In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • yes! i swear to hell theres unseen things around.

    have you ever fallen i nlove with a lesbian/gay dude?
  • does Lance Bass count. Lol. Eww, I hate him actually
    I fell for a gay dude. Here's how I later realized he was gay: We started talking about how we love the James Bond movies, and he started saying how hot Sean Connery is...and it instantly became the most akward conversation I ever had.

    have you ever gone hunting?
  • nope.

    ever wanted a low rider?
  • umm, you shouldn't ask that when the queen of innuendo is around. But anyway, nope never wanted one

    ever wanted to be royalty?
  • no... wel... actually sure!

    ever quit a job and forgot to tel your boss?
  • Yes haha well acutally, the first day I was supposed to start, I didn't go, so they never called me again hahaha it was kind of funny actually.

    Ever given wedgies?
  • No?

    Ever crashed a wedding?
  • No.

    Ever just wanto to go and scream at the top of your lungs through a mic? *very satisfying when you're singing*
  • i've wanted to, never have though

    ever played in a band?
  • yes, i was the drummer. and i stunk!

    well not completly

    ever do crossword puzzles?
  • not too often. They make my brain hurt.

    Ever gone scuba diving?
  • ** wow aside from crotch-tastic he's a drummer *sigh* damn me and my love for drums.. and drummer boys **

    I want to go scuba diving in Mexico... but I'm affraid of bumping onto a shark.

    Ever been thrown out in the rain?
  • hmm no, well sorta.?
    i was at a friends house and i had to bike home in the rain cause it was late. um yea..

    ever tried to find a cupcake recipe online and couldnt find a decent one?
  • never!

    have you ever puled an all nighter?
  • I have never puled nor pulled an all nighter. Good grief, homework doesn't deserve my precious twilight time.

    have you ever gone skiing?
  • snowboarding... i suck

    have you ever broken a bone durirng an athletic endevour?
  • i broke a fingernail with my mad badminton skillz. lol. ya right.

    have you ever randomly run up to a person and pinched their cheeks?
  • ass or face?
    umm face. no.
    ass i dont think so.

    have you ever fixed a wegie in public?
  • nope

    have you?
  • nope

    ever thrown up in public?
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