Those are the hottest shoes... girly or not.... I'm posting the pics again... IF you can't imagine a girl in these, feminists have done nothing for you.
I have this exact bag... except its a knock off... OH MY GOD!!! i just found out how much the real one costs... are any of you guys willing to drop $530.00 for it?
Shit girl, those are hot. The Manolo is dedicated to shoes shoes shoes! Check it.
Thank 'ee!
Wow those are awesome! drool... but I probably couldn't be able to walk in them... I haven't worn heels since prom.
Haha. Oh, I wouldn't either. However, when I WOULD topple over due to the shoes, people would be like, "what a klutz... but DAMN she has nice shoes."
Velveteen Sherlock Home Boy
That'd be pretty kickass
I think he looks like a sick Jake Gyllenhaal
but that's just what I see.
by the way kudos on spelling that name... i would never be able to..
by the way kudos on spelling that name... i would never be able to..
thank you, I'm quite the master speller.
I really don't know why I did this...
OH MY GOD!!! i just found out how much the real one costs... are any of you guys willing to drop $530.00 for it?