing from the 18th since now today i went to the doctor and SHE said that i have strep AND an EAR INFECTION! hopefully that is the culprit i have to take 2 fucking HUGE horse pills a day for ten days.... …
  • QUOTE (intricatesilver @ Mar 24 2005, 03:06 PM)Perhaps you should get that looked at... agreed
  • its thursday..... ears still ringing.... begining to give up hope......
  • ok, now that you guys reminded me, i would truly love to look back and say, "damn, im glad that OK Go deafened me" it will be a good reminder of how sweet the concert was
  • Hey hey everybody, the Ann Arbor show was SUPER MAD AWESOME!! the set list was amazing, and there was a sweet dance to cinnimon lips at the end, it was one of the better experiences of my life, yet i can't ignore the ringing in my ears that just…