In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • ew..sweetness+no underwear=BARF

    no but i've eaten

    ever caught something in the water, but scared you so you threw it back in?
  • no
    hey for all you know i have the body of a greek god! me+no underwear=absolutely fabulous.

    have you ever fought an animal?
  • unless it's a kitty then no..

    (I assume your name is joe?)Joe+no underwear=slowly step back..

    ever eaten something that made you sick?
  • i made some bad pizza. i felt bad

    have you ever won a trophy?
  • nope but i have plenty of ribons and a couple of fitness awards.

    have you ever been attacked by a giant moth????
  • no.....
    i suppose you have??

    ever been attacked at the zoo by an animal?
  • yes, moths are no friend of mine!

    have you ever been given an ultra sweet nickname like "platinum" or "the elegance"?
  • no..i have a long list of nicknames but no extra sweet ones come up there..

    ever gotten such a silly nickname that you hated that person for giving it to you?
  • no and no lol
    allthough people do all me cheerio and bitch lol
    some call me cherry..

    have you ever pee'd your self while laughing
  • no, should i?

    have you ever peed in a public place?
  • Yeah..public restrooms.

    ever peed while people watching you?
  • ni, i get the stage fright.

    ever peek at someone else while they pee?
  • No sweetness, i'm not as derrty as you.

    Ever drank pee?
  • no im not as dirty as you.

    ever eat a cigarette?
  • nah, i dont smoke/eat cigs.

    eaten something really weird but delicious?
  • QUOTE (sweetness @ Aug 9 2006, 01:06 PM)
    no im not as dirty as you.

    ever eat a cigarette?

    Some say that urine is actually very good for you. Though, I think they're wrong, they do say it.

    And I don't touch cigarettes let alone eat them.

    Have you ever gone camping in the wilderness?
  • no. I'd get too scared and pee in my pants.

    do you like bears?
  • YES! alot, i also like bear costumes.

    have you ever worn a shark costume?
  • no but i wish i had. I like costumes.

    Do you like koala bears? I DO! How bout you?
  • not as much as other marcupials.

    have you ever cried over spilt milk?
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