In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • Yes, who hasn't tried to sneak those boys in somewhere

    have you ever been kidnapped by the girl scouts?
  • not the girl scouts, no. But I almost kidnapped them for taking so long with my god damn cookies.

    Have you ever gave a total stranger the finger?
  • i sure have.
    but they gave me the evils for no reason, i figured they diserved it smile.gif

    have you ever made brownies? with chocolate as iceing? yum yum
  • yes... years ago. i want brownies

    have you ever eaten the bowl?
  • the bowl? no i dont beleive i have, but ive licked the bowl?

    have you ever eaten the CONTENT of the bowl?
  • nah, just bowls. mmmm

    ever have a bread bowl?
  • nope.

    ever had measels?
  • no

    ever have weasels?
  • no.

    ever had teasles?
  • yes.


    ever snuck outa the house?
  • yeh. i got sent to my room when i was little. i snuck out my window, i shared a room with my sister at the time. when i decided it was time to come home my sister had shut the window and i had to resort to coming through the front door. mum didnt like that much.

    ever got caught?
  • for other things besides sneaking out of the house, yes.

    have you ever seen an eclipse?
  • yep. i was super young

    ever been TPing?
  • no

    have you ever been out of tp?
  • im not quite sure.

    ever tryed to make butter cups and failed?

    (tryed just then and the oven was on high and i forgot about them, the whole hows smells like burnt rubber :S)

    hope the mother doesnt come home soon.
  • I've never made butter cups

    have you ever lost a pair of shoes in the mud?
  • no.

    have you? do tell!
  • I lost a pair of kick ass boots in the mud when I was younger. and the moral? never wear kick ass boots in a huge mud pit.

    have you ever jumped off the board walk into the lake in the summer?
  • um, no, but all that sounds very lovely.

    Have you even gone white water rafting?
  • ive gone... not white water rafting... i hate water

    have you ever smoked something not traditionally used for smoking... like a banana?
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