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The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mayonaise.

    Have you ever been caught doing something personal?
  • personal? is that like "cleaning the ol' pipes"?

    have you ever desired a bowflex?
  • cleaninpipes? What..I don't get you half the time..
    No actually.
    I think they're annoying..
    but damn does bowflex make mad chedda.

    Have you ever put someone into the hospital?
  • no well maybe yes.
    i punched someone once in the arm and i hurt her some how.
    i was proud of that.

    have you ever hurt someone phyically and been happy about it???
  • no, but i would like to, just to see what its like.

    have you ever been caught "cleaning the old pipes"?
  • -cough-
    No..I don't think so..

    Have you ever been called a maniac (not for jokes) by a close friend/family?
  • yes. by both....

    have you ever put a cherry bomb in a toilet?
  • No.

    Ever gotten food poisioning?
  • no, but it sounds fantastic.

    have you ever punched someone in the ass?/been punched in the ass?
  • no..punched in the ass?
    ..that's not something you hear about/see everyday.

    Thrown up on purpose?
  • no.
    it actually is something i see everyday. well not recently but it was. good times...

    have you ever walked in on your know...?
  • umm im not sure i know but,
    i have literally walked on my parents.
    they ask me to walk on their backs.
    as for the other walked on.
    im rude and i try to get money out of them.

    have you ever cut your own hair?
    howd that turn out?
  • No, I would never do that cos my hair=life.

    Have you ever eaten lots of your own hair?
  • no, i should though, to show off my hardcoritude.

    have you ever collected something lame?
  • ooo i just saw it said walked in on parents.. no ive never done that. lol umm read up for the question

    yes.. i collect rocks.. and old hats.

    have you ever blown up a frog?
  • What kinda question is that..

    ever disected something?
  • ive done hearts and eyes.

    ever eaten a kosher hot dog?
  • probably not.

    ever eaten shark?
  • nope but squid is ok..

    have you ever put on underware and realized it wasnt urs, becasue it got mixed up and accidentally put in your drawe?r
  • pshhh, woman please, i need no underwear!

    have you ever caught a shark?
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